Topic: Galaxies at War (The mod)  (Read 37850 times)

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Klingon Fanatic

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Re: Ship Names...
« Reply #240 on: December 21, 2003, 10:51:05 pm »
Some playtesting quirks...

So there I was, I went to the shiplist under Seltorian Area Control ship and changed the model pointer to Stug/stugmod (Terradyne's heavy tug) just to play test it and when I go to play, I select it and I get one of Desty Nova's fine Seltorian cruisers instead....

Also the Seltorian BCH is not showing a schematic and has ???

As far as balance goes, I like what I've been up against so far.

The cloaking Mirror Universe Imperials are very formidable. Andromedans have a decent drone defense and the Tholians continue to work better IMHO.

I've had no CTDs so far....

I'll post with anymore issues I find.

BTW I love the other detail work you've done: 'Play GAW in SP or in the online Dynaverse'  I keep finding these cool things as well as fun ship names like the Miranda B.



Rod O'neal

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Re: Ship Names...
« Reply #241 on: December 21, 2003, 11:17:37 pm »

Some playtesting quirks...

So there I was, I went to the shiplist under Seltorian Area Control ship and changed the model pointer to Stug/stugmod (Terradyne's heavy tug) just to play test it and when I go to play, I select it and I get one of Desty Nova's fine Seltorian cruisers instead....

You have to change the model pointer in the host race's slot. For the Seltorians that's the Klingons (Lyrans, if the ship carries PFs). Find the B-ACS in the Klingon section and change the pointer.


Also the Seltorian BCH is not showing a schematic and has ???

I'll fix these. The missing SSDs you don't have to report, for now. I'll work on them after I know which models are going to be used for *all* of the ships. I will correct the strings file for the ???. Continue to tell me about these. Let me know about missing shipnames as well, please.


As far as balance goes, I like what I've been up against so far.

The cloaking Mirror Universe Imperials are very formidable. Andromedans have a decent drone defense and the Tholians continue to work better IMHO.

I've had no CTDs so far....

I'll post with anymore issues I find.

BTW I love the other detail work you've done: 'Play GAW in SP or in the online Dynaverse'  I keep finding these cool things as well as fun ship names like the Miranda B.


Thanks. I'm glad you approve, so far.



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Re: Ship Names...
« Reply #242 on: December 24, 2003, 12:35:35 am »
I'm starting to go through the shiplist.txt file for the GAWtm beta and it's starting to flesh out nicely.

I like the MIrror Feds and Seltorians.  I'll wait for the Andro and Tholian shiplist to be well fleshed out before I start code development on the new GAWtm missons. But, until then I've updated the current mission pack to reduce the difficulty on the planet/base defence missions cuz I thought they were a little OTT for players in CL and CA ships.

You can find the updated mission pack in the same place using the same name (datestamp 12/24/2003):

Have a great Xmas everybody!!


Rod O'neal

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Re: EEK Missions
« Reply #243 on: December 24, 2003, 03:29:51 am »
Thanks, Karnak. I just finished DLing them.

I assume that they can be installed over the top of the old missions?

Have any of the .mct files changed? I redid the race names in them for GaW.

Have you looked at any of the other modded campaign related files in the AGT\GAW folder? I changed some stuff and was wondering if anything there would mess up online play?

Thanks for the hard work. I'm looking forward to playing them.  


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Re: EEK Missions
« Reply #244 on: December 24, 2003, 06:02:35 pm »
You can just over-write the current SCR files. I have not changed any of the MCT files but your version will work with them.

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: EEK Missions
« Reply #245 on: December 24, 2003, 07:11:07 pm »
Thank you Karnak, D/l them now. Merry X-mas everybody!



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Re: EEK Missions
« Reply #246 on: December 24, 2003, 07:20:38 pm »
Merry Christmas Everyone!!


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Re: EEK Missions
« Reply #247 on: December 28, 2003, 12:26:48 am »
For ease of use in locating the EEK mission scripts to be used for GAWtm, there is now a pinned thread titled "EEK OP Custom Mission Packs" in the D2 forum.  Currently, the EEK-OP v2.1 mission pack in featured there.  Now it'll be easy for GAWtm people to find the latest missions as the updates occur.  


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Re: EEK Missions
« Reply #248 on: December 31, 2003, 02:24:54 pm »
OK, got server space for the project from Raven, should have forum support soon.

Working on a brand new site thats more impressive. I thought about cutting it down into these main sections:

- News Updates
- Mod Information/Features
- General Race Infos
- Screenshots
- Downloads

Rod O'neal

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Re: Server/Forum
« Reply #249 on: December 31, 2003, 09:08:41 pm »
Awesome, Stylsy!

