Topic: Ferret's Bar N Grill "EE and yatta freaks U R gonna luv this"  (Read 8386 times)

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Ferret's Bar N Grill "EE and yatta freaks U R gonna luv this"
« on: November 03, 2003, 03:37:43 am »
While waiting for my S.O. to return from dropping her kid brothers off I went on a google spree and ran into this rare GEM

YATTA! (All right!)/Happa-tai (Leaf Team)
Released April 18, 2001

G  R  Double-E  N  Leaves
G  R  Double-E  N  Leaves

It's so easy!  Happy-go-lucky!
We are the world!  We did it!
Hyuu!  Hyuu!  Hyuu!  Hyuu!  Osu!  Osu!  Osu!  Osu!  (Ai!)
Yatta!  Yatta!  
Daigaku gohgaku
Yatta!  Yatta!
Shachoh shuunin
Happa ichimai areba ii.  Ikite iru kara lucky da!

Yatta!  Yatta!
Tohsen kakujitsu
Yatta!  Yatta!
Nihon daihyoh
Yannaru kurai kenkoh da.
Everybody say yatta!

Nippon kyuukyuu (demo)
Ash*ta wa wonderful
Ijiwaru saretemo futon haireba
Guu guu guu guu!  Pass pass pass pass (Ohayo--!)

Yatta!  Yatta!
Kuujikan suimin
Yatta!  Yatta!
Neoki de jump
Donna ii koto aru daroh ikite ita kara lucky da!

Yatta!  Yatta!
Kimi ga kawareba
Yatta!  Yatta!
Sekai mo kawaru
Marugoshi dakara saikoh da massugu tattara kimochi ii--!

O-mizu nondara umee!  (Yatta!)
Hi ni atattara attakee!  (Yatta!)
Koshi kara warattara omoshiree!  (Yatta!  Yatta!)
Inu-katte mitara kawaii!  (Yatta!)


Surechigai-zama hohoemi kureta
Nido to aenaku-tatte ii kimi ga ita kara lucky da!

Heisei fukyoh seiji fushin
Reset sae surya saikoh da!  Minna iru kara tanoshii--!

Yatta!  Yatta!
Daigaku kyohsh*tsu
Yatta!  Yatta!
Movie star
Happa ichimai areba ii.  Minna issho da happy da!

Yatta!  Yatta!
Iki wo sueru
Yatta!  Yatta!
Iki wo hakeru
Yannaru gurai kenkoh da!  Everybody say yatta!

[Repeat *]

And now the translation:
G  R  Double-E  N  Leaves
G  R  Double-E  N  Leaves
It's so easy!  Happy-go-lucky!
We are the world!  We did it!
Whoo!  Whoo!  Whoo!  Whoo!  Yes!  Yes!  Yes!  Yes!  (Unh!)

All right!  All right!
We're doin' great in college!
All right!  All right!
Made president at our jobs!
Long as we've one leaf on,  we're doin' fine!  Hey, we're lucky just 'cause we're alive!

All right!  All right!
We've been confirmed for the prize!
All right!  All right!
We're representing Japan!
We're so healthy, it just makes ya sick!
Everybody say "All right!"

Japan's got crises (but)
Tomorrow's wonderful
Even if somebody's mean to us, we just go to bed and
Snore!  Snore!  Snore!  Snore!  Pass!  Pass!  Pass!  Pass!  (Good morniiiiing!)

All right!  All right!
We got nine hours of sleep!
All right!  All right!
Woke up and jumped outta bed
What kinda great things might await us now?  Hey, we're lucky just 'cause we're alive!

All right!  All right!
If there's a change in you
All right!  All right!
Then the whole world will change too.
Getting through it unhurt's the best of all.  Just stand up straight because it feels greeeaat!!

I drink water that's tasty!  (All right!)
I get in the sun and feel toasty!  (All right!)
Havin' a belly laugh's fun! (All right!  All right!)
Try keeping dogs--they're cute!  (All right!)


As we brushed past each other, you favored me with a smile.
It's okay if we never meet again.  I'm lucky you were here just for a while!

We've got recession these goverment we've no faith.
Could we hit "reset," that'd be number one!  And since we're all here, it's just so much fun!

