J'inn's day out eh?
I like that..
mission requirements..
1. Rocks.. Lots and lots of rocks.. more rocks than anyones ever seen in a mission..way to many damd rocks..
Players start in a small clear area.. (Note.. No dust, just rocks...
2. 2This is a "timed" solo mission. You have "X" amount of time to go to the center of the map, deliver a passenger (J'inn of course) to a asteroid base (hostile) at the center or far end of the map. When J'inn is beamed aboard the Asteroid base ceases fire on you (It's really a penal colony, and your returning a prisoner....use the Harry Mudd icon)
3. Failure to deliver J'inn on time results in J'inn escaping confinement abord YOUR ships and wreaking havock
(Apply internal damage to ship at end of timer run..10 internals for a FF, 15 for a DD, 20 for a CL, 25 for a CA, 30 for a BC, 35 for a DN, 40 for a BB, cv damage as appropriate for base hull) ((he's looking for the booze supply on board, and he has a Monumental Hangover..and a Hangnail!)) and of course J'inn escapes!
Perhapes a mission like this in tribute to J'inn would make up for 3 years of being picked on, and a thank you for being an awefully good sport about it all this time eh?
Sandman sends