I'm still working on the specs. I'm 1/2 way through adding the Hydran ships from modules R6 & R7 (I have the Feds through Orions done. Kinda taking my time a bit. ) The only other spec change that I'm trying is giving the Andros a 15 accel spec instead of 10 (Still trying to compensate for the lack of the DisDev.). I figure that this will help make up for NOT being able to instantly move up to 12 hexes. Helps out a bit when outrunning plasmas, etc...

Great news from you though. Thanks, man. (...and I assume that we owe Raven a thankyou, as well. )  


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Absolutely Astounding!!!
« Reply #250 on: January 01, 2004, 01:20:37 am »
Can't thank you enough for all the work and effort you've put into the GAW mod.  Stylsy - keep it up!  

Keep Charging!!!  



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Re: Absolutely Astounding!!!
« Reply #251 on: January 01, 2004, 01:31:37 am »
Congratulations on your collective works so far, guys!  


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Re: Absolutely Astounding!!!
« Reply #252 on: January 01, 2004, 01:10:29 pm »
Check this out -

A vast improvement on my first attempt, even if I say so myself.

Can EVERYONE who is still part of the mod team send me an e-mail with your Taldren username and e-mail address, I'm going to send some e-mails out.

The forums I will get sorted, I'm hosting them on a different server. Nighsoft will be our site hosting and file hosting base. I'm also going to try and use the Trek Universe Network news system on the site, and I'll need to give you infos on how to use it etc. I'll also need to give out the site's FTP details for uploading files. It would probably be best if only a few of us actually edited the site, so that things can be kept organised. The forum will make site management easier.

It's taking shape, it'll be a few weeks before I can fully commit to this cause I have exams on the way, but just letting you know I'm still plodding along with it.

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: Absolutely Astounding!!!
« Reply #253 on: January 01, 2004, 01:29:53 pm »

Stylsy, that look new site looks sweet! I can't wait till its operational.

Love the logo too

Happy New Year Everyone!


Rod O'neal

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Re: Absolutely Astounding!!!
« Reply #254 on: January 01, 2004, 09:42:29 pm »


Stylsy, that look new site looks sweet! I can't wait till its operational.

Love the logo too

Happy New Year Everyone!


I couldn't agree more!

Good luck with exams. We've waited a long time to do this. A few weeks more won't matter.  


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Re: Absolutely Astounding!!!
« Reply #255 on: January 02, 2004, 02:29:01 pm » - Click on Information at the top, did an introduction for us.

Can someone give me a full feature list for the mod, you know it better than I do . I could also use someone giving me a full Empire list, with full Empire names rather than abbreviations.


Rod O'neal

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Re: Absolutely Astounding!!!
« Reply #256 on: January 02, 2004, 09:19:33 pm »
Hi Stylsy. The Info page has it pretty well covered. There's 4 new races (Tholians, Andromedans, Mirror Federation, and Seltorian) plus the WYN and LDR get their own slots and complete fleets. Two pirate cartels remain. The Korgath and Syndicate cartels. We decided to keep one plasma based and one drone based cartel.

The complete Empire/Race names are:
Tholian Holdfast
Andromedan Invaders
Mirror Federation (or Terran Empire if others on the team prefer)
Seltorian Tribunal
WYN Star Cluster
Lyran Democratic Republic

All of the features to be added haven't been finalised yet.

Karnak is working on scripts/campaigns and plans to add some new features through the API.

I'm adding virtually (No, not every scout and freighter. ) all of the SFB ships in print. I've even looked into some fan sights for more. The minor races in SFB don't have all of the variants available that the major empires do. Rather than try to come up with them adhoc I've gone to SFB based sights that have ship designs that have been playtested, in most cases, for 3 or 4 years. This should help insure that the designs are balanced.

New models. Lots of them!

Been messing around with modding other aspects of the game as well. New sounds, weapon textures, etc... A lot of that might end up depending on the overall size of the finished mod. I was thinking of making the "nonessential" files available as seperate downloads. Overall we're trying to make the game "new to play" by adding as much as possible. The flavor and gameplay should remain, but with lots of new stuff.          


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Re: Absolutely Astounding!!!
« Reply #257 on: January 03, 2004, 11:17:40 am »
Thanks, I'll get that up soon as I can.


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Re: Absolutely Astounding!!!
« Reply #258 on: January 03, 2004, 01:42:09 pm »
OK check out the 'empires' page guys, I've also updated the features list.

Could use an image of a ship representing each race in the game if someone could get that sorted. They will be cropped and sized to 200x150.


EDIT: Forums are back again at they will probably move again later. Can the team please sign up, then I'll add you to the developers group so you can access the private forums.

Oh, and e-mail in to me if you haven't already, just so I can give all the proper infos out to the right people.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2004, 03:39:00 pm by Stylsy »


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Re: Absolutely Astounding!!!
« Reply #259 on: January 03, 2004, 10:51:33 pm »
You wouldn't happen to have the text files from the stories in the old forum?

