Topic: Mirak/Kzinti confusion!!!!  (Read 14267 times)

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Rod O'neal

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Re: Mirak/Kzinti confusion!!!!
« Reply #80 on: November 15, 2003, 12:00:28 am »
Andromedans had robots that were used for BPs. They did have some *dealings* with pirates, on occasion. Evidently though there was no face to face or even voice contact with them. the physical make up, or lack there of, just isn't known.

[insert]"Theme music from Outer Limits"[/insert]    


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Re: Mirak/Kzinti confusion!!!!
« Reply #81 on: November 15, 2003, 09:29:11 am »

No one bothered to look at the remains floating around in space after a ship was destroyed?

The Andromedans never tried to board a ship during the war with the alliance?

How did the war end? I assume the Andromedans were not wiped out completely. So there would have to have been a peace treaty signed or at the very least a cease fire.

Forgive me. I had never heard of the Andromedans until I started reading the posts on this forum. I also have no idea where to find more information about them. Surely my questions are legitimate questions. Even the enemies in Babylon 5 eventually showed themselves.

Thanks for your time.  

Pretty much what has been said already. It was intentional to make the Andromedans as mysterious as possible. Therefor rationalizations were given like "It is unknown whether the Andromedan boarding parties were robots or whether the Andromedans themselves wer artificial life forms." And  "Few have had engaged the Andromedans and survived the experience to tell the tale." You have to wonder how many boarding attempts were made before they figured out they were being absorbed into the PA's and boarding procedures were changed.

If I recall, though, some technology from salvaged Andromedan wreckage made it into the X ships. The high capacity batteries were a development of what was learned from Andromedan battery technology. Its' been a long time and I might not be right about that. As usual other races technology could seldom be used by anyone but that race.  


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Re: Mirak/Kzinti confusion!!!!
« Reply #82 on: November 15, 2003, 03:16:21 pm »

No one bothered to look at the remains floating around in space after a ship was destroyed?

The Andromedans never tried to board a ship during the war with the alliance?

How did the war end? I assume the Andromedans were not wiped out completely. So there would have to have been a peace treaty signed or at the very least a cease fire.

Forgive me. I had never heard of the Andromedans until I started reading the posts on this forum. I also have no idea where to find more information about them. Surely my questions are legitimate questions. Even the enemies in Babylon 5 eventually showed themselves.

Thanks for your time.  

As been said before the Boarding parties that were sent to other ships were robots. Because of the PA panels which absorb all energy (used in place of shields) Andromedan ships could not be boarded.

The Andromedans were using a transwarp network similar to Borg (realise this was way before Borg were though of and I think they stole some ideas from SFB). The alliance finally discovered this and thus realised that's how they were getting around the galaxy so fast so each was captured destroyed until fiannaly they found the one that led to a starbase outside the galaxy that the Andromedans using as a rallying point from thier galaxy. The Alliance formed a task force and took out this base thus ending the invasion.



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Re: Mirak/Kzinti confusion!!!!
« Reply #83 on: November 15, 2003, 09:06:28 pm »
Thank you all for your replies and more importantly thank you all for not flaming. I am glad you all understood that I was just trying to understand the concept of the Andromedans. And now thanks to your replies I do have a much better understanding of the Andromedans. They are truly mysterious. SFB covered all the bases with the use of robots. It makes me want to see what they could do in SFC. Even against an X-ship the Andromedans have the superior ship given equal numbers in my opinion. Thanks again.  


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Re: Mirak/Kzinti confusion!!!!
« Reply #84 on: November 16, 2003, 12:27:11 pm »
Yer welcome. Don't worry about not being familiar with Andy. Those of us who flew him or against him from SFB know many of the ins and outs with this race. That's part of the attraction to this whole SFC experience as it evolved directly from SFB which has a rich storyline. Some of that is pretty interesting fiction.

If you never had to contend with the Andromedans your in for a rough ride. Conceptualy they operated fairly large vessels that give new meaning to being a carrier. Their satelite ships played somewhere between destroyer and light cruiser in capability. Most alpha sector ships can't match the mother ships to start with, much less that and the support ships. The races matched differently with Andro technology and the BPV got skewed depending on what the match was. Races that had a more direct fire damage capability tended to fair better than those that relied on seeking weapons and faster fire rates. Worst of all is the Andromedans had an answer for most any tactic you tried. The only thing I can think of that worked perfectly is the stasis device that never appeared in SFC. Even then you had to get in range which a good Andro captain won't let happen.

