Topic: Question about SFC3  (Read 2136 times)

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Question about SFC3
« on: November 15, 2003, 12:25:34 pm »
When playing Federation conquest or any conquest is there a way to have the enemies be more aggressive? The only time an enemy attacks is when you move into their section. I am playing on the most difficult setting, increased the enemies weapon?s damage, added shields to the Borg ships, and it is still to easy. How do I make it harder to win? Is there also a way to have the Klingons as an enemy?            


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Re: Question about SFC3
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2003, 12:42:42 pm »
Well, if your that good, get online for a challenge


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Re: Question about SFC3
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2003, 12:52:05 pm »
That does not answer the question. This is not a brag or to boast about my play. The question is sincere. How to increase the difficult level?  


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Re: Question about SFC3
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2003, 01:32:47 pm »
No, dont get me wrong, I werent saying you were bragging atall...I really think you should get online. Its much better than on your own in conquest. The ai do what they do, there is no real way to change the way they act on the map...on the map they just don't do much.


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Re: Question about SFC3
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2003, 01:44:01 pm »
I don't know if this is what you want but it will make it harder by increasing the size and/or number of AI enemies you face. If you want to make the AI "smarter" or "tougher" you can't, beyond modding them stronger as you have. All you can do is make the enemy AI larger or more numerous. This is how you do that. Be sure to back up all original files before modfying them. Also you will need to right click the file and choose "Properties" to switch off the "Read Only" function before saving the changes.

Assuming a stock installation proceedure, go to:

Program Files\Activision\Sfc3\MetaAssets\ServerProfiles\SinglePlayer\Mission Matching - (you can open it with Notepad)

Inside there you will see these lines:

//modifier based difficulty setting
CaptainDiff =0.85
CommodoreDiff =1.0
AdmiralDiff =1.15

Change the Admiral setting to one higher than 1.15. I don't know how high you can go, but I have seen as high as 2.0. This will increase the difficulty level on Admiral setting up to twice your ships combat rating. Good luck.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Corbomite »


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Re: Question about SFC3
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2003, 02:14:16 pm »
Thank you Corbomite. I will give it a try and hope it works. Is there a way to have the Klingons as an enemy?    


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Re: Question about SFC3
« Reply #6 on: November 15, 2003, 07:56:58 pm »
Using the same path go into MetaMap. You will see these entries-



Depending on how mad you want them to be at each other, under Federation raise the Klingon entry higher than the stock 145 (right now as you can see they are pretty chummy). You can go as high as 1000 if you want total war. Do the same in the Klingon section in the Federation entry. They don't have to be equal, but if you want it to work right they should at least be close. As before backup the file before modding.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Corbomite »


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Re: Question about SFC3
« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2003, 09:16:50 pm »
Thanks again.


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Re: Question about SFC3
« Reply #8 on: November 22, 2003, 07:13:08 am »
Here are a couple more things u can do follow the same path as above to the AI file and find this line

StartingAIRating               = 1200

change the 1200 to oh say 6000  or bettter and your ai's should start out as admirals. Haven't actually tried it my self but it should work.

iIn the Goal file find this line change the odds from 50 to 100 and ai's will actively hunt you

OddsAttack      = 50   // 0...100 chance that AI will attack an enemy in hex

beyond that you can give them harder hitting weapons in the defaultloadout and make them turn faster than you by adjusting mass in defaultcore

Hope this helps

BTW there are some very powerful ships on my GOC server I would be happy to destroy you as many times as you wish--
lol come fly online humans are always a harder challenge especially those of us who have a few miles under our belts.  


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Re: Question about SFC3
« Reply #9 on: November 22, 2003, 10:28:13 am »
Thanks you Gravy. I will take a look and try it. I especially like the OddsAttack. This will hopefully increase the enemy?s aggression and put you on the defensive more often. I think it will improve the game play if a person is attacked more often and doesn?t get to pick most of the battles.  