All right!  All right!
In university class
All right!  All right!
We've got a movie star!
Long as we've one leaf on, we're doin' fine!  We're all together, it's a happy time!

All right!  All right!
Long as we still can breathe in...
All right!  All right!
Long as we still can breathe out...
We're so healthy, it just makes ya sick!
Everybody say "All right!"



found on

and if you  don't know what the rage is

And I'll not refund you for the four minutes you wasted in your life.  



  • Guest
Re: Ferret's Bar N Grill "EE and yatta freaks U R gonna luv this" *DELETED*
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2003, 06:38:16 pm »
Post deleted by ferretlxix
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by ferretlxix »


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Re: Ferret's Bar N Grill "EE and yatta freaks U R gonna luv this"
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2003, 07:54:48 pm »


  • Guest
Re: Ferret's Bar N Grill "EE and yatta freaks U R gonna luv this"
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2003, 09:22:08 pm »
OH S***[post edited by Moderitor Sirgod] What the H[post deleted by sirgod]

That is just so F[ post laughed at by sirgod]

dang I hate moderating my self.


Steph.. [Name deleted by sirgod]



  • Guest
Re: Ferret's Bar N Grill "EE and yatta freaks U R gonna luv this" *DELETED*
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2003, 11:51:02 pm »
Ah yes. YATTA the only download I use at work to chear up people when it get's Hectic

Shhhhhh  please don't tell my boss. He just can't get that tune out of his head after he hears it


  • Guest
Re: Ferret's Bar N Grill "EE and yatta freaks U R gonna luv this" *DELETED*
« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2003, 04:15:52 pm »

Ah yes. YATTA the only download I use at work to chear up people when it get's Hectic

Shhhhhh  please don't tell my boss. He just can't get that tune out of his head after he hears it  

Oh mann, that's a great Idea, I'll have to do that at the media center when I get back to work on Wednesday  


  • Guest
Re: Ferret's Bar N Grill "EE and yatta freaks U R gonna luv this"
« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2003, 01:47:59 pm »
I've always wondered what the hell those guys were saying.  lol.  

However, I do think that exposing us to this was a direct act of war from Japan.  To retaliate, I say we get a bunch of large white American guys, put them on a stage wearing nothing but a fig-leaf and have them sing the english translation of that song.  Afterwards, we spam all Japanese servers with the video of them doing so.  Estimated casualties are around Nagasaki X4 at least.  That will teach them not to mess with us.      


  • Guest
Re: Ferret's Bar N Grill "EE and yatta freaks U R gonna luv this"
« Reply #7 on: November 12, 2003, 04:56:08 am »

I've always wondered what the hell those guys were saying.  lol.  

However, I do think that exposing us to this was a direct act of war from Japan.  To retaliate, I say we get a bunch of large white American guys, put them on a stage wearing nothing but a fig-leaf and have them sing the english translation of that song.  Afterwards, we spam all Japanese servers with the video of them doing so.  Estimated casualties are around Nagasaki X4 at least.  That will teach them not to mess with us.      

So you mean we send em Nsync or some other american bomb---I mean boy band.

Or we could go major thermonuclear and send em Hansen.  

And then we can doo wop them with all kinds of bombs all over.    


  • Guest
Re: Ferret's Bar N Grill "EE and yatta freaks U R gonna luv this"
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2004, 01:36:37 am »
This was worse than watrching Clockwork Orange. What a mind [bleep].

Having said that, and admiting the mind [bleep], I admit to having liked it. It grew on me like a fungus. Sick eh? I liked it even worse when my 18mo old came into the room dancing and prancing around. OMG! WHATS HAPPENING TO ME!!!

Lets go over this real quick... Fig leafs, naked men dancing on stage in fornt of countless teenage girls (and getting away with it...), absurd visuals, disturbing catchy beat... I think this is a form of mind control...

The whole message... I'm still reeling from the full frontal assault to my senses, but I'll have to think more about the message they are sending out...


 I drink water that's tasty!  (All right!)
I get in the sun and feel toasty!  (All right!)
Havin' a belly laugh's fun! (All right!  All right!)
Try keeping dogs--they're cute!  (All right!)


Right now all I can say is  Noooo!  

