Topic: Robotech Garfish (in-game Shot)  (Read 3086 times)

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Robotech Garfish (in-game Shot)
« on: October 28, 2003, 02:02:51 pm »

Its been a long time in the making for the Robotech mod is now officially coming back!
Thanks to Assimsoft and Coreedit I can finally get this thing a rolling!  


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Re: Robotech Garfish (in-game Shot)
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2003, 02:18:23 pm »

What ships are planned?


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Re: Robotech Garfish (in-game Shot)
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2003, 02:32:19 pm »
Well that is just one of the few REF hulls that I have finished. I have pictures of what I have or had after the computer crash at my old site. Which is currently down possibly a server crash

Hulls that I have that just need to be added into the game
-SDF-1 with ARMD's
-Horizont empty
-Horizont Missile Cruiser
-Hawkeye AWAC's
-Garfish (as seen above)
-Ikazuchi Command Carrier

And more to come if I can find my Back-Up CD before the systems crash.


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Re: Robotech Garfish (in-game Shot)
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2003, 08:21:59 pm »
Looking really good AA..

Hey, expect some email..


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Re: Robotech Garfish (in-game Shot)
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2003, 02:04:31 am »
 Woohoo a robotech mod, this would be fantastic, especially since I absolutely love Robotech


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Re: Robotech Garfish (in-game Shot)
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2003, 02:41:43 am »
Yeah, I'm back once again. But this time I can now be my own full Mod team. No need to beg or find someone that can do Hardpoints and Damage points on these models. And with CoreEdit soon to be coming out, this mod will take form really quickly.

Right now I have been play testing the Garfish in-game. I got a little bored with it and ended up sticking in the SDF-1 in-game as well. Now I am in the middle of re-hard pointing both of them and editing the weapon profiles.

Fighters will be placed in game under the Frigates Hull area, that is if they are big enough to even be seen in the game.
I know the Alpha-Beta Legious combination should be big enough to see.

Planned Races Sofar

RDF-REF (including SouthernCross stuff) is slotted for the Federation Race slot.
Invid (Regent & Regis) looks like it will be slotted for the Borg Race slot
Robtech Masters will get the Romulan Race slot.
Zentraedi War Machine will get the Klingon Race slot.

Once this section of the mod is complete I would like to Combine the Zentraedi and the Robotech Masters into one group under the Klingon Race slot. Then add in the Marduk from Macross II plus the other UN-Spacy ships into the RDF-REF section.  


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Re: Robotech Garfish (in-game Shot)
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2003, 03:03:59 am »
 Well if you don't mind a request there is a very nice ship that I would like to see added  

 Its the Raptor or Northhampton Class stealth Frigate and its at Thankyou if you decide to include this lovely ship and if not, well I just had to ask.

Hmm that doesn't work so lets see how I can get a pic of it. It would seem that a more complicated way of doing it is the copy paste deal. All I did was do a search for 4th robotech war and found it under Raptor class heavy space destroyer.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2003, 03:09:23 am by Baker »


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Re: Robotech Garfish (in-game Shot)
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2003, 03:40:34 am »
I've seen it before. The DYRL HW Team has one of them in there game mod. I know right up front I can not use that model since Lestat is a Macross Purist. But that doesn't matter I plan on creating more models for this Mod some of which are not canon and of original design. As an example I had a request to do an Icarus Command Carrier this evening.  (side pic of ship at the link). Since it is based off of the Ikazuchi Command Carrier it only took a few minutes to produce this new ship class. The Exter will also be added soon to the REF shiplist. I also have Mesh to texture from my old Robotech HW: Mod group. Its the Monster or M.A.C.II  with space boosters attached to it. Yeah I know it never had them on it but this one is going to have them so we can pilot one of these bad boyz in the mod. Depending on how that looks I might place one on an ARMD platform as well.

There is simply to much do and all of this rests on one guy at the moment. And before someone asks about this, I do plan on putting in a Main Reflex Cannon on the SDF-1, expect to huge power drain if you want to use it  


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Monster Pic
« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2003, 10:56:44 am »
Well here is the Destroid Monster I was talking about, untextured. She is originally Tom W's from the now dead Robotech: HW Mod.  The Lower picture is a scale shot of it on one of the ARMD Platforms which just got its glowies lastnight  

At roughly 41m long she is dam close to being half the size of an REF Garfish. This version has a six thrusters attached to it so it can manage a ver primative space flight. I hope to start texturing this Mesh soon.  


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Re: Robotech Garfish (in-game Shot)
« Reply #9 on: October 29, 2003, 04:09:33 pm »
Any of you planned on doing those Invid ships.... I recall red crab-like ships... what were those? Either way, that Garfish is nice- I  


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Re: Robotech Garfish (in-game Shot)
« Reply #10 on: October 29, 2003, 04:50:38 pm »
I do plan on having all of the Invid fighters in game. Althought I lost the one I was working on when my computer crashed. It just means I will have to do the Armored Scout and the Clam ship over again. Right now I am going to be torn between work and what to do first. My model library is fairly large of already completed models but it doesn't even scratch the surface of what is needed to be done yet for the mod.  

