Well, to whet some appetites (or perhaps to chase some people away from ever wanting them, if they don't like) here's another little preview.
First, we have Atrahasis' Andromeda I found on a site a long time ago. Nice model (although a little hard to see but I was in a hurry).

heh, and again, but with a couple of my CA Koenigsberg's in the foreground. There are a number of other ships in there too, but they are fairly dark, and lacking in full textures (as is the Koenigsberg, but I can't help myself but to play with them early sometimes).

The above has my Koenigsberg (lower center), Gearing (right) and the FF Airone (left) as well as an Arcadia but I couldn't find the file showing who did that one.

and finally a closer shot of the Koenigsberg and Gearing.
Mine are all suffering from texture issues (and a few other issues), as I've been through about 10 different looks on some of them, I just can't get what I want (although it would help to know myself). Not sure if I want to go for a more anime look or for more realistic, aaargh! The madness! Anyhow, they are being worked on.