EDIT: I was thinking, imagine if we did that here stateside. Using lets say Menudo or Nsync. There would be riots everywhere. Whole families would be put to the firing squad... There is just NO WAY IN HELL anyone in the states could even ATTEMPT to come CLOSE to following that act! OMG! They would instantly be shot dead... Instantly.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2004, 01:40:15 am by Dizzy »


  • Guest
Re: Ferret's Bar N Grill "EE and yatta freaks U R gonna luv this"
« Reply #9 on: January 02, 2004, 02:09:14 pm »

This was worse than watrching Clockwork Orange. What a mind [bleep].

Having said that, and admiting the mind [bleep], I admit to having liked it. It grew on me like a fungus. Sick eh? I liked it even worse when my 18mo old came into the room dancing and prancing around. OMG! WHATS HAPPENING TO ME!!!

Lets go over this real quick... Fig leafs, naked men dancing on stage in fornt of countless teenage girls (and getting away with it...), absurd visuals, disturbing catchy beat... I think this is a form of mind control...

The whole message... I'm still reeling from the full frontal assault to my senses, but I'll have to think more about the message they are sending out...


 I drink water that's tasty!  (All right!)
I get in the sun and feel toasty!  (All right!)
Havin' a belly laugh's fun! (All right!  All right!)
Try keeping dogs--they're cute!  (All right!)


Right now all I can say is  Noooo!  

EDIT: I was thinking, imagine if we did that here stateside. Using lets say Menudo or Nsync. There would be riots everywhere. Whole families would be put to the firing squad... There is just NO WAY IN HELL anyone in the states could even ATTEMPT to come CLOSE to following that act! OMG! They would instantly be shot dead... Instantly.

What would be bad dizzy is if you started to quote Yatta Lyrics out in public amongst your friends.  

It's so easy
Happy go lucky


  • Guest
Re: Ferret's Bar N Grill "EE and yatta freaks U R gonna luv this"
« Reply #10 on: January 03, 2004, 05:17:02 am »
I don't know what it is about these 2x videos, but I find them unusually interesting to me and I catch myself watching them repeatedly... OMG! WHATS HAPPENING TO ME!!!!

Ck this out: fixing the link...

testing:  [image][/image]

Ahh, got it. It wont let you directly link for some reason so you simply have to copy and paste that address to your address bar. Enjoy, hehe.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2004, 05:22:27 am by Dizzy »


  • Guest
Re: Ferret's Bar N Grill "EE and yatta freaks U R gonna luv this"
« Reply #11 on: January 20, 2004, 02:14:27 am »
I was gonna bump this one but......
I forgot to inform you all that Alien found out that these guys mde it to consumption junction.
EE, it's and epeidemic now!!!



  • Guest
Ferret's Bar N Grill "EE and yatta freaks U R gonna luv this"
« Reply #12 on: November 03, 2003, 03:37:43 am »
While waiting for my S.O. to return from dropping her kid brothers off I went on a google spree and ran into this rare GEM

YATTA! (All right!)/Happa-tai (Leaf Team)
Released April 18, 2001

G  R  Double-E  N  Leaves
G  R  Double-E  N  Leaves

It's so easy!  Happy-go-lucky!
We are the world!  We did it!
Hyuu!  Hyuu!  Hyuu!  Hyuu!  Osu!  Osu!  Osu!  Osu!  (Ai!)
Yatta!  Yatta!  
Daigaku gohgaku
Yatta!  Yatta!
Shachoh shuunin
Happa ichimai areba ii.  Ikite iru kara lucky da!

Yatta!  Yatta!
Tohsen kakujitsu
Yatta!  Yatta!
Nihon daihyoh
Yannaru kurai kenkoh da.
Everybody say yatta!

Nippon kyuukyuu (demo)
Ash*ta wa wonderful
Ijiwaru saretemo futon haireba
Guu guu guu guu!  Pass pass pass pass (Ohayo--!)

Yatta!  Yatta!
Kuujikan suimin
Yatta!  Yatta!
Neoki de jump
Donna ii koto aru daroh ikite ita kara lucky da!

Yatta!  Yatta!
Kimi ga kawareba
Yatta!  Yatta!
Sekai mo kawaru
Marugoshi dakara saikoh da massugu tattara kimochi ii--!