So in an attempt to speed up this process I am working with other Robotech Mod groups increase the overall model base in the community. And they in turn help me by sharing models like this old Monster in the picture above.

Completed Ship Hull list of the mod is as follows:

RDF-REF (Southern Cross)
SDF-2 with ARMD arms
Lancer II
Icarus Command Carrier (New)
Ikazuchi Command Carrier
Horizont Empty
Horizont Missile ship
Hawkeye (Horizont AWAC's)

Models what are in the works

Exter-Horizont Reflex Cannon Variant
Monster MACII (needs to be textured)

Models I plan on making or getting help with from other modelers.

--UES (United Earth Ships)
QF-3000E Ghost
VF-1 Super
VF-1 Super Strike
Alpha Fighter
Beta Fighter
Shadow Fighter
Legios Combination
(more to add to the list but you get the over all picture)

Battle Pods (All 4)
Officers Battle Pod
Officers Battle Pod with Sled
Female Power Armor
Male Power Armor
Zentraedi Salan Scout Cruiser
Zentraedi Destroyer
Zentraedi Landing Ship
Zentraedi Command Cruiser
Zentraedi Flag ship
Dolza's Command ship (based as a planet model)
Robotech Factory (based as a planet model)
Zentraedi Shuttle
Zentraedi Fighter Pod
Cyclops Recon (Zentraedi)

All Terrain Assault Carrier
Clam ship
Royal Command Battliod
Shock Trooper
Armored Scout

--Robotech Masters
Assault Carrier
Invid Bioroid
Combat Bioroid
Leader Bioroid
Hoover platforms for Bioroids

this is just the few I can think of off the top of my head.



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Re: Robotech Garfish (in-game Shot)
« Reply #11 on: October 29, 2003, 07:51:22 pm »

I remember finding your site and droolin over those beauties!!
  Ark-Royal Class Battle Escort Carrier  
I found that off one of the above links, I dont know about the others but heh 1 or 2 flat deck style carriers might be cool, atleast you can tell at a glance what it is



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Re: Robotech Garfish (in-game Shot)
« Reply #12 on: October 29, 2003, 10:50:43 pm »
No joke- that is pretty darn cool! Good show.... looking really forward to these models!  

Captain Ron

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Re: Robotech Garfish (in-game Shot)
« Reply #13 on: October 30, 2003, 12:31:11 am »
So when will any of this be available for download?


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Re: Robotech Garfish (in-game Shot)
« Reply #14 on: October 30, 2003, 06:04:53 am »
Yup, that SteelFalcon sight has some good ships posted in there.

As for the question on when these models will be released.  
I plan on doing a complete mod of SFC3 all the way down to the campaign system for the game.
The Robotech (something) Mod will be released in packets as the mod progresses along. When the mod is completed I will have a gaint download available for those of you that have high-band.
If you just want the ships then your going to have to download the packets and pick them out of it.

Right now I do not have much put in-game only two models currently, the Garfish & the SDF-1. Both of these models need to be Hard pointed and have Damage points put into place on the model. I am still in the process of looking over all of the weapons in SFC3 to see what might function better as "X" weapon in Robotech. Until I get that figured out and all of those weapons changed I'm sort of at an impass. First order of business is to work out the weapon Damage vs Range. Next its to edit the shields and Armor so show a much heavier mass. Warp cores need to be tweeked after all they should be Reflex Engines.

As an example, my current SDF-1 in-game has a power useage of around 240 when its engine only produces close to 150-170. Which reminds me the Main Reflex Cannon on the SDF-1 will not be on the default ship. If you want that weapon your going to have to pay for it and place it on there your self. After all that cannon only worked a few times in ship mode
The main Reflex Cannon on the SDF-1 is ment to take down any ship with a single hit, but the recharge time will be set so it should take close to 2 minutes to rearm it. If you have to fight the SDF-1 target that forward cannon and take it out or do not stay dirrectly in front of it.


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Re: Robotech Garfish (in-game Shot)
« Reply #15 on: October 30, 2003, 06:50:51 am »
for some reason I was expecing to actualy see a robotic fish Funny how the ship seems to reseble babylon 5 construction in a way.


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Re: Robotech Garfish (in-game Shot)
« Reply #16 on: October 30, 2003, 07:29:22 am »
Hehe, it must be the colour scheme Starforce, when I first saw one fo these ships - they screamed "SHOTGUN" at me, but then that's just my demented little mind   lol


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Re: Robotech Garfish (in-game Shot)
« Reply #17 on: October 30, 2003, 07:44:18 am »

Hehe, it must be the colour scheme Starforce, when I first saw one fo these ships - they screamed "SHOTGUN" at me, but then that's just my demented little mind   lol  



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Re: Robotech Garfish (in-game Shot)
« Reply #18 on: October 30, 2003, 08:01:59 am »
Yes, they all look like guns