Topic: Galaxies at War (The mod)  (Read 38016 times)

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Galaxies at War (The mod)
« on: November 02, 2003, 12:13:31 pm »
guys just thinking here why dont we do Galaxies at War ourselfs we got the 2 races taldren give us and all the drawings we use the op game engine

if a few of us work together we can do it what we need are

2.spec people
3.beta testers
4.web person
5.mission scripters
6.some people to write up a story line
7.some people to design new ships
8.people to reseach races

with op we got loads of room in the spec file for all the races and ships
and i cant see why we cant do it

so if you like to help do this please say so

i can model,design ships myself and even help on hte storyline what we need is more people so come on guys let do this

i`m looking more into this tomorrow races,specs and just ideas for the mod

« Last Edit: November 02, 2003, 12:35:20 pm by DarkMatrix »


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Re: Galaxies at War (The mod)
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2003, 12:36:09 pm »
races so far if you think of any more please say
7.Orion Pirates

also era i say we stay with Tmp like op maybe few ships earlyer here and there what you think?
« Last Edit: November 02, 2003, 12:38:06 pm by DarkMatrix »


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Re: Galaxies at War (The mod)
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2003, 12:50:48 pm »
Dude......This idea rocks.

I'll help in any way i can. Feel free to use any of my retexes you want to.
I like the way you got the races. I wouldnt change a thing with it.

Lets all take this idea and run with it.  

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: Galaxies at War
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2003, 12:51:05 pm »
I volunteer to be a play tester.

The question then really becomes: "What are you limiting the mod to?"

Stock Tladren ships we have seen or should the rest of the Klingon Academy ships be included too? I. e., the Sha' Kurians

Then the next question becomes since we may only get some limited Andromedan and Tholian weapons in probably mission specific scripts, how close to we want the spec file to be?

I for one want Mirror Universe Imperials in my game.

 I am more inclined to give the Tholians Klingon Academy specs  to the Tholians as opposed to SFB stats, but I will play whatever is generated. SFB Tholians tend to be emotionally charged around here....

As for Andromedans, I would urge the use of implementing uniform Andromedan shield (Non-regenerative, no labs?) value in increments of 25 (e.g. 25  FF, 50 DD, 75 CL, 100 CA,  etc..) IMHO, this would reflect some of the Andromedan ability to manage energy/power better than the galatic powers. If they are really the BORG of the TOS/TMP this makes them harder to defeat without more than one ship.  As for TRBs we have light and heavy TRBs and the Displacement device can be 'simulated' via the improved cloak....

 I think Rod O' Neal has a really good handle on this peice overall and he should be recruited for any such project.


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Klingon Fanatic »


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Re: Galaxies at War
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2003, 12:56:56 pm »
thankyou DTW also KF can you help with reseach man you one of people to seem to know all things trek:D

as for the mod TMP seems the way to go for now
i`m rendering up feds now so people give me idea for ship scales

so i sort out the Tholian scaling and brk mods so they done not got alot of time today i got to sleep soon lol

but i`m all over this when i get in from work

weapons are going to be hard i think we need alot of info for each race




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Re: Galaxies at War
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2003, 01:08:07 pm »

I volunteer to be a play tester.

The question then really becomes: "What are you limiting the mod to?"

Stock Tladren ships we have seen or should the rest of the Klingon Academy ships be included too? I. e., the Sha' Kurians

Then the next question becomes since we may only get some limited Andromedan and Tholian weapons in probably mission specific scripts, how close to we want the spec file to be?

I for one want Mirror Universe Imperials in my game.

 I am more inclined to give the Tholians Klingon Academy specs  to the Tholians as opposed to SFB stats, but I will play whatever is generated. SFB Tholians tend to be emotionally charged around here....

As for Andromedans, I would urge the use of implementing uniform Andromedan shield (Non-regenerative, no labs?) value in increments of 25 (e.g. 25  FF, 50 DD, 75 CL, 100 CA,  etc..) IMHO, this would reflect some of the Andromedan ability to manage energy/power better than the galatic powers. If they are really the BORG of the TOS/TMP this makes them harder to defeat without more than one ship.  As for TRBs we have light and heavy TRBs and the Displacement device can be 'simulated' via the improved cloak....

