Topic: OT how many of you own sfc3 and do you think this might be a good Idea  (Read 3386 times)

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A little off topic for the D2 fourm but
Iam tring to make a TMP to SFC3 conversion well more of a GAW(ish) converison
Heres what I have come up with so far
Post from the KOTH fourm
Been doing some more thinking and what I have come up with will make it a little like GAW  
This is what I have come up with so far
Andro's to replace borg
Borg armour = pa pannles cutting beam = tractor repulser beam not played sfb in a long time and can not rember what was their heavy weapon was  
Satalite ships = the mother of all shuttles  

Now for the other races first kzin
I have thougth of how I can add they and keep at lest some race flavor to them
Kzin as far as I rember were the first race to deploy carriers
I know how to make fighters  
All of the commands for figthers are in game (shuttles act a little like fighters) but have no heavy weapons
Now if we edit hard points on the shuttles(HP's 1 to 11 are prime's 12 to 25 are heavys) then edit the defult core txt file to give them their spec's then they should act like fighters do in EAW
The only problems that I can see(and Ive yet to check or test)is that shuttles might be the same for all races thus I wont be able to change the weapon load out for the diffrent races
If I can have diffrent fighters for all races they will (I think any way)only have 1 type of fighter as when you buy them the game will still think of them as shuttles and you can only buy 1 type of shuttle
Last problem is non carrier ships will not have shuttles (or it would make them a carrier)
As you cant make SP's WW's or SS shuttles I do not see this as much of a problem for the non carrier ships

As far as I know drones do not appere in sfc3 in any way shape or form  but I think I have found a way (not tested) take a plasma rename it to drone in the strings file and I think you can edit what damage and power useage a weapon has
As plasma has a chance to miss it will simulate drones being able to be shot down (ok not real drones but as close as I can get)
Dizzys are all ready in game

I know no esg but the lyrans do have a esg lance (ion cannon)
I could use this to replace the esg
Dizzys are not a problem
Not a great way to replace lyrans I know but the only way I can think of doing it

Gorn this is an easy one plasma + phasers

Roms same as gorn but get better plasma and less phasers

ISC same as gorn and roms and I am hopeing to be able to give them the PPD (borg cutting beam just renamed )plus fighters for their carriers

Fighters  fusion beam(sheild inverson beam) hell bore (polearon torpedo)

Dizzys and torps + fighters for carriers

Feds phasers and torps + fighters for carriers

TMP style pirate ships phasers and torps

Tholeons cant rember but I think they phasers and torps cant replace the web caster

Pirates and tholeons will be ai only

Now I know what your thinking you cant have more than 4 player controled races in the game but you can put 2 races in to one race  


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Re: OT how many of you own sfc3 and do you think this might be a good Idea
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2003, 04:51:54 pm »
Instead of the borg cutting beam for ISC did you mean Shield inversion beam?  Because that always struck me as the PPD of SFC3 (if it worked right for me anyways I could never get the thing to do any damage lol)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by TheMaverick »

Alidar Jarok

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Re: OT how many of you own sfc3 and do you think this might be a good Idea
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2003, 07:03:11 pm »
Good idea, but I'd say the ion cannon is a fusion cannon.

The Mirak and the Lyrans can't really effectively be reproduced.  (drones and SFC3-Plasma are nothing alike)

PPD is most like a Shield inversion beam.

Here are the races that can be used.



Not sure how to add as non-playable (has no weapons or hulls):
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Alidar Jarok »


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Re: OT how many of you own sfc3 and do you think this might be a good Idea
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2003, 07:33:31 pm »
Excuse my ignorance, but what's a TMP?
I'm curious.  


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Re: OT how many of you own sfc3 and do you think this might be a good Idea
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2003, 07:40:04 pm »
TMP = The Motion Picture

So, you have several eras of Trek

TOS = The Original Series
TMP = The Motion Picture (original cast movies era)
TAS = The Animated Series
TNG = The Next Generation  


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Re: OT how many of you own sfc3 and do you think this might be a good Idea
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2003, 07:40:24 pm »

Excuse my ignorance, but what's a TMP?
I'm curious.  

The Motion Picture era.... ST movies 1-6    


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Re: OT how many of you own sfc3 and do you think this might be a good Idea
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2003, 08:20:19 pm »
Ah, makes sense now, thanks guys!

(I was familiar with TOS and TNG but
TMP and TAS are new ones to me!)