Topic: USS BASS MASTER the end of an erra:  (Read 2009 times)

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USS BASS MASTER the end of an erra:
« on: October 24, 2003, 07:17:02 pm »
Most of youknow of my fondness for bass fishing. ( hehehe  ...  like there's a big shock! ) .  This past few months has been bitter sweet for me personally.  thoug we had a reasonably good season bass fishing we also had a bout or two with skin cancer...  OK...  BEFORE anyone hits the panic button...  it was all caught in the early stages and was determined to be PRE-cancerious.  God has indeed been gracious.  And I want to go on record giving thanks for that major relief.  Howerver, the insrtuctions for our Doctors tell us that the smart thing for us to do in ADDITION to the longsleeve shirts..  wide brim hats, etc..  is to limit our exposure in the sun.  We have only had out the RL Bass Master this year about 4 times this year.  For those of you who migh not be in the know on high performance engines that is hard on them.  Infact it will ruin the engine to simply let it set for long peroids of time.

Sooooo  what  the heck does that have to do with SFC....  and MODELING? ...  simply this:  we are selling our bass boat..  a 2000 Nitro , 21' CDX by Bass ProShops with a 225hp Merc and 76# thrust trolling motor.   As a result we are looking into expanding our horizons in the SFC community:  namely Modeling.  This afternoon we were given a new copy of Autodesk Inventor.  It's an auto cad ..  3-D  I have no idea if it will prefor the tasks neccessary.  But I would like very much to try.

As with any program..  I'm certain that we will have to import the necessary stuff to get the proper textures..  etc.  Look guys .  I have a lot to learn.  If someone would be so kind as to point me in the right direction.  Kinda give me some help in getting started...  man  I would deeply appreciate it.

( I know...   we have one heck of a lot of work to do....  but it will be worth it.)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by olbuzzard »


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Re: USS BASS BASTER the end of an erra:
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2003, 07:26:24 pm »
i really dont know much about those 3d programs.. but if you are using a 3d autocad.. there will be a dxf file format which is cross platform.. dont know much beyond that.

Captain Ron

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Re: USS BASS BASTER the end of an erra:
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2003, 09:00:54 pm »
The only 2 programs I know of that export a mod file that the game uses is 3-D max and Milkshape. I do believe max can import CAD files, so you will need max and the taldren plug-ins for it inorder to export the work you do for the game. Now putting textures onto the models can be done in max and through a program called UUView (milkshape can also be used for that purpose).

Testures are made using the expotrted wraps from max or milkshape, you also can use someone else and rework them with your own ideas. Hotoshop is the high end product for making textures, PaintShop Pro is a mid level program you can pick up for a bout 60 bucks (photoshop is 600). If you have a scanner the program to edit the files that you scan in can also be used if you don't have any of these paint can be used but it linints you too much for you to do any really great quality work.

To create Mod files:
Max 3D

Texture work:
Corel Draw
PaintShop Pro
Scanner version of (paint or photo shop)
MS paint.

Lots of time!
most of the time Texturing will far out strip the time its takes to create the ship, this of coarse really depends on the level of detail you wish.

Starting points
Texturing: use what you have availble first if you have a scanner program use it if not start with paint and try it out by changing the look of existing textures and work your way to creating new ones to replace the orginals. Eventually you will work your way up to PaintShop Pro (minimum to do Regisrty work) and if need by to go professional then PhotoShop or Corel draw will work better for you then. I am using PaintShop Pro 8 currently and it can be used quite effectivily it covers everything you pretty much need and really will not limit your growth or potiential. Paint and the Scanner software depending on your current capabilities you will out grow in a few weeks. If you want to start out here with a good program with out costing you your lives savings PaintShop Pro is a good program. It may take years for your abilities to out grow this program to warrent a heavy investment in PhotoShop or Corel Draw.

Modelling: Milkshape works really well here as well for 25 dolloars you can register this program and use it for the rest of your life it ports to many games as long as you download and install the free plug-ins for exporting/importing for it. The Higher end (for SFC at lease) requires Max (lightwave and others can not export the mod files). I would say start off with Milkshape and Kitbash ships take parts from other ships and merge them into new ships to try out eventually working your way to creating your own works. Once you start to create your own works I would move to Max or some time along the way as Milkshape starts to feel limiting to you.


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Re: USS BASS BASTER the end of an erra:
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2003, 09:50:51 pm »

sounds like we need Milkshape...  how much  $$$$    ($20)..    your are kidding...    right ??   I already have photo-shop  5.5 and will be getting the up grade soon.