Note. Even in SFB there were rule changes to reduce the Andromedan capabilities and make them more expensive. Those that played the original rules were either delighted or baffled depending on which end of the gun you were.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Rogue »


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Re: Mirak/Kzinti confusion!!!!
« Reply #85 on: November 16, 2003, 05:12:07 pm »
Yeah the Andromedan Terminator was a nasty little destroyer. What didn't kill it was in turned killed as all that energy that was poured into the PA panels was channeled into it's mauler and fired back at the ship.


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Re: Mirak/Kzinti confusion!!!!
« Reply #86 on: November 16, 2003, 10:02:29 pm »
What does the PA in PA panel stand for?  


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Re: Mirak/Kzinti confusion!!!!
« Reply #87 on: November 16, 2003, 10:10:34 pm »

What does the PA in PA panel stand for?  

Power Absorber Panel.  Andros had no sheilds, just PA panels which could absorb weapons damage and dump the energy into batteries, up to a limit... That was the beauty of Andros, destroy your primitive enemies with their own energy!  As a defense I found massed photons to be an adequate threat to overload the PA panels of most smaller Andro ships.  


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Re: Mirak/Kzinti confusion!!!!
« Reply #88 on: November 16, 2003, 11:16:44 pm »
They sound more intimidating than the Borg! If there is ever an SFC game that has the Andromedans as enemies I will be extremely cautious engaging them in battle!  


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Re: Mirak/Kzinti confusion!!!!
« Reply #89 on: December 21, 2003, 07:49:27 pm »
The funny thing is, the Andros in SFB have been toned down. All ships used to have heavy TRs, and panels that didn't degrade. While all ships had 12 T-Bombs, the Andros got more use out of thiers since they didn't have to drop PAs to use them.

Only psychopaths like myself considered playing the Operation Unity campaign.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by TargetDrone »

Rob Cole

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Re: Mirak/Kzinti confusion!!!!
« Reply #90 on: December 21, 2003, 09:33:40 pm »

In SFC1 Lyrans ruled.  Wait for the enemy to fire and then rush in with 0 ESG's.  Goodbye enemy.  

Bah you know that the R-KCR was the master of SFC1


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Re: Mirak/Kzinti confusion!!!!
« Reply #91 on: December 21, 2003, 10:44:46 pm »


In SFC1 Lyrans ruled.  Wait for the enemy to fire and then rush in with 0 ESG's.  Goodbye enemy.  

Bah you know that the R-KCR was the master of SFC1  

only because the R-KCR was overpowered by 10 power overall.. if their power was balanced.. it would be on par with the BCG / BCF...



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Re: Mirak/Kzinti confusion!!!!
« Reply #92 on: December 21, 2003, 10:46:43 pm »



In SFC1 Lyrans ruled.  Wait for the enemy to fire and then rush in with 0 ESG's.  Goodbye enemy.  

Bah you know that the R-KCR was the master of SFC1  

only because the R-KCR was overpowered by 10 power overall.. if their power was balanced.. it would be on par with the BCG / BCF...


It had the same power. It was the 14 PH-1's that were the killer.


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Re: Mirak/Kzinti confusion!!!!
« Reply #93 on: December 22, 2003, 12:18:58 am »
I would like to think of Lyrans and the Kzinti/Marik as both Feline... I mean think of this .. That is why they hate each other so much.. Cats always seem to fight so much and Kzinti in the original table top game ruled in the early era since they where the first to develop and employ drone shuttles (ie the Scatterpacks whe have come to love/hate).  I still have all my original stuff from the "Book Shelf Game" version and I also have a few "Captains Logs" that have even more fun to play with....  I also agree the Andro's where a tough bunch to take out... 1v1 was a hard thing to do.... An Andro ship could, depending on its weight class, easly take on a ship one or even two weight class above it thanks to the PA panels and that god aweful Mauler.... You try to destrot a PA equipted ship and all it seemed to do was feed that Mauler energy to fire right back at you.... the best way to kill a Andro ship was to overload a PA panel and watch the excess power start a explosion that then in turn made the other PA panels absorb that energy and if they were full they would exploded... therefor you get a very nice chain reaction    As a Andro player you had to make sure to use as much power as you could out of the PA panels because any self respecting Andro Captain knew this was what they were gunning for!


