Topic: Y do you guys mod this game  (Read 1976 times)

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Y do you guys mod this game
« on: November 06, 2003, 11:17:39 am »
Since there are games out that come with stock models that have 4000-12000 polygons. Said games can have  ships in greater quantities and run smoother on a system then this game does. To me it would seem that if you spending time on making ships. Would,nt you want to put it in a game where the backgrounds look better and are 3d.


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Re: Y do you guys mod this game
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2003, 11:20:01 am »
I think it's love.

We love SFC (warts and all) and the sense of community we get from creativity and sharing.  

Rod O'neal

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Re: Y do you guys mod this game
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2003, 11:36:07 am »

I think it's love.

We love SFC (warts and all) and the sense of community we get from creativity and sharing.  

Agreed! We love this game!

I'll add to that, for myself personally, the ruleset. It's based on SFB that many of us have played and enjoyed for many, many years. All the time we were saying, "Man, I wish someone would come out with this as a video game." Finally, someone did. Now we're gonna play this for many, many years. Even though all of the rules, etc. couldn't be carried over to SFC, evidently, the addictiveness was. There are just as many people, maybe more, who have never played SFB who have become avid (rabid) fans of this game.

Some of us mod to get it closer to SFB, others to get it closer to cannon Trek. This creates some interesting "conversations" at times , but we all still enjoy the game/s enough to not let that bother us too much.  


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Re: Y do you guys mod this game
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2003, 11:41:12 am »
What good are polygons when the game isn't much fun? And at higher resolution and with well done textures this game can look pretty darned good. How many times have game companies released a  What Ever II Only to have made a game that only half as fun as the original. It may look a bit nicer but it isn't nearly as fun. (eg. Tomb Raider, Diablo... etc.)

Part of the secret to SFC is it is essentialy a naval tactical conflict between starships waged on a two dimensional plane. Starships combat does not necessarily lend itself well two a three dimensional space. By eliminating the Z axis you concentrate more on range and tactics instead of dogfighting. Leave the dogfighting to fighters and joysticks.  
« Last Edit: November 06, 2003, 11:44:57 am by Rogue »


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Re: Y do you guys mod this game
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2003, 11:45:00 am »
And so we will have both come 2004.

Playstation 2 will debut Star Trek: Shattered Universe, in which SFC players be now be the fighters and enjoy that Z axis.

Lord Schtupp

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Re: Y do you guys mod this game
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2003, 12:35:23 pm »

What good are polygons when the game isn't much fun? And at higher resolution and with well done textures this game can look pretty darned good. How many times have game companies released a  What Ever II Only to have made a game that only half as fun as the original. It may look a bit nicer but it isn't nearly as fun. (eg. Tomb Raider, Diablo... etc.)

Part of the secret to SFC is it is essentialy a naval tactical conflict between starships waged on a two dimensional plane. Starships combat does not necessarily lend itself well two a three dimensional space. By eliminating the Z axis you concentrate more on range and tactics instead of dogfighting. Leave the dogfighting to fighters and joysticks.    

Could'nt have put it better myself. Of course the fact that SFC is based on Star Fleet Battles is also a big factor for myself, having played that game since 1979.  


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Re: Y do you guys mod this game
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2003, 01:03:23 pm »

And so we will have both come 2004.

Playstation 2 will debut Star Trek: Shattered Universe, in which SFC players be now be the fighters and enjoy that Z axis.

There was a ST game for playstation that I had...sucked eggs. Was a fighter type, and was no fun. Now this game, it has most of the elements we all seem to want...and we can customize it to our hearts content.



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Re: Y do you guys mod this game
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2003, 01:51:22 pm »
That would probably have been Star Trek: Invasion.

I stil have it but have not touched it fo rmonths. It is a TOUGH game. And I have played a LOT of these kinds of shooters. This was a killer. Part of the problem with it is the blasted timer. You have this countdown clock that adds too much stress to already intense battles. On the good side, many of the ship designs are really cool.


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Re: Y do you guys mod this game
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2003, 02:11:19 pm »
Well, yeah love nad that this game allos us to tweak it until it feels right...i usually play at school during breaks and cannot stand the stock ships.

But the main thing is that the game allows us to express our own individuality.