 I think Rod O' Neal has a really good handle on this peice overall and he should be recruited for any such project.



if we get wz45 to let us use what ka ships he done then we add them
as for stock models i say totaly remodeled ones where we can i`m not putting down taldren models some are nice but it been great if we replace them with higher poly ones

the new Tholians as far as i see are fine
the Andromedan need looking at far as i see they good place to start

also taldren if you happen to read this topic do youy have any more GAW Concepts drawing that never got to be what u planning for the game we love to see them

also hoping atolm will help us on the design side of things too



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Re: Galaxies at War
« Reply #6 on: November 02, 2003, 01:39:57 pm »
DarkMatrix, As much as I would love to see it... the mod, IMHO, is nearly pointless. Without the missing technology that the Andromedans and Tholians represent it won't really work.

What we have is the models, the tractor-repulser easter egg (although there is no user interface for it) and the will to do it.

What's missing is the web technology, PA panels and displacement devices. Without that you will never have our missing adversaries.

About the best aproach might be a pre-tos package of the early appearence of these races before the advent of that technology. There is no way to simulate the web caster or displacement device unless one of the programers gets the blessing from Taldren to offer a special patch. A rough aproximation of the PA panels might be done with evening out the forward and rear hemispheres of the shield specifications and give them as much regeneration as possible. Perhaps pick Federation specifications as a donor and enhance with additional lab. I'm not sure about that as I'm not sure about the mechanics of shield regeneration.

But by all means take a shot at it. I would probably use it to replace two of the Orion cartels that no one ever really cared about anyway. I would trade every one of them for a web caster/web generator easter eggs. If we had that the Tholians could have been done. The PA panels would have been wonderful but they need careful energy management. And Andy doesn't have shuttles to avoid seeking weapons so the displacement device is a necessary technology to break lock-ons. Oh well...  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Rogue »

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: Galaxies at War
« Reply #7 on: November 02, 2003, 01:47:37 pm »
There may be a way to get the web into SFC. Let us see what Tracey G. has come up with....

Andros still need some work but we can approximate what Andros could do.



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Re: Galaxies at War
« Reply #8 on: November 02, 2003, 04:04:54 pm »

also hoping atolm will help us on the design side of things too

If you want Me, I am there...just tell me what you need  


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Re: Galaxies at War
« Reply #9 on: November 02, 2003, 05:35:27 pm »
I have lots of information about the Andromedan War and Operation Unity to assist with the story. Hopefully Module C5 will be out before long and that will have even more info on Op Unity. I also have stats for just about every possible ship you could need for every race. Also my models are available however it sounds like this is not going to be TOS era.  


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Re: Galaxies at War (The mod)
« Reply #10 on: November 02, 2003, 05:47:25 pm »

races so far if you think of any more please say
7.Orion Pirates

also era i say we stay with Tmp like op maybe few ships earlyer here and there what you think?

If the story is going to involve Operation Unity(and how could it not?), the galactics will be making a foray into the Lesser Magellanic Cloud, where they encounter these folks:


These are the main races that inhabit the LMC, and the galactics had to work together with them(to a point) to hunt down and destroy the primary Andromedan starbase located there. These races haven't been released yet, but like I said, hopefully they will be soon. Anyway, I think it would be cool to include these guys as much as possible. However, they will have more bizzare technology that SFC2's engine won't be able to approximate closely at all.

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: Galaxies at War (The mod)
« Reply #11 on: November 02, 2003, 07:39:35 pm »


races so far if you think of any more please say
7.Orion Pirates

also era i say we stay with Tmp like op maybe few ships earlyer here and there what you think?

If the story is going to involve Operation Unity(and how could it not?), the galactics will be making a foray into the Lesser Magellanic Cloud, where they encounter these folks:


These are the main races that inhabit the LMC, and the galactics had to work together with them(to a point) to hunt down and destroy the primary Andromedan starbase located there. These races haven't been released yet, but like I said, hopefully they will be soon. Anyway, I think it would be cool to include these guys as much as possible. However, they will have more bizzare technology that SFC2's engine won't be able to approximate closely at all.

This is a wonderful idea except that we don't have all the models needed in TMP (NOT TOS/SFB) format.  

Second, why does it have to be historical SFB based?

