Hi again everyone

I got a question here I'm hoping someone can help me out with.
I'm messing around with the MetaAssets folder in the single player part. I"m wanting to change around some of the things going on the map, yet I can't remember for the life of me what numbers did what to what. Like this
// This is the basic chance that a ship will be made by the empire
Shuttle = 0.01
Freighter = 0.03
Frigate = 0.20
Destroyer = 0.15
LightCruiser = 0.15
HeavyCruiser = 0.10
HeavyBattlecruiser = 0.10
Dreadnought = 0.10
Battleship = 0.10
ListeningPost = 0.10
Shipyard = 0.10
BaseStation = 0.10
BattleStation = 0.10
StarBase = 0.10
To have less big ships on here was it higher numbers or lower number did that? Seeing it says BASIC CHANCE a ship will be made by an empire, wouldn't that mean the lower the number the lower the chance?
Anyone remember any links for some info on this? Any help would be cool
Ps. I"m really looking for alot of info on how to change most of the files in here. No idea where to look or even begin Help