Speaker to Aliens

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Re: Mirak/Kzinti confusion!!!!
« Reply #94 on: December 22, 2003, 06:20:29 am »

Only psychopaths like myself considered playing the Operation Unity campaign.  

About 15 years ago, around the time of the "Doomsday" edition of SFB, a neighboring war games club challenged us to a battle.  Operation Unity. They would play the Andros. It took all night but we finally won. They had some good tricks though. Firing on their own ship, to load up its PAs and then displacing it into the same hex as our B10 which hads just launched fighters and PFs and then plotting Self-Destruct! It made a terrible mess, (though the B10 did survive the battle).

Oh, and somebody should mention that the Andros had a Displacement Device that could move itself or its target several hexs between one impluse and the next. They also had a device that moved them out of space (above the surface of the board, so to speak), so that, although you might be in the same hex as them, they would be 5 hexes away for the purposes of weapons fire (including drones and plasmas, which had to move "up" 5 hexs after they hit the hex the target was in). I *think* they could only use this on StarBases and other stationary objects.


Rod O'neal

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Re: Mirak/Kzinti confusion!!!!
« Reply #95 on: December 22, 2003, 09:28:32 am »

Oh, and somebody should mention that the Andros had a Displacement Device that could move itself or its target several hexs between one impluse and the next. They also had a device that moved them out of space (above the surface of the board, so to speak), so that, although you might be in the same hex as them, they would be 5 hexes away for the purposes of weapons fire (including drones and plasmas, which had to move "up" 5 hexs after they hit the hex the target was in). I *think* they could only use this on StarBases and other stationary objects.


The "Temporal Elevator". It can move a base *up*, up to 9 hexes. In order for a unit to operate one it has to have positional stabilizers activated. That's what limits it to use only on bases.  

Speaker to Aliens

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Re: Mirak/Kzinti confusion!!!!
« Reply #96 on: December 24, 2003, 03:01:17 pm »

The "Temporal Elevator". It can move a base *up*, up to 9 hexes. In order for a unit to operate one it has to have positional stabilizers activated. That's what limits it to use only on bases.  

Thanks. It's been more than 15 years since I really played SFB. My memory is getting a little hazy. I used to play twice a week, but we were expecting twins. The twins are 15 now, both girls (). Maybe once they start university I can get back to playing again.  

SSCF Hooch

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Re: Mirak/Kzinti confusion!!!!
« Reply #97 on: December 25, 2003, 08:58:49 am »

Almost all long term players and the two main SFC fleets, KAT and KOTH, consider themselves to be Kzinti, not Mirak.  D2 Campaigns such as and the Litterbox servers always change the name in the gf files for servers to Kzinti Hegemony instead of the Mirak StarLeague.  

KAT and KOTH both use the Kzinti language, racial traits, and terms in roleplay for all SFC related things, such as fleet organization, (ie:Patriarch being the leader, Dukes being his assistants ect).

Long live the Kzin!  

You forgot to tell that they smell funny, and "lick themselves" and each other too. (ick)  

Hooch, bringer of all the facts  


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Re: Mirak/Kzinti confusion!!!!
« Reply #98 on: January 15, 2004, 12:48:00 am »
I think the original Dispalecement Device (from 20 years ago - before the Temporal Elevator name) could be used against ships.  But that's beside the point.

I was just curious - does anyone know why Task Force Games/ADB chose not to use the proper name for the Andromedan's given in the TOS episode 'By Any Other Name'?  They were from the Kelvan empire.

On appearance - they gave Spock the impression of 'immense beings with hundreds of tentaclelike limbs'.  And they had no concept of physical sensation.  


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Re: Mirak/Kzinti confusion!!!!
« Reply #99 on: January 15, 2004, 10:41:05 am »
Actually, we really don't know if the Andromadans from SFB are the same people as the ones in that TOS episode.  ADB never mentioned anything what an Andro looked like in SFB or what type of beings they are.  For all we know, they could be intelegent robots.  I have seen that episode you are talking about, but their might be no relation between that race and the Andros in SFB.