Topic: Mirak, Kzinti, what's the difference?  (Read 2365 times)

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Mirak, Kzinti, what's the difference?
« on: June 13, 2005, 02:09:50 am »
I noticed the striking similarity that the Mirak ships bear to Kzinti ships, and I heard somewhere that the Mirak actually are the Kzinti but had to be renamed due to some sort of copyright infringement.  Does anyone have any more information on this?  Which do most people prefer, Mirak or Kzinti?


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Re: Mirak, Kzinti, what's the difference?
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2005, 02:35:04 am »
 The 2 are related by a common ancestor. But NEVER say this 2 either of the races they will kill you on the spot.they despise each other.
 And anybody who would even mention such a thing.

 And the other big differance is that the Lyrans are Honrable, and allies of the Klingon Empire.
 And the Mirak, are dishonrable lap dogs of the Fedaration. ;) ;D

Offline EmeraldEdge

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Re: Mirak, Kzinti, what's the difference?
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2005, 02:56:07 am »
Um, I think he's talking about the Kzinti from SFB and the Mirak in SFC, not the Mirak/Lyran thing. ;)

Yeah, they are the same race.  The rights to the Kzinti name aren't part of the same package as the whole SFB thing, since they were created in a Trek novel, I believe.  I can't remember who has the rights, Niven or somethign like that isn't it?  Anyway...  Instead of dishing out all the extra cash to procure the name and likeness, they decided to just rename them, revamp the look (I'm presonally not fond of the cat vs. dog thing, but such is life).

Offline Rod ONeal

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Re: Mirak, Kzinti, what's the difference?
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2005, 09:00:47 am »
OK, I might have my history scewed, but I think the chronology for the Kzinti starts from TAS, then SFB, then the books.

The answer to the question though is, they are the same race and it was a licensing issue.
If Romulans aren't cowards, then why do they taste like chicken?


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Re: Mirak, Kzinti, what's the difference?
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2005, 09:05:50 am »
 Larry Niven had allready sold the licens. he was willing to let it be used, but the leagal heads said NO!!!
 Its really a shame!!! I love all of his work.


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Re: Mirak, Kzinti, what's the difference?
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2005, 09:10:28 am »
Um, I think he's talking about the Kzinti from SFB and the Mirak in SFC, not the Mirak/Lyran thing. ;)

Yeah, they are the same race.  The rights to the Kzinti name aren't part of the same package as the whole SFB thing, since they were created in a Trek novel, I believe.  I can't remember who has the rights, Niven or somethign like that isn't it?  Anyway...  Instead of dishing out all the extra cash to procure the name and likeness, they decided to just rename them, revamp the look (I'm presonally not fond of the cat vs. dog thing, but such is life).

 If you have never read any Larry Niven you are really missing out!!  I highly recommend all the Man Kzinti wars and the book Protector, then all of the Ring World books. then to top it off The Intragal Trees and the Smoke Ring.

 simply some of the best SF ever written!!! :)

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Re: Mirak, Kzinti, what's the difference?
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2005, 05:14:48 pm »
Thanks for clearing that up.  Do people around here more often refer to them as Mirak or Kzinti?  Do most people disregard the name change or is that something that only purists really do?


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Re: Mirak, Kzinti, what's the difference?
« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2005, 05:27:27 pm »
 Mirak or Lyrans. I just thought you would like the background for them.
 Read some of the Man Kzinti Wars some time you will love them and it will get you into the race.

 Mirak and Lyrans can be diffucult ships to fly for beginners some say. But i have flow them all and they can hold their own.