O-mizu nondara umee!  (Yatta!)
Hi ni atattara attakee!  (Yatta!)
Koshi kara warattara omoshiree!  (Yatta!  Yatta!)
Inu-katte mitara kawaii!  (Yatta!)


Surechigai-zama hohoemi kureta
Nido to aenaku-tatte ii kimi ga ita kara lucky da!

Heisei fukyoh seiji fushin
Reset sae surya saikoh da!  Minna iru kara tanoshii--!

Yatta!  Yatta!
Daigaku kyohsh*tsu
Yatta!  Yatta!
Movie star
Happa ichimai areba ii.  Minna issho da happy da!

Yatta!  Yatta!
Iki wo sueru
Yatta!  Yatta!
Iki wo hakeru
Yannaru gurai kenkoh da!  Everybody say yatta!

[Repeat *]

And now the translation:
G  R  Double-E  N  Leaves
G  R  Double-E  N  Leaves
It's so easy!  Happy-go-lucky!
We are the world!  We did it!
Whoo!  Whoo!  Whoo!  Whoo!  Yes!  Yes!  Yes!  Yes!  (Unh!)

All right!  All right!
We're doin' great in college!
All right!  All right!
Made president at our jobs!
Long as we've one leaf on,  we're doin' fine!  Hey, we're lucky just 'cause we're alive!

All right!  All right!
We've been confirmed for the prize!
All right!  All right!
We're representing Japan!
We're so healthy, it just makes ya sick!
Everybody say "All right!"

Japan's got crises (but)
Tomorrow's wonderful
Even if somebody's mean to us, we just go to bed and
Snore!  Snore!  Snore!  Snore!  Pass!  Pass!  Pass!  Pass!  (Good morniiiiing!)

All right!  All right!
We got nine hours of sleep!
All right!  All right!
Woke up and jumped outta bed
What kinda great things might await us now?  Hey, we're lucky just 'cause we're alive!

All right!  All right!
If there's a change in you
All right!  All right!
Then the whole world will change too.
Getting through it unhurt's the best of all.  Just stand up straight because it feels greeeaat!!

I drink water that's tasty!  (All right!)
I get in the sun and feel toasty!  (All right!)
Havin' a belly laugh's fun! (All right!  All right!)
Try keeping dogs--they're cute!  (All right!)


As we brushed past each other, you favored me with a smile.
It's okay if we never meet again.  I'm lucky you were here just for a while!

We've got recession these goverment we've no faith.
Could we hit "reset," that'd be number one!  And since we're all here, it's just so much fun!

All right!  All right!
In university class
All right!  All right!
We've got a movie star!
Long as we've one leaf on, we're doin' fine!  We're all together, it's a happy time!

All right!  All right!
Long as we still can breathe in...
All right!  All right!
Long as we still can breathe out...
We're so healthy, it just makes ya sick!
Everybody say "All right!"



found on

and if you  don't know what the rage is

And I'll not refund you for the four minutes you wasted in your life.  



  • Guest
Re: Ferret's Bar N Grill "EE and yatta freaks U R gonna luv this" *DELETED*
« Reply #13 on: November 06, 2003, 06:38:16 pm »
Post deleted by ferretlxix
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by ferretlxix »


  • Guest
Re: Ferret's Bar N Grill "EE and yatta freaks U R gonna luv this"
« Reply #14 on: November 07, 2003, 07:54:48 pm »


  • Guest
Re: Ferret's Bar N Grill "EE and yatta freaks U R gonna luv this"
« Reply #15 on: November 07, 2003, 09:22:08 pm »
OH S***[post edited by Moderitor Sirgod] What the H[post deleted by sirgod]

That is just so F[ post laughed at by sirgod]

dang I hate moderating my self.


