A coupla pointers from someone who's spent a good deal o time with folks of the bleeding persuasion.
#1- Direct pressure - Apply pressure to the site of the bleeding. Depending on the size of the bleed and the amount of blood lost, proceed to step 2.
#2 - Elevate injured extremity while continuing to hold pressure.
#3 - Pressure points. Simply put, its where the arteries are closet to the skin and near a bone, facilitating the stoppage of blood flow. In the arms its the brachial artery (between your bicep and elbow) the legs its the femoral artery (basically in hip socket near groin). Any injury to the head should NOT use the carotid artery as a pressure point (for hopefully obvious reasons) The noggin is very vascular with alot of blood vessels so you'll bleed what seems to be alot, but its not as bad as a direct arterial injury. There are techniques for using a pressure point for a head injury, but its usually a last resort kinda thing.
#4 - Not to overstate the obvious, but next time you're bleeding enough to make yourself worry, call 911. Saves ALOT of time, and you get preference at the ER (no waiting) not to mention IV fluids and bandages.
P.S. If you are famous enough that people recognize you from TV, its time to start capitalizing on said fame. Demand star treatment, name drop, whatever it takes to get the bleeding stopped. Then get a good lawyer when they laugh at you.
Hope it helps (albeit belatedly)
Here endeth the lesson.
NREMT-P Gwarlock
Hope your feelin better.