It turned out that Daniels pulling Archer into the future caused the cancellation (or destruction) of the NX project (otherwise known as the Warp 5 Project). Which left Earth wide open for an attack by a post-Federation threat (since the Warp 5 project was cancelled the Federation was never founded) I have a number of theories as to who was responsible for the destruction of Earth, but I wont go into them since they are, of course, my opinion and not something that was disclosed on the screen. T'Pol convinced Silik that Acher was not on board and the Suliban siezed the ship and took it to a helix in a nebula. Meanwhile Archer and Daniels are scouring through a library (Books! With Paper!) attempting to discover where the timeline screwed up. Archer discovers a book entitled the Romulan Star Empire, and takes it off the shelf, but he barely gets the cover opened before Daniels tells him that he should put it back. Daniels puts together a device, (from Archer's Communicator and Scanner) to send a message to the past. Back to the Present, the crew gets the ability to take to each other by wiring the door comms together. They make a plan to retake their ship, Tucker goes to fake a reactor breach, while Reed just happens to get caught while getting into Daneils' Quarters, Reed gets interrogated and convivnces the Suliban that the device he pulled out of Daniels' Quarters is something that the Suliban can use to contact someone in the future, and that Archer had instructed him to destroy it before he left. The Suliban were happy to get their hands on this piece of technology since after Archer was pulled through, they lost contact with thier master from the future. Silik works to get the device to work, lost as he is without direction from the future, meanwhile the Reactor breach starts and the Suliban abandon ship and tow Enterprise out of the Nebula, no sooner than the Suliban Cell Ships reenter the nebula does the explosions stop and Enterprise jumps into high warp. (well Warp 4ish if you can call that high warp). Silik gets thje device work and is trying to explain, through a very bad connection that Archer wasnt aboard Enterprise (he seems to think that the reason his master isn't talking to him is because he failed to get Archer). He was very surprised to see Archer jump through the device and deck him with a single punch. Archer hijacks a cell ship and heads to Enterprise, which is under attack from a number of other cell ships, but he convinces the Suliban to break off the attack, "I know it isnt exactly Starfleet policy, but I took a hostage." The Vulcans dont want to buy any of Enterprise's excuses, especially Soval (Romulan Tal Shiar anyone?), but in the end T'Pol speaks out for the Enterprise crew and the mision is allowed to continue.