Hey thanks Karnak! IMO you can never have too many new missions!
I feel like I've been swamping Pelican and usurping his powers for my own evil deeds

My mission wish list:
1. All the coolest missions for SFC2
2. ALL missions to have multiplayer capability. If I take a SCAN mission, I want the enemy to be able to drop in and thwart me!
3. Mundane missions like delivering spare parts to a ship in distress, delivering medical supplies to a colony in need, making first contact with an alien species ect. Stuff with no other purpose than to make you feel like you are really part of the star trek universe. No combat, just simple, straightforward mission with minimal pp that takes a minute or two. I wish I had 100 of these missions... You could even combine them all into one mission, have the name be something like "New Orders" and have the script randomly pick from one of 100 different mundane misisons. You could even just change the names of stuff and ships in the missions, and their briefings, so you could use the same missions over and over as different ones. Like take a Scan mission - change the briefing to say "We have lost contact with the Colony in this sector. You are ordered to scan the colony and report anything unusual." instead of "scan this planet at range 20" or whatever Scan says. Then you could have the players ship start at a different location, and viola! a new mission! Change the mission to make it so you have to transport something to the surface, and you could make "Diplomacy" "First Contact" "Medical Aid" and a whole lot of missions just by changing the "thing" you transport and the briefing text.
4. Variant "Patrol" missions. Like one that starts all combatants with all systems destroyed so they have to repair them before battle. And maybe one that starts the combat with both sides stuck in a minefield!
5. A mission where you are investigating a distress call and when you show up, there is nothing but a lot of debris (junked ships) and while you are scanning it an enemy fleet appears, and you have to power down all systems and wait for them to pass, then escape and report back to HQ! Like 5 BB's flying right by you...
I could go on and on...