Since this other program was a gift .. we will just hang on to it.

"UView" ...  I've not heard about..  we will dig around to see where we can get it.

also ..  once the modeling side is done..  which programs..  and where can we get them to do the weapons arcs .. etc ..Basically creating the rest of the ship.  

BTW...  it should be noted here that the work done by the team on th USS BASS MASTER is more appreciated than ever as we are passing on from the RL bass fishing scene to this one.  

Thanks for the help.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by olbuzzard »

Captain Ron

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Re: USS BASS BASTER the end of an erra:
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2003, 04:22:06 am »


sounds like we need Milkshape...  how much  $$$$    ($20)..    your are kidding...    right ??   I already have photo-shop  5.5 and will be getting the up grade soon.

Since this other program was a gift .. we will just hang on to ir.

"UView" ...  I've not heard about..  we will dig around to see where we can get it.

also ..  once the modeling side is done..  which programs..  and where can we get them to do the weapons arcs .. etc ..Basically creating the rest of the ship.  

BTW...  it should be noted here that the work done by the team on th USS BASS MASTER is more appreciated than ever as we are passing on from the RL bass fishing scene to this one.  

Thanks for the help.  

Yes Milkshape is dirt cheap, but it has no tools to help you do the work. Max has allot more capabilities, but if you don't mind doing every poly yourself it can be done. Milkshape works very well for Kitbashing and small works, actually some of the modellers here use it for their models and they are completely new ones.

The hard points can be added in milkshape or max as well as damage points. They are tutorials available out there just google search for them. The Hard points are the points the weapons fire from and the way the game uses them vary, SFC 1,2 and OP all use it the same way SFC 3 is different. Most will use ShipEdit to assign the arcs to a hard point in SFC 1, 2 or OP. There is no tool yet for SFC 3 and you have to manually edit the files (hence I skip doing SFC 3 ships). ShipEdit is the easiest way to add models to the game or change the ships capabilities.

So if you have PhotoShop for Textures, you are covered there.
Milkshape ($25 bucks to register on-line) can be downloaded to play with for 30 days and can do everything else. You can build ships, kitbash them, and map textures with it. I would suggest getting it simply because it is a great learning tool and cheaper than $400 Max (UView is a Max plug-in and has to be bought seperately in version 2 and 3, I think 4 and 5 have its abilities built in now, not sure I use Milkshape)

ShipEdit for stats and editing the ship files for SFC 1, 2 and OP. Adding new classes in these games is more tricky and requires the editting of *.gf and string files, I no longer have the document that explains the majority of this stuff but it can still be found on-line. Chris Jones can help you out here more than likily as he is MOD king for this game, and contributed to that doc as well. UIs' can not be added to the game (except SFC 3) and that is the biggest limiter to us.


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Re: USS BASS BASTER the end of an erra:
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2003, 04:38:24 am »
Milkshape could be used to make the Hardpoints, the mesh and for texturing so you don't need max to make ships for SFC except you want to make models with more than 5000 polys  


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Re: USS BASS BASTER the end of an erra:
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2003, 04:59:13 am »
I use Milkshape almost exclusively. It does hardpoints now and light maps.  The only thing it can't do is break models (well as far as I know). I use PowerPoint for my textures because of its low-memory layering ability, and its shadowing and shading options.

Milkshap may be able to import CAD files, *.dxf I think is the extension, but I have never had much luck with that. I kept trying to import Solid Works files but that didn't work.

Interstellar Machine  


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Re: USS BASS MASTER the end of an erra:
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2003, 06:32:34 am »
ok...   we're off this early AM to spend quality time with the wiffey  ..  (garage sells this am...  )   ...  LOL  hehehe  .  We aproval from our finicial advisor to get the Milkshape program.   How about the Uview...  is that a software package or A DL form someone's web site.

I thought I would get someone to walk me throught the mechanics  (via msn or something on that order )  to review some DL's we have ..  making sure we have everythihg set up and good to go.  I thoiught about doing the new warp naucells we designed first,  That might be a good place to start.  Time comsuming on the first go around ( sorry ..  it's an old age thingy) ...  not quite as fast at this stuff to catch on as some of you guys are.  But once we catch on we can make better than average application of the acquireed knowlege.  Hmmmm...  come to think of it...  seems as though it's ALWAYS been that way.

 I just wish I could build a good version of the Titan for our Fleet Co...  Admiral Ken.  He has never asked anything of anyone that I'm aware of.  And always seems to be giving to others.    Now I'm starting to babble again....  heheheh

You gentlemen have been more than helpful. Much thanks ...  yet again.