Steph.. [Name deleted by sirgod]



  • Guest
Re: Ferret's Bar N Grill "EE and yatta freaks U R gonna luv this" *DELETED*
« Reply #16 on: November 07, 2003, 11:51:02 pm »
Ah yes. YATTA the only download I use at work to chear up people when it get's Hectic

Shhhhhh  please don't tell my boss. He just can't get that tune out of his head after he hears it


  • Guest
Re: Ferret's Bar N Grill "EE and yatta freaks U R gonna luv this" *DELETED*
« Reply #17 on: November 09, 2003, 04:15:52 pm »

Ah yes. YATTA the only download I use at work to chear up people when it get's Hectic

Shhhhhh  please don't tell my boss. He just can't get that tune out of his head after he hears it  

Oh mann, that's a great Idea, I'll have to do that at the media center when I get back to work on Wednesday  


  • Guest
Re: Ferret's Bar N Grill "EE and yatta freaks U R gonna luv this"
« Reply #18 on: November 10, 2003, 01:47:59 pm »
I've always wondered what the hell those guys were saying.  lol.  

However, I do think that exposing us to this was a direct act of war from Japan.  To retaliate, I say we get a bunch of large white American guys, put them on a stage wearing nothing but a fig-leaf and have them sing the english translation of that song.  Afterwards, we spam all Japanese servers with the video of them doing so.  Estimated casualties are around Nagasaki X4 at least.  That will teach them not to mess with us.      


  • Guest
Re: Ferret's Bar N Grill "EE and yatta freaks U R gonna luv this"
« Reply #19 on: November 12, 2003, 04:56:08 am »

I've always wondered what the hell those guys were saying.  lol.  

However, I do think that exposing us to this was a direct act of war from Japan.  To retaliate, I say we get a bunch of large white American guys, put them on a stage wearing nothing but a fig-leaf and have them sing the english translation of that song.  Afterwards, we spam all Japanese servers with the video of them doing so.  Estimated casualties are around Nagasaki X4 at least.  That will teach them not to mess with us.      

So you mean we send em Nsync or some other american bomb---I mean boy band.

Or we could go major thermonuclear and send em Hansen.  

And then we can doo wop them with all kinds of bombs all over.    


  • Guest
Re: Ferret's Bar N Grill "EE and yatta freaks U R gonna luv this"
« Reply #20 on: January 02, 2004, 01:36:37 am »
This was worse than watrching Clockwork Orange. What a mind [bleep].

Having said that, and admiting the mind [bleep], I admit to having liked it. It grew on me like a fungus. Sick eh? I liked it even worse when my 18mo old came into the room dancing and prancing around. OMG! WHATS HAPPENING TO ME!!!

Lets go over this real quick... Fig leafs, naked men dancing on stage in fornt of countless teenage girls (and getting away with it...), absurd visuals, disturbing catchy beat... I think this is a form of mind control...

The whole message... I'm still reeling from the full frontal assault to my senses, but I'll have to think more about the message they are sending out...


 I drink water that's tasty!  (All right!)
I get in the sun and feel toasty!  (All right!)
Havin' a belly laugh's fun! (All right!  All right!)
Try keeping dogs--they're cute!  (All right!)


Right now all I can say is  Noooo!  

EDIT: I was thinking, imagine if we did that here stateside. Using lets say Menudo or Nsync. There would be riots everywhere. Whole families would be put to the firing squad... There is just NO WAY IN HELL anyone in the states could even ATTEMPT to come CLOSE to following that act! OMG! They would instantly be shot dead... Instantly.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2004, 01:40:15 am by Dizzy »


  • Guest
Re: Ferret's Bar N Grill "EE and yatta freaks U R gonna luv this"
« Reply #21 on: January 02, 2004, 02:09:14 pm »

This was worse than watrching Clockwork Orange. What a mind [bleep].

Having said that, and admiting the mind [bleep], I admit to having liked it. It grew on me like a fungus. Sick eh? I liked it even worse when my 18mo old came into the room dancing and prancing around. OMG! WHATS HAPPENING TO ME!!!

Lets go over this real quick... Fig leafs, naked men dancing on stage in fornt of countless teenage girls (and getting away with it...), absurd visuals, disturbing catchy beat... I think this is a form of mind control...

The whole message... I'm still reeling from the full frontal assault to my senses, but I'll have to think more about the message they are sending out...


 I drink water that's tasty!  (All right!)
I get in the sun and feel toasty!  (All right!)
Havin' a belly laugh's fun! (All right!  All right!)
Try keeping dogs--they're cute!  (All right!)


