Topic: Galaxies at War (The mod)  (Read 38017 times)

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Re: Galaxies at War (The mod)
« Reply #40 on: November 05, 2003, 03:50:35 am »
Nice Tholians.

The Rockheads have enjoyed quite a surge in popularity lately.


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Re: Galaxies at War (The mod)
« Reply #41 on: November 05, 2003, 04:05:53 am »
Just wanted to inform you guys that I am working on the Andromedan Dominator-class dreadnought right now. It should be done by tomorrow (if I don't get distracted by a shiny object ).  And Rod O'Neal should have my site updated by tomorrow, so you guys can start downloading these Andros of mine.  


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Re: Galaxies at War (The mod)
« Reply #42 on: November 05, 2003, 04:07:23 am »
I want the Mirror.

They're high up on my to do list anyways. I'll just need to know what race ( Terrans, I'd assume ... but Klingon and Romulin Mirrors could be cool ...  Hey, maybe somebody might want to jump on them?! ) and how many or which ships ( specific rebuilds/kitbash/retexture of an existing mod. ).

Tiberius Station One will rise from the grave ...


Klingon Fanatic

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Re: Galaxies at War (The mod)
« Reply #43 on: November 05, 2003, 05:52:09 am »
Anybody consider doing a TMP version of Lord Schtupps' FBB?

As for Mirror Klingons and Romulans, I would support  House Korgath and Prime (Rename them?) in that role using cool Kling and Rom ships not used in the main race slots. However, if we leave out Korgath and 'Mirror' Roms we have two slots freed up.  I am myself reluctant to support that as then we run into the question: "Where do you STOP with Mirror Universe races?"




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Re: Galaxies at War (The mod)
« Reply #44 on: November 05, 2003, 06:17:37 am »
Good point. I would definitely like to see the WYNs and LDR in seperate slots, as they both played important roles in the Andromedan invasion. Maybe they could use the space freed up in those slots?

The Andromedans made one attempt to enter the WYN Cluster to subjugate it. It failed in a rather monumental fasion, though, as the Andros discovered that trying to cross the WYN radiation zone badly overlwhelmed their PA panels and caused most of their ships to explode. Those that survived the crossing were so badly crippled, they were easily mopped up by the ragtag WYNs.

The Lyran Democratic Republic's position as a small, neutral enclave doomed them in the Andromedan invasion. The Andros saw that the LDR was small, had very few ships, and was neutral, so no one would come to their immediate assistance. The Andros spent about a few years 'softening up' the LDR, then finally attacked them and wiped them out completely. This created a military vacuum at the nexus of Klingon, Lyran, and Hydran space which the Andros could use as a staging point. Worst of all, the surrounding empires didn't even realize what had happened right away! Eventually, they were cleaned out when the major efforts to hunt down RTN bases began.      

Rod O'neal

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Re: Galaxies at War (The mod)
« Reply #45 on: November 05, 2003, 11:14:07 am »

Anybody consider doing a TMP version of Lord Schtupps' FBB?

As for Mirror Klingons and Romulans, I would support  House Korgath and Prime (Rename them?) in that role using cool Kling and Rom ships not used in the main race slots. However, if we leave out Korgath and 'Mirror' Roms we have two slots freed up.  I am myself reluctant to support that as then we run into the question: "Where do you STOP with Mirror Universe races?"



I think we'll need some pirates, as well. At least two not counting the Neutral Orions. One in the east and one in the west (plasma/drone). If we add Andro, Tholian, Seltorian, Mirror Fed, LDR, and WYN that'll leave two pirate cartel slots.  


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Logo Concepts
« Reply #46 on: November 05, 2003, 11:15:18 am »
All good projects need a logo.

I know you guys may want a completley new logo, but personally since GaW was a Taldren concept and for us is an addition to the SFC series, I made some Photoshop logos made to fit the look/feel of the previous titles.

Concept 1 based on original logo.

Concept 2 based on the EaW/OP logo.

I prefer the second concept personally. Of course if you guys like one and want to go with the SFC look/feel then I can make a better more professional logo with better effects.  

Rod O'neal

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Re: Logo Concepts
« Reply #47 on: November 05, 2003, 11:21:08 am »
That's a tough decision for me. I personally like the look of the SFC logo. (Go ahead, accuse me of being a Republican) Since this is a mod for OP though, maybe the 2nd would be more appropriate  


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Re: Logo Concepts
« Reply #48 on: November 05, 2003, 06:57:44 pm »
Awesome stylsy! I love them both! (although if I had to pick one it'd probably be the second one) Thanks man!

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: Logo Concepts
« Reply #49 on: November 05, 2003, 07:03:41 pm »
I prefer the second logo myself...

Now lets hammer out what races are going to be in here again...

Somebody should get ahold of Skinman, his Leigon cybernetic arachnid ships would be great for the beast Raiders Cartel...



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Re: Logo Concepts
« Reply #50 on: November 05, 2003, 07:15:16 pm »
Well, if I'm not much mistaken, here's the proposed races so far:

Kzinti / Mirak
Western Orion (Drone users)
Eastern Orion (Plasma users)
Mirror Universe Federation

I think this would be ideal. All the major players are there as seperate races, so this would work well I'd think.  

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: Logo Concepts
« Reply #51 on: November 05, 2003, 08:14:31 pm »

Well, if I'm not much mistaken, here's the proposed races so far:

Kzinti / Mirak
Western Orion (Drone users)
Eastern Orion (Plasma users)
Mirror Universe Federation

I think this would be ideal. All the major players are there as seperate races, so this would work well I'd think.  

Okay. I like this list and can do the race selection names but What is the name for the Eastern/Western pirates? Orion and Syndicate? Rod O'neal will have to adjust the spec file accordingly.