I'd rather we ripple reality, pretend this mod is set in an a parallel Trek Universe, and have Second Andromedan Invasion myself just after ST: VI... blame it on the ST: New Worlds  Melak experiment, the Mirror Universe Imperials experimenting with a new weapon  or even the go with the idea that the Andromedans were actually planning to send a follow up force anyway...

I myself play this game for FUN. No die hard SFB player will ever say, "You got it perfect"  no matter what kind of effort is made, professional or not. So, I say  lets use the tools, models, talent and scripts available to have FUN.

Regarding the GAW mod, I am beginning to feel that we should stick with one of Rod O' Neal's Shiplists or to the latest Taldren one and make a D2 style mod. One ship type per slot using STOCK designations FCV, FBB etc. For other races using pirate slots SIMPLY use  pirate designations with  single letters e.g., TPCA for Tholian Heavy Cruiser (KA Ruby Class)or ACA (P81's TMP Andromedan Imposer).  This will save a ton of time if we really want to crank this out THIS Year, LOL.

Just my two cents.

« Last Edit: November 02, 2003, 08:13:50 pm by Klingon Fanatic »


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Re: Galaxies at War (The mod) *DELETED* *DELETED*
« Reply #12 on: November 02, 2003, 09:48:27 pm »
Post deleted by DonKarnage


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Re: Galaxies at War (The mod)
« Reply #13 on: November 03, 2003, 03:32:43 am »
Back to the top with ya.  


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Re: Galaxies at War (The mod)
« Reply #14 on: November 03, 2003, 03:53:31 am »
just got all the ship info from for all th ka ships thxs for headsup KF



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Re: Galaxies at War
« Reply #15 on: November 03, 2003, 03:54:51 am »

I have lots of information about the Andromedan War and Operation Unity to assist with the story. Hopefully Module C5 will be out before long and that will have even more info on Op Unity. I also have stats for just about every possible ship you could need for every race. Also my models are available however it sounds like this is not going to be TOS era.  

please post what ever you got please i`ll log it all so we work out where we going with the storyline thanks

come on guys we need more people here



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Re: Galaxies at War
« Reply #16 on: November 03, 2003, 04:09:41 am »
Klingon ship list (beta) by KF

Here's a start.


1. Sword of Khaless WZ45
2. B10/11 P81
3. C-9 JrStandfast
4. C-8 Jrstandfast


1. Gorkon Atrahasis
2. SuWacHI Carrier Captain KoraH
3. Khamby Atrahasis
4. Stock KCV


1. Accuser WZ45
2. Darkfleet Accuser DarkMatrix
3. L-24c Atrahasis
4. L-24 Atrahasis


1. SuWacHI battlecruiser Captain KoraH
2. SuvwI Qeh WZ45
3. Stock KCX retexture Atticbat


1. D-10B Atrahasis
2. K'Tinga
3. D-16 (TMP) Terradyne


1. Stock KCL kitbash by TooMuch Coffee retextured by me
2. L-9 Saber D'deridex
3. L-6 Captain KoraH
4. D-9 Captain KoraH


1. K'teremny Cleeve
2. Stock Kitbash by SpaceCadetGlow UK
3. Stock


1. Valkyris Atrahasis
2. D-18 Gull Wing
3. K-17 Death Stalker P81
4. D-16 Captain KoraH


1. Unseen Creeper P81  with BOP texture
2. K-27 Captain KoraH
3. K-23
4. Darkfleet BOP


1. Stock
2. Armada Conversion construction ship


WZ45's Klingon defense satellite


1. Stock
2. Armada conversion retextured by me

WILD CARD = waiting on ship any ideas for more ships or better ones please say looking at the list so far i`m happy with it

also to anyone model on that list if you dont mind us using them can you please say


also DTW is working on the feds list too
and i`m busy sorting out the Tholian and Orion Pirates



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Re: Galaxies at War
« Reply #17 on: November 03, 2003, 04:23:55 am »
Here's here are some synopses and general points that I can elaborate on if you wish:

In year 170, the first Andromedan ship sighted in our galaxy was encountered by the Kzinti Light Carrier Typhoon in an asteroid field. After that, other Andromedan ships were sighted from time time, sometimes evading contact, sometimes attacking without provocation. Several ships of different races were confirmed destroyed by Andromedan raiders, several other unaccounted for ships are also suspected to be victims of marauding Andros. Over the decade of year 175-185, the Andromedans shifted from a curiousity to a menace as their ships began attacking others on sight.