Right now all I can say is  Noooo!  

EDIT: I was thinking, imagine if we did that here stateside. Using lets say Menudo or Nsync. There would be riots everywhere. Whole families would be put to the firing squad... There is just NO WAY IN HELL anyone in the states could even ATTEMPT to come CLOSE to following that act! OMG! They would instantly be shot dead... Instantly.

What would be bad dizzy is if you started to quote Yatta Lyrics out in public amongst your friends.  

It's so easy
Happy go lucky


  • Guest
Re: Ferret's Bar N Grill "EE and yatta freaks U R gonna luv this"
« Reply #22 on: January 03, 2004, 05:17:02 am »
I don't know what it is about these 2x videos, but I find them unusually interesting to me and I catch myself watching them repeatedly... OMG! WHATS HAPPENING TO ME!!!!

Ck this out: fixing the link...

testing:  [image][/image]

Ahh, got it. It wont let you directly link for some reason so you simply have to copy and paste that address to your address bar. Enjoy, hehe.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2004, 05:22:27 am by Dizzy »


  • Guest
Re: Ferret's Bar N Grill "EE and yatta freaks U R gonna luv this"
« Reply #23 on: January 20, 2004, 02:14:27 am »
I was gonna bump this one but......
I forgot to inform you all that Alien found out that these guys mde it to consumption junction.
EE, it's and epeidemic now!!!



  • Guest
Ferret's Bar N Grill "EE and yatta freaks U R gonna luv this"
« Reply #24 on: November 03, 2003, 03:37:43 am »
While waiting for my S.O. to return from dropping her kid brothers off I went on a google spree and ran into this rare GEM

YATTA! (All right!)/Happa-tai (Leaf Team)
Released April 18, 2001

G  R  Double-E  N  Leaves
G  R  Double-E  N  Leaves

It's so easy!  Happy-go-lucky!
We are the world!  We did it!
Hyuu!  Hyuu!  Hyuu!  Hyuu!  Osu!  Osu!  Osu!  Osu!  (Ai!)
Yatta!  Yatta!  
Daigaku gohgaku
Yatta!  Yatta!
Shachoh shuunin
Happa ichimai areba ii.  Ikite iru kara lucky da!

Yatta!  Yatta!
Tohsen kakujitsu
Yatta!  Yatta!
Nihon daihyoh
Yannaru kurai kenkoh da.
Everybody say yatta!

Nippon kyuukyuu (demo)
Ash*ta wa wonderful
Ijiwaru saretemo futon haireba
Guu guu guu guu!  Pass pass pass pass (Ohayo--!)

Yatta!  Yatta!
Kuujikan suimin
Yatta!  Yatta!
Neoki de jump
Donna ii koto aru daroh ikite ita kara lucky da!

Yatta!  Yatta!
Kimi ga kawareba
Yatta!  Yatta!
Sekai mo kawaru
Marugoshi dakara saikoh da massugu tattara kimochi ii--!

O-mizu nondara umee!  (Yatta!)
Hi ni atattara attakee!  (Yatta!)
Koshi kara warattara omoshiree!  (Yatta!  Yatta!)
Inu-katte mitara kawaii!  (Yatta!)


Surechigai-zama hohoemi kureta
Nido to aenaku-tatte ii kimi ga ita kara lucky da!

Heisei fukyoh seiji fushin
Reset sae surya saikoh da!  Minna iru kara tanoshii--!

Yatta!  Yatta!
Daigaku kyohsh*tsu
Yatta!  Yatta!
Movie star
Happa ichimai areba ii.  Minna issho da happy da!

Yatta!  Yatta!
Iki wo sueru
Yatta!  Yatta!
Iki wo hakeru
Yannaru gurai kenkoh da!  Everybody say yatta!

[Repeat *]

And now the translation:
G  R  Double-E  N  Leaves
G  R  Double-E  N  Leaves
It's so easy!  Happy-go-lucky!
We are the world!  We did it!
Whoo!  Whoo!  Whoo!  Whoo!  Yes!  Yes!  Yes!  Yes!  (Unh!)

All right!  All right!
We're doin' great in college!
All right!  All right!
Made president at our jobs!
Long as we've one leaf on,  we're doin' fine!  Hey, we're lucky just 'cause we're alive!

