Hi Stylsy. The Info page has it pretty well covered. There's 4 new races (Tholians, Andromedans, Mirror Federation, and Seltorian) plus the WYN and LDR get their own slots and complete fleets. Two pirate cartels remain. The Korgath and Syndicate cartels. We decided to keep one plasma based and one drone based cartel.
The complete Empire/Race names are:
Tholian Holdfast
Andromedan Invaders
Mirror Federation (or Terran Empire if others on the team prefer)
Seltorian Tribunal
WYN Star Cluster
Lyran Democratic Republic
All of the features to be added haven't been finalised yet.
Karnak is working on scripts/campaigns and plans to add some new features through the API.
I'm adding virtually (No, not every scout and freighter.
) all of the SFB ships in print. I've even looked into some fan sights for more. The minor races in SFB don't have all of the variants available that the major empires do. Rather than try to come up with them adhoc I've gone to SFB based sights that have ship designs that have been playtested, in most cases, for 3 or 4 years. This should help insure that the designs are balanced.
New models. Lots of them!
Been messing around with modding other aspects of the game as well. New sounds, weapon textures, etc... A lot of that might end up depending on the overall size of the finished mod. I was thinking of making the "nonessential" files available as seperate downloads. Overall we're trying to make the game "new to play" by adding as much as possible. The flavor and gameplay should remain, but with lots of new stuff.