The Andromedans launched a full-scale invasion of the Milky Way galaxy in year 188. Over the next ten years, large numbers of Andromedan ships arrived in our galaxy and created considerable mayhem and destruction. Since the flight time from Andromeda is on the order of 200 years, the invasion was fully commited before its first recon ships arrived.

The Andromedans apparently built up their strength during the General War and launched their attack only when the galactic forces were exhausted. The Romulans were hit particularly hard by the Andromedans, and the Lyran Democratic Republic was completely annhilated by them. At the height of their power (year 197) the Andromedans had reduced the Romulan, Gorn, ISC, Lyran, and Hydran Empires to small areas around their home systems.

Eventually it was discovered that there were not all that many Andromedan ships. The Andros had created a strategic transportaion network(known as the Rapid Transport Network or RTN) of pre-surveyed routes along which their ships could move at warp 15, allowing them to concentrate their forces at key points. Survey ships discovered the first of these bases in year 195, and by year 198 the network had been heavily disrupted as the scouts and survey cruisers hunted down the bases for the cruisers to destroy.

Finally in year 201, the galactic forces launched a three-pronged attack on the Lesser Magellanic Cloud, destroying the only starbase operated by the Andromedans in year 202. This broke the back of the invasion as it apparently cut off their only direct route from their own galaxy. After that time, the Andros became merely a nuisance as renegades and a few new arrivals caused local disturbances.

Absolutely nothing is known about the Andromedans as beings. No one has ever seen an Andros and lived. Their boarding parties are composed of robotic combat systems, leading some to theorize that the Andromedans themselves are robots or computer software.    


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Re: Galaxies at War
« Reply #18 on: November 03, 2003, 04:38:06 am »
In year 184, a new type of Andromedan satellite ship appeared that mounted a mauler. These were dubbed the Terminator. They packed an unbelievable punch for their size, able to fuel the mauler directly with power from their power absorber panels. The source of the mauler technology is unconfirmed(Romulan?). Later, a larger Andromedan mauler was observed, the Eliminator, which had much greater firepower. It was any captain's worst nightmare. Fortunately, they were only used in extremely small numbers.

After the Galactic Forces destroyed the Andromedan starbase, they explored the two Magellanic Clouds searching for other Andro bases and forces. In the system LMC 1104, they discovered the incomplete hull of what would have been the largest Andromedan ship ever seen. This was the Devastator-class battleship. It was 55% complete and galactic engineers estimate that it would have taken another 2 to 5 years to complete. Had it been finished, it would have been a nigh-unstoppable monster.  


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Re: Galaxies at War
« Reply #19 on: November 03, 2003, 04:51:40 am »
This is a scenario from SFB entitled "Return of the Darwin":

In year 195, the Galactic Survey Cruiser Darwin discovered the secret of the Andromedan Rapid Transport Network by clandestinely observing the arrival and departure of several Andro ships at a Satellite base and intensively scanning the emissions. Before it could report these finding to Starfleet, the Darwin struck a temporal rift and was hurled 12 years into the future.
The Darwin emerged some 20000 parsecs from its original position, less than 1000 km from a Federation squadron.
After establishing contact with the squadron, the Darwin learned that they were acting as a delaying force against a powerful new Andromedan unit that was proceeding for the heart of Federation space.
An exchange of information revealed that the loss of the Darwin's RTN data had delayed Operation Unity by three years, causing its failure and allowing the Andromedans to begin fielding their dreaded Devastator-class battleships(one of which had just destroyed the Klingon B10 Invincible in a battle over Klinshai).
They realized that the Darwin must return through the temporal rift so as to allow Op Unity to be launched three years earlier. The Federation squadron would provide cover for her to execute repairs to do so. The Commodore led his outgunned squadron, the last operational reserve of Starfleet, into a desperate battle against the onrushing Andromedan battleship to restore history.
After the sacrifice of the entire Federation squadron, the Darwin managed to return. The reports of a dismal future helped to bring the galactic powers together to defeat the Andromedans more than anything else.  

That could make a cool part of the story.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2003, 04:52:55 am by Desty_Nova »