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Re: USS BASS MASTER the end of an erra:
« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2003, 08:01:29 am »
UView is not a MAX plug-in as someone mentioned here, it's a seperate program by itself.

In the end, you will need max. It is the only program that can create everything for the ship models including the break models. It can also render a scene. Even if you create a mesh and texture it in another program, you will need to run it through max in the end, even if it's just to create the break mod.  


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Re: USS BASS MASTER the end of an erra:
« Reply #9 on: October 25, 2003, 11:35:18 am »
Been kinda crusing some of the web stuff..  One of the sites mentioned something that I do believe is true: "no two people are going to do things exactly alike."  And that seems to be as good a point to remember as any when doing this gig.  Next...  I just a beginner.  Trying to get the right editors etc so we can use the USS Bass Master as well as taking the first baby steps into a whole new world.  For me those first steps of understanding how to even make the programs functional will be a bit confusing.  I have never seen most of these programs, let alone do CAD work.  But I know we can do this.  It also seems to me that we might need to start with the simplest of programs to operate and graduate to the more complex as we develope a better understanding of the format used in such work.

All input here is appreciated.


Captain Ron

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Re: USS BASS MASTER the end of an erra:
« Reply #10 on: October 25, 2003, 03:21:05 pm »

UView is not a MAX plug-in as someone mentioned here, it's a seperate program by itself.

In the end, you will need max. It is the only program that can create everything for the ship models including the break models. It can also render a scene. Even if you create a mesh and texture it in another program, you will need to run it through max in the end, even if it's just to create the break mod.  

That was me was not sure on that one and also stated so! as I don't use max or UView because of the cost, I will eventually get there but not yet. Ol'Buz start with Milkshape even if it can not do everything it is a good place to start, if this turns out not to be your cup of tea then the investment is small and easy to move on from. PhotoShop is the high end for texturing since you have it no need to patch it yet it is fine as is to do the work (and will reduce your out of pocket costs). UView if I remember wright was expensive and you do not need it for Milkshape. So to start off it is a 25 dollar investment for you and allot of time to learn the basics of model building and texturing.


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Re: USS BASS MASTER the end of an erra:
« Reply #11 on: October 25, 2003, 07:11:27 pm »

We spent a lot of time with the wife today trying to track down a new matress set a king size bed .....  YIKES !!!  We did not pay that much for the eitire bed room  and it's solid oak  ( $600 new ..  big head board and huge dresser and mirror) ..  again what the heck does this have to do with SFC ???  Frankly, after nearly 30 years ...  EVERYTHING !!!!!    

There wont be too much $$$ available until the 21' bass boat is sold.   So the suggestions you have made, so far seem to be reasonable.  Besides ..  I have a LOT to learn.

For example we did the DL thing for SFC-OP ship editor.  We have a lot done.  The firing arcs look good and the weapons seem to be as we planed.  (kinda wish we knew where exactly they were placed.  That part does not seem to be available.   After exporting it to a floder set up just for new ships to be edited as needed...  we were ready to import it and do some revisions.  Unfortunately Windows XP did not recognize the program that generated the info...   soooo  we are kind at a stand still until we fix that.

The Milkshape program already sounds interesting.  Man  ....  as many times as we asked Nanner about this over the last year and a half...  I wish we had came here first.  You guys seem to be as much help as I could ask for.

Thanks ...  

Captain Ron

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Re: USS BASS MASTER the end of an erra:
« Reply #12 on: October 25, 2003, 08:13:28 pm »
For many of us this is the game that started us all into mods, and this is the forum were the community started to grow until the OFF-Topic one came into being.


Here is enough to get you started.
Hope it helps you out.


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Re: USS BASS MASTER the end of an erra:
« Reply #13 on: October 25, 2003, 09:35:36 pm »
Thanks ...  we will start the DL's just before bed...  any suggestions like this are very much appreciated.  


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Re: USS BASS MASTER the end of an erra:
« Reply #14 on: November 07, 2003, 06:55:54 am »
where's the download? Or is this a private ship?


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Re: USS BASS MASTER the end of an erra:
« Reply #15 on: November 07, 2003, 07:10:03 am »
aethorhaven probably will make a seperate download available when he is ready, but it is in the Generations at War mod.


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Re: USS BASS MASTER the end of an erra:
« Reply #16 on: November 07, 2003, 09:17:34 am »
It's been ready for download for a while now.  

Just was waiting for the word that it was officially in Ol' Buzzard's game and he was flying it before I was going to do a general release.

Should have this up by tomorrow morning, won't have time to do so before work this morning..