All right!  All right!
We've been confirmed for the prize!
All right!  All right!
We're representing Japan!
We're so healthy, it just makes ya sick!
Everybody say "All right!"

Japan's got crises (but)
Tomorrow's wonderful
Even if somebody's mean to us, we just go to bed and
Snore!  Snore!  Snore!  Snore!  Pass!  Pass!  Pass!  Pass!  (Good morniiiiing!)

All right!  All right!
We got nine hours of sleep!
All right!  All right!
Woke up and jumped outta bed
What kinda great things might await us now?  Hey, we're lucky just 'cause we're alive!

All right!  All right!
If there's a change in you
All right!  All right!
Then the whole world will change too.
Getting through it unhurt's the best of all.  Just stand up straight because it feels greeeaat!!

I drink water that's tasty!  (All right!)
I get in the sun and feel toasty!  (All right!)
Havin' a belly laugh's fun! (All right!  All right!)
Try keeping dogs--they're cute!  (All right!)


As we brushed past each other, you favored me with a smile.
It's okay if we never meet again.  I'm lucky you were here just for a while!

We've got recession these goverment we've no faith.
Could we hit "reset," that'd be number one!  And since we're all here, it's just so much fun!

All right!  All right!
In university class
All right!  All right!
We've got a movie star!
Long as we've one leaf on, we're doin' fine!  We're all together, it's a happy time!

All right!  All right!
Long as we still can breathe in...
All right!  All right!
Long as we still can breathe out...
We're so healthy, it just makes ya sick!
Everybody say "All right!"



found on

and if you  don't know what the rage is

And I'll not refund you for the four minutes you wasted in your life.  



  • Guest
Re: Ferret's Bar N Grill "EE and yatta freaks U R gonna luv this" *DELETED*
« Reply #25 on: November 06, 2003, 06:38:16 pm »
Post deleted by ferretlxix
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by ferretlxix »


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Re: Ferret's Bar N Grill "EE and yatta freaks U R gonna luv this"
« Reply #26 on: November 07, 2003, 07:54:48 pm »


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Re: Ferret's Bar N Grill "EE and yatta freaks U R gonna luv this"
« Reply #27 on: November 07, 2003, 09:22:08 pm »
OH S***[post edited by Moderitor Sirgod] What the H[post deleted by sirgod]

That is just so F[ post laughed at by sirgod]

dang I hate moderating my self.


Steph.. [Name deleted by sirgod]



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Re: Ferret's Bar N Grill "EE and yatta freaks U R gonna luv this" *DELETED*
« Reply #28 on: November 07, 2003, 11:51:02 pm »
Ah yes. YATTA the only download I use at work to chear up people when it get's Hectic

Shhhhhh  please don't tell my boss. He just can't get that tune out of his head after he hears it


  • Guest
Re: Ferret's Bar N Grill "EE and yatta freaks U R gonna luv this" *DELETED*
« Reply #29 on: November 09, 2003, 04:15:52 pm »

Ah yes. YATTA the only download I use at work to chear up people when it get's Hectic

Shhhhhh  please don't tell my boss. He just can't get that tune out of his head after he hears it  

Oh mann, that's a great Idea, I'll have to do that at the media center when I get back to work on Wednesday  


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Re: Ferret's Bar N Grill "EE and yatta freaks U R gonna luv this"
« Reply #30 on: November 10, 2003, 01:47:59 pm »
I've always wondered what the hell those guys were saying.  lol.  

However, I do think that exposing us to this was a direct act of war from Japan.  To retaliate, I say we get a bunch of large white American guys, put them on a stage wearing nothing but a fig-leaf and have them sing the english translation of that song.  Afterwards, we spam all Japanese servers with the video of them doing so.  Estimated casualties are around Nagasaki X4 at least.  That will teach them not to mess with us.      


  • Guest
Re: Ferret's Bar N Grill "EE and yatta freaks U R gonna luv this"
« Reply #31 on: November 12, 2003, 04:56:08 am »

I've always wondered what the hell those guys were saying.  lol.  