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Question about SFC3
« Reply #10 on: November 15, 2003, 12:25:34 pm »
When playing Federation conquest or any conquest is there a way to have the enemies be more aggressive? The only time an enemy attacks is when you move into their section. I am playing on the most difficult setting, increased the enemies weapon?s damage, added shields to the Borg ships, and it is still to easy. How do I make it harder to win? Is there also a way to have the Klingons as an enemy?            


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Re: Question about SFC3
« Reply #11 on: November 15, 2003, 12:42:42 pm »
Well, if your that good, get online for a challenge


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Re: Question about SFC3
« Reply #12 on: November 15, 2003, 12:52:05 pm »
That does not answer the question. This is not a brag or to boast about my play. The question is sincere. How to increase the difficult level?  


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Re: Question about SFC3
« Reply #13 on: November 15, 2003, 01:32:47 pm »
No, dont get me wrong, I werent saying you were bragging atall...I really think you should get online. Its much better than on your own in conquest. The ai do what they do, there is no real way to change the way they act on the map...on the map they just don't do much.


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Re: Question about SFC3
« Reply #14 on: November 15, 2003, 01:44:01 pm »
I don't know if this is what you want but it will make it harder by increasing the size and/or number of AI enemies you face. If you want to make the AI "smarter" or "tougher" you can't, beyond modding them stronger as you have. All you can do is make the enemy AI larger or more numerous. This is how you do that. Be sure to back up all original files before modfying them. Also you will need to right click the file and choose "Properties" to switch off the "Read Only" function before saving the changes.

Assuming a stock installation proceedure, go to:

Program Files\Activision\Sfc3\MetaAssets\ServerProfiles\SinglePlayer\Mission Matching - (you can open it with Notepad)

Inside there you will see these lines:

//modifier based difficulty setting
CaptainDiff =0.85
CommodoreDiff =1.0
AdmiralDiff =1.15

Change the Admiral setting to one higher than 1.15. I don't know how high you can go, but I have seen as high as 2.0. This will increase the difficulty level on Admiral setting up to twice your ships combat rating. Good luck.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Corbomite »


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Re: Question about SFC3
« Reply #15 on: November 15, 2003, 02:14:16 pm »
Thank you Corbomite. I will give it a try and hope it works. Is there a way to have the Klingons as an enemy?    


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Re: Question about SFC3
« Reply #16 on: November 15, 2003, 07:56:58 pm »
Using the same path go into MetaMap. You will see these entries-



Depending on how mad you want them to be at each other, under Federation raise the Klingon entry higher than the stock 145 (right now as you can see they are pretty chummy). You can go as high as 1000 if you want total war. Do the same in the Klingon section in the Federation entry. They don't have to be equal, but if you want it to work right they should at least be close. As before backup the file before modding.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Corbomite »


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Re: Question about SFC3
« Reply #17 on: November 15, 2003, 09:16:50 pm »
Thanks again.


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Re: Question about SFC3
« Reply #18 on: November 22, 2003, 07:13:08 am »
Here are a couple more things u can do follow the same path as above to the AI file and find this line

StartingAIRating               = 1200

change the 1200 to oh say 6000  or bettter and your ai's should start out as admirals. Haven't actually tried it my self but it should work.

iIn the Goal file find this line change the odds from 50 to 100 and ai's will actively hunt you

OddsAttack      = 50   // 0...100 chance that AI will attack an enemy in hex

beyond that you can give them harder hitting weapons in the defaultloadout and make them turn faster than you by adjusting mass in defaultcore

Hope this helps

BTW there are some very powerful ships on my GOC server I would be happy to destroy you as many times as you wish--
lol come fly online humans are always a harder challenge especially those of us who have a few miles under our belts.  


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Re: Question about SFC3
« Reply #19 on: November 22, 2003, 10:28:13 am »
Thanks you Gravy. I will take a look and try it. I especially like the OddsAttack. This will hopefully increase the enemy?s aggression and put you on the defensive more often. I think it will improve the game play if a person is attacked more often and doesn?t get to pick most of the battles.