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Quote:This may sound n00b, but what are these "Nuclear Wessels" scripts of which you speak?
Quote:That would be a highly welcome feature to your key models. And an under-rated feature. I get a big kick out of playing some of Nuclear Wessels scripts for campaign play and the number of models involved can get to be a load on the video bandwidth. If you could accomplish that it would make certain scenarios play much more smoothly.Since we are on the subject of perfecting some of your creations I want to bring up cloak testing your Romulan models. Perhaps it is just my set up but some of the Romulan models I really enjoy playing of yours sometimes don't cloak quite right. If I remember, the N'Neikha goes white immediately upon engaging the cloak. I know this used to a standard check at one time but seems to have been forgotten about... You have to understand that sometimes I'm more sentimental (or perhaps I'm just mental ) about some of your models than you are. And I think I noticed that the damage textures were a little sub-par for one of the all time great SFC models. Am I complaining?... by no means... the only reason I bring it up is some of those models are too good not to point the nit-picky stuff out. And the N'Neikha was one of them.I have to say I'm really jazzed about the state of SFC right now. With the models that have been archived from the past and the new little jewels that are being created at present we are closer to the best SFC that we have ever had. Especialy when you consider what OP+ refit and Nuclear Wessels scripts have given us. That and Klingon Fanatic seems about ready to release his FASA archive. IMHO I think it is better now than it has ever been before.
Quote:Hmmm the damage textures are not a part of a model, they are given to the model by the game. The turning white at cloaking issue could be a video card question.....I don't recall having that problem myself. There are a number of issues involving video card setups.
Quote:Extra bonus points for that "The Corbomite Maneuver" title screen. It looks so real.No one does TOS ships like you, Atra. Beautiful, simply beautiful. (Agh, now I have to decide which to use - these, or Lord_Schtupp's...)
Quote:Lord Shtupp's ships are different enough from mine in imaginative detail that you can easily use them as special variants.....like the shuttle bay on his Ptolemy....stroke of genius. I also of course haven't made a DN yet, and don't really plan to in the near future because I have enough Heavy Cruiser projects to last me for a while.
Quote:Please forgive me but I have been meaning to ask you, when the opportunity presented itself, about that Akula you were colaberating with DTW on. Will that ever see the light of day or should that be forgotten about?