All of the slots for the new races are decided on.
OrionOrion=Tholian: Alliances shouldn't need special tweaking. They will have standard bases of their own design.
OrionKorgath=Unchanged: Except for more ships.
OrionPrime=Mirror Feds: Either no allies or allow alliances with Korgath and Syndicate only, if possible. I'm not sure how
their bases will be done yet. It depends on how they are integrated into the game as a race. Possibly nomadic?
OrionTigerHeart=LDR: Alliances shouldn't need special tweaking.
OrionBeastRaiders=Seltorians: Alliances shouldn't need special tweaking either. Instead of normal bases I'm going to add a couple of "Hive Ship" classes. They will be listed as bases in the shiplist. They'll be a bit different though tactically, because they're mobile. They would usually appear at a planet or in asteroids being used as a mobile shipyard using the resources at hand to construct ships. They could be used in special scenarios to carry ships for a major offensive. Or possibly being ambushed on it's way to a resource rich area, etc.
OrionSyndicate=Unchanged: Except for more ships.
OrionWyldeFire=Andromedans: Either no allies or allow alliances with Korgath and Syndicate only, if possible. They are going to have standard bases of their own design. One twist with the Andros is that they're SatBases, Base Stations, and Battle Stations are carried in pre assembled modules to their locations by motherships in the SatShip hangers. This could make for some interesting "Base Construction" Scripts, if that's possible.
OrionCamboro=WYN: Alliances shouldn't need tweaking.
I've been rearranging (moved almost everything tonight, it seems like
) the shiplist so the scripts can select alliances for the races better. It'd be a long explaination, but the races except for the Andros and Mirrors should now select the correct alliances.
I ordered modules R6 and R7 from ADB. Of course, wouldn't you know, that they're on vacation 'til the 15th in their shipping department. (I hope they already sent Santa all the stuff he needs for Christmas.
) It'll be here soon enough though, and then I can add the ships from those two modules as well.
So far all seems to be going well as far as the new races fitting into the timelines. Two exceptions though (of course):
The Andros don't use refits, per say, as time goes on. They do come out with some new larger ship classes though. When they first appear they are just totally superior to the Galactic Empire's fleets. They maintain this superiority until about 2280 with the advent of fast drones, first generation X-ships, and PFs. At that point the Galactics are pretty much on par with them. Second generation X-ships in SFC kick their butt! If we leave it like this then the "Historical" timeline should work out just about right, assuming that the Galaxy can hold out long enough. From a gaming point of view though this might not be too good, I'm not sure. Those of you with experience in campaigns might know better. The early era ships are gonna get smoked by them and the middle era ships won't do much better. The late era ships will give them a run for their money. It'll take carriers and PFs to do it, but they can at least hold their own. When it gets around to the advanced era it'll no longer be fun to be an Andromedan. I just don't know if this sort of balance will work in a campaign or not.
The Seltorians didn't appear in our galaxy until 2284. That means if we use the historical FYA dates there won't be any Seltorians for the campaign until the late era. If we just change the FYA date to "0" to make them appear at the start of the campaign their ships will be too powerfull. The solution seems to be to design some "unrefitted" ships ourselves for the early and middle eras. Unless someone else has a better suggestion.
There. That's where I'm at up to the minute. All chime in now!