However, I do think that exposing us to this was a direct act of war from Japan.  To retaliate, I say we get a bunch of large white American guys, put them on a stage wearing nothing but a fig-leaf and have them sing the english translation of that song.  Afterwards, we spam all Japanese servers with the video of them doing so.  Estimated casualties are around Nagasaki X4 at least.  That will teach them not to mess with us.      

So you mean we send em Nsync or some other american bomb---I mean boy band.

Or we could go major thermonuclear and send em Hansen.  

And then we can doo wop them with all kinds of bombs all over.    


  • Guest
Re: Ferret's Bar N Grill "EE and yatta freaks U R gonna luv this"
« Reply #32 on: January 02, 2004, 01:36:37 am »
This was worse than watrching Clockwork Orange. What a mind [bleep].

Having said that, and admiting the mind [bleep], I admit to having liked it. It grew on me like a fungus. Sick eh? I liked it even worse when my 18mo old came into the room dancing and prancing around. OMG! WHATS HAPPENING TO ME!!!

Lets go over this real quick... Fig leafs, naked men dancing on stage in fornt of countless teenage girls (and getting away with it...), absurd visuals, disturbing catchy beat... I think this is a form of mind control...

The whole message... I'm still reeling from the full frontal assault to my senses, but I'll have to think more about the message they are sending out...


 I drink water that's tasty!  (All right!)
I get in the sun and feel toasty!  (All right!)
Havin' a belly laugh's fun! (All right!  All right!)
Try keeping dogs--they're cute!  (All right!)


Right now all I can say is  Noooo!  

EDIT: I was thinking, imagine if we did that here stateside. Using lets say Menudo or Nsync. There would be riots everywhere. Whole families would be put to the firing squad... There is just NO WAY IN HELL anyone in the states could even ATTEMPT to come CLOSE to following that act! OMG! They would instantly be shot dead... Instantly.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2004, 01:40:15 am by Dizzy »


  • Guest
Re: Ferret's Bar N Grill "EE and yatta freaks U R gonna luv this"
« Reply #33 on: January 02, 2004, 02:09:14 pm »

This was worse than watrching Clockwork Orange. What a mind [bleep].

Having said that, and admiting the mind [bleep], I admit to having liked it. It grew on me like a fungus. Sick eh? I liked it even worse when my 18mo old came into the room dancing and prancing around. OMG! WHATS HAPPENING TO ME!!!

Lets go over this real quick... Fig leafs, naked men dancing on stage in fornt of countless teenage girls (and getting away with it...), absurd visuals, disturbing catchy beat... I think this is a form of mind control...

The whole message... I'm still reeling from the full frontal assault to my senses, but I'll have to think more about the message they are sending out...


 I drink water that's tasty!  (All right!)
I get in the sun and feel toasty!  (All right!)
Havin' a belly laugh's fun! (All right!  All right!)
Try keeping dogs--they're cute!  (All right!)


Right now all I can say is  Noooo!  

EDIT: I was thinking, imagine if we did that here stateside. Using lets say Menudo or Nsync. There would be riots everywhere. Whole families would be put to the firing squad... There is just NO WAY IN HELL anyone in the states could even ATTEMPT to come CLOSE to following that act! OMG! They would instantly be shot dead... Instantly.

What would be bad dizzy is if you started to quote Yatta Lyrics out in public amongst your friends.  

It's so easy
Happy go lucky


  • Guest
Re: Ferret's Bar N Grill "EE and yatta freaks U R gonna luv this"
« Reply #34 on: January 03, 2004, 05:17:02 am »
I don't know what it is about these 2x videos, but I find them unusually interesting to me and I catch myself watching them repeatedly... OMG! WHATS HAPPENING TO ME!!!!

Ck this out: fixing the link...

testing:  [image][/image]

Ahh, got it. It wont let you directly link for some reason so you simply have to copy and paste that address to your address bar. Enjoy, hehe.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2004, 05:22:27 am by Dizzy »


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Re: Ferret's Bar N Grill "EE and yatta freaks U R gonna luv this"
« Reply #35 on: January 20, 2004, 02:14:27 am »
I was gonna bump this one but......
I forgot to inform you all that Alien found out that these guys mde it to consumption junction.
EE, it's and epeidemic now!!!