Also, what about the START DATE for this in game? If I'm readiing the SFB years right the First Andromedan Invasion ends in TMP time. Therefore a second invasion would take place after 2290/ ST: VI?



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Re: Logo Concepts
« Reply #52 on: November 06, 2003, 12:00:11 am »
A mod like this will have me re-installing SFC2...or OP...

Stylst- I like the first emblem myself, the white one... but they're both nice.

Thirdly, what is it that made the Andromedeans so special? I don't have that version of SFB, so someone enlighten me please? Why were they so special....... and did they have anything to do with those two people from Andromeda in that TOS episode?



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Re: Logo Concepts
« Reply #53 on: November 06, 2003, 12:47:29 am »

Thirdly, what is it that made the Andromedeans so special? I don't have that version of SFB, so someone enlighten me please? Why were they so special....... and did they have anything to do with those two people from Andromeda in that TOS episode?


The Kelvans from that TOS episode were actually looking to colonize our galaxy to escape the Andros(or so I have heard). They may have led the Andros here inadvertantly.

The Andros are special because they made a major attempt to take over our galaxy, and nearly succeeded in many ways. They seriously threatened many empires(Romulan, Hydran, Lyran), and completely eradicated the LDR. Also, it is known that the Andros were invading most of the rest of the rest of the galaxy at the same time. The Omega Sector(home of the Maesrons, Trobrin, Kohligar, Vari, and many others) was hit particularly hard, and many empires there were wiped out by the Andros too. That combined with their bizarre technology and mysterious ways is what makes them special.          

Rod O'neal

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Re: Logo Concepts
« Reply #54 on: November 06, 2003, 01:39:20 am »
They had really different technologies that were very difficult for the races in our galaxy to deal with. some of their systems were just plain superior. Power absorber panels have it all over shields. They don't just absorb damage. They convert it to power which they used to recharge their large batteries to power systems on their ships. A CA has 40pts of battery power. A frigate has 20! When they removed the power from the PAs it restored 80% of their original capacity. They can repair the lost 20% just like the galactic races can repair shields. Plus PA panels can absorb much larger amounts of damage. It takes 80pts of damage to fill the front panels of a CA. Most Galactic CAs can only handle 30 to 40, by comparison. Then they could transfer as much as 40pts to the batteries and be ready to fight again. The Displacement Device can move them (up to 12 hexes) or their enemie's ships (up to 6 hexes) instantly from one location on the map to another. In SFB maneuver is so important that trying to use a strategy that accounts for this is very hard to do. They're always moving faster than the galactic ships in battle, which compounds the difficulty of trying to outmaneuver them. All of this makes them pretty hard to deal with.    


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Re: Logo Concepts
« Reply #55 on: November 06, 2003, 02:44:18 am »
And Thats not even counting the Maulers that people repower by attacking then  


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Re: Logo Concepts
« Reply #56 on: November 06, 2003, 06:37:22 am »
Andros would need to use a PF race for their satellite ships, and you are also limited to 4 sat ships on a ship, so the Dominator etc are not doable (9 sat ship spaces iirc), unless you try something very nasty like having a couple of Intruders or similar onboard a Dom (each Intruder with its own sat ships).


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Re: Logo Concepts
« Reply #57 on: November 06, 2003, 10:11:11 am »
I believe we've found ways around this. It's possible to have fighters and PF's for every race, and it's possible to get more than 4 PF's on 1 ship. (Through various means)


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Re: Logo Concepts
« Reply #58 on: November 06, 2003, 10:37:09 am »
Wow, thats complicated.... I see now. Another question, guys...

how were they defeated, and could all of this be implemeted feasibly into SFC itself?  


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Re: Logo Concepts
« Reply #59 on: November 06, 2003, 11:08:09 am »
The Andromedans were defeated through Operation Unity. Basically the way it worked was, the Galactic Powers, for the first time ever, realized that they all had to work together to take down the Andromedans which posed a serious threat to them all. They put together a massive joint fleet to deal with the Andromedans. Now here's the thing: The primary Andromedan starbase was known to have been located in the Lesser Magellanic Cloud, a small island galaxy just outside our own. This was still an extremely long distance to travel, so the galactic fleet had to piggyback its way there on Andro RTN bases(just how they did this is sort of unclear, to me at least), destroying them as they went(meaning it would take them quite a while to get home through conventional means). Once in the LMC, they had to explore the cloud and fight off defending Andromedan units, locate the main starbase, and destroy it. This wasn't an easy task, but fortunately they had assistance from the local races(Baduvai, Magadhim, Eneen). The support was somewhat limited however, as the Andromedans had taught these races to be frightened and distrustful of creatures from outside their own galaxy, so working with them was difficult. Eventually, the base was located and destroyed, and most of the remaining Andromedan forces in the area were mopped up. This operation was called Operation Unity.

Unbeknownest to the contigents of Operation Unity, the Andromedans were in the process of establishing two more starbases in the Omega sector of our galaxy. A map is viewable here:

The blue area is the area occupied by the Federation and its neighbors. The Omega sector is across the void from the ISC and has neever been contacted by anyone from our side. The Omegan races were being thouroughly destroyed by the Andromedans and were on the eve of total defeat when Operation Unity's success caused all the Andromedan forces to fall back and defend their two incomplete starbases there. This allowed the Omegan races (including a fleet from a lost Federation colony-turned-pocket empire, the Federal Republic of Aurora) to assemble a counterattack fleet, and they defeated the Andros seperately in their own sector. This finally seemed to end the entire Andromedan threat in our galaxy, however it unknown if the Andros still persisted in other areas of the galaxy.