Semper Fi, Carry On


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Re: Y do you guys mod this game
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2003, 02:25:32 pm »
Another reason that we mod this game is because it takes little effort outside of making the ships and textures. Most other moddable games out there require a lot more work and take a great deal more time for each ship (BC and KA for example). I've spent the past week trying to get a single ship in BC and in that time I could've converted and released twelve times that many for SFC (not including the time it takes to build them of course).

SFC can handle high-res ships, its just we don't make them too detailed because most computers can't handle them. It's not so much the game but the system it runs on that determines the amount of detail. Most modders prefer spending more time on getting the ships to look right and are less concerned with modeling the dinky little phaser mounts and puny light domes which nobody is going to see unless they're nose to nose with the ships anyway.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by WickedZombie45 »


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Re: Y do you guys mod this game
« Reply #10 on: November 06, 2003, 02:26:52 pm »
because im a trek geek and this game brings me closer to the battles in trek than any other.

nuff said.


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Re: Y do you guys mod this game
« Reply #11 on: November 06, 2003, 05:35:29 pm »
I went from Legos to MilkShape, SFC is mearly a showroom for my creations. Adding a ship is quick and easy. As far as the poly limitations . . . I love the challenge!

Interstellar Machine



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Re: Y do you guys mod this game
« Reply #12 on: November 06, 2003, 05:49:57 pm »
Because we can.  


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Re: Y do you guys mod this game
« Reply #13 on: November 06, 2003, 10:18:35 pm »
I'll agree.. this is a love affair for me I think.  Started when I first saw a demo movie for SFC 1 with a flyby scene of an FCA taking damage.  I saw that and swore that I'd get my hands first on the machine that could run that nicely.. and then on the game itself.  Took a bit, but got both of them.  Then I got my hands on SFC 2, and went "Ooooo.. lights!".  Then I thought... "Hmmmm, I wonder how they do that?"  

I got my hands on Taldren's ModViewer.  Found out I could look at the ships outside the game.  Then it was looking at the textures and thinking,"These guys must be geniuses.. how do they do that?"  Then I got pigheaded and started playing around.  Screwed up the good looks of more than a few models.  Then I got one looking where I was happy with it.  (Low standards then).  Then I realized that I could, with enough playing, do anything that I wanted to do with those textures.  That's a powerful feeling... and I was hooked on texturing.

For me, half the fun is seeing what I can do.  And half the fun is releasing something and knowing that that work has never been seen *exactly* in that fashion before.  Last I heard, you can't modify the game ships on anything stored on a CD on a PS2.. and for me, that kind of rules that out.

This is all nicely summed up with two sets of words alright:

"Because We Can" and
"If We Don't Do It, Who Else Will?"

and to paraphrase:
"If you want a starship built right, do it yourself".  


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Re: Y do you guys mod this game
« Reply #14 on: November 06, 2003, 10:21:52 pm »


Captain Ron

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Re: Y do you guys mod this game
« Reply #15 on: November 06, 2003, 10:47:18 pm »

Since there are games out that come with stock models that have 4000-12000 polygons. Said games can have  ships in greater quantities and run smoother on a system then this game does. To me it would seem that if you spending time on making ships. Would,nt you want to put it in a game where the backgrounds look better and are 3d.  

Yes but name a game of those that has the game play as this one. I can't think of one game that is like this one neither can everyone here or we would be there.


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Re: Y do you guys mod this game
« Reply #16 on: November 07, 2003, 12:00:26 am »
I enjoy the models and mods created... I cannot model nor texture, but am very familiar with changing the game itself and adding said models....

Just like they have said above, but in different perspective... for as two-dimensional (not axises, just generally), and half-assed it is, they at Taldren did have the great generosity and (ultimately) skill to create a 'half-assed' game to let adventuring fellows like myself fiddle with it, customizing it to what my dream Star Trek game would be like, just like it does for him or him.

I have always loved Star Trek, got kind of bored with SFB..... but SFB did give you an excellent platform of rules to operate with... and having a visual version of SFB really up's the interest factor....
that, and every other Trek game has been drastically retarded and boring...
at least with this game you can play it again and again and usually get a different experience... some games, I can't be stopped, others, I get beaten like a lippy crackwhore.

It's ll in what you make it- this is all I have, I don't really like video games, as no other game really encompasses the true feeling of what I think engaging in starship combat would be like- these are mighty starships; even with frigates, they should be flown with dignity, like the great galleons of yesteryear.  


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Re: Y do you guys mod this game
« Reply #17 on: November 07, 2003, 03:32:54 am »
Well said Reverend!