Been doing some research into which classes were around in the period between TMP and TNG, and came up with a partial list. Mind you, these ships and dates are based mainly on DITL, so there may some differences in opinion on them. I tried to get ships that were built in the late 23rd century and early 24th century.
I would like opinions and such, as I would also like to start a fan RPG for this period. Any thoughts?
Here's the list:
FEDERATION Ambassador, commisioned 2330/ Heavy Cruiser (completed)
Centaur, commisioned 2325/ Frigate (re-texturing)
Cheyenne, commisioned 2345/ Scout (completed)
Constellation, commisioned 2283/ Light Cruiser
Excelsior, commisioned 2287/ Heavy Cruiser
Ent.B re-fit, commisioned 2293/ Heavy Cruiser
Freedom, commisioned 2335/ Destroyer
Niagara, commisioned 2336/ Fast Cruiser
Oberth, commisioned 2269/ Science Vessel
Saber, commisioned 2343/ Scout
Steamrunner, commisioned 2342/ Light Cruiser
KLINGON BoP (various forms), commisioned 2277/ Scout; Frigate; Cruiser
D-7 re-fit, commisioned 2267/ Battlecruiser
K'Tinga, commisioned 2269/ Battlecruiser
ROMULAN BoP, commisioned 2266/ Warship
Melak, commisioned 2310(?)/ Cruiser
D'Deridex, commisioned 2345/ Battleship
CARDASSIAN Akril, commisioned 2318(?)/ Cruiser (mesh by Azel, texturing by Furyofaserraph (sp?)
