Um... I hope he gets well soon....
But who is Victor?
Annyways get well soon Victor.
Guys, Victor1st is one of four people who runs the STGD (Star Trek Gamers Directory).
Like him or not -- like the STGD or not -- he was here before Taldren, all of our fleets and at times is controversial. He has always been a voice for the "average" gamers -- not just the game companies.
He helped form the early days of Trek gaming, and has been here through the long ride. He has pissed off a few, including Taldren with his outspokenness ... But he has a depth and breadth for Trek gaming and a vast database of sources. He has worked with game publishers, built and torn down gaming sites.
He lives in Scotland. I talk to him daily. For months I have tried to be a calming influence in his life. The Scots have a bit of a temper, you know. He is a good man, with a a love and passion for ALL Trek games and gamers.
He will boast, brag and get in your face -- even mine at times -- if you challenge his personal ethics or integrity.
Ya' gotta love the guys spirit.
This is a man who worked with the early fleets on GSA, gave them a home with over 1,700 voices, forums and downloads for SFB, Armada, Birth of the Federation, Elite Force, Bridge Commander, Klingon Academy, Orion Pirates and on and on.
He gave the clans/fleets and identity; made them feel at home, monitored their progress, counseled and helped -- for free, no questions asked.
He is a man of vision and insight ...
He has supported Unity, DominionWars and Near Distant Future with a home and forums. He provides a service of high-speed downloads for all mods and games Trek from his pocket every month and keeps 1,000 megs of bandwidth alive.
He worked with GZLeagues in te early days; Whoo knows him well.
He has been called "Hitler" by some and a saint by others.
Vic is just *Vic*.
Let's hope he returns soon in good health. The stress of the last few days was enough for us and him.