I'm just getting started, so the following screenshots are very early
The plan to have this set up so you can edit your *.gf files and then
schedule server starts and restarts, log rotation (including naming
conventions) and backups (both SQL (initially just MySQL) and flatfile DBs
and the gf files).
No ETA on when this will be ready for it's first beta, but hopefully that
will be sometime this month. The program is being created in VB 6.0, but I
may change over to VB.Net later on.
I need icons to go in the title bars of the forms, and perhaps a banner to go on the choice form (the first screenshot) so it can double as a splashscreen. I'm graphically challenged, so if I could get a volunteer to help with creating the icons, I'd be forever grateful (you would get your name added to the project in the credits -- that's next to immortality for a programmer.
