Topic: Question About Planet Models EAW/OP  (Read 1086 times)

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Question About Planet Models EAW/OP
« on: October 28, 2003, 12:46:50 pm »
Is it possible to resize them? I have always been dismayed that the only planet of different size (at least optically) is PL-6, the Ringed Gas Giant. It would be nice to make some of the other gas giant type planet graphics larger to be in proper scale to PL-6, not to mention the star graphic, if possible. If it would cause problems with the armed planets, then I would only resize the unarmed ones.


Thank you in advance for any helpful responses.

Captain Ron

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Re: Question About Planet Models EAW/OP
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2003, 12:11:15 am »
The answer is Yes they can be resized to a point but you need to find some one with Max to do it.


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Re: Question About Planet Models EAW/OP
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2003, 09:13:40 am »
I haven't tried it (since I'm at work), but if all you want is to resize the planets, then M6's editor could probably do it for ya.   (and it's free)



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Re: Question About Planet Models EAW/OP
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2003, 09:54:05 am »
I didn't think you could resize anything in M6..!!!

This is interesting, could anyone tell me how???  


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Re: Question About Planet Models EAW/OP
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2003, 11:05:18 am »
Resizing is one of the things that M6 does well  .  Select all Vertices (Vertex->Select All).  Use the "Q" and "W" keys to either shrink or enlarge a model. (you won't see a change on the M6 screen, since you've selected all of the vertices - selecting only a few of the vertices will let you play with the keystrokes)  I think the default is 10%, you can use shift / ctrl to make fine / large changes.

Good luck!

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: Question About Planet Models EAW/OP
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2003, 11:18:22 am »
Overall, SFC 3 planets  work great in SFC: OP. I have a mix of Fleetdock 13 (Earth with moon) Stock and SFC3 models. Be careful though, some of Nuclear Wessels 'Base Defense' missions place starbases too close to the larger SFC3 planets and the bases and defenses end up being destroyed if the planets aren't stock sized or smaller.




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Re: Question About Planet Models EAW/OP
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2003, 05:39:16 pm »
Thank you very much!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Corbomite »


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Re: Question About Planet Models EAW/OP
« Reply #7 on: October 30, 2003, 04:39:07 pm »
One thing you need to be aware of is the M6 cannot select everything.  I do not know enough of the technical stuff to explain why, but when you resize with M6, you are only making the model look larger or smaller.  There is something that M6 can't edit that tells the game how big the ship is, so even after you resize it, the game still thinks it's the same size.  That isn't a problem if you are only making small changes, but it would be a serious problem if you, say, tried to make a K'vort out of a B'rel.  In game, the shields will not be correct, for they will be in proportion to the original size.  If you make a sphere much larger, the shields will be swallowed up by the model and will not be visible.  Also, at a distance the game will resize the ship back to what it's supposed to be, so as you approach the planet, it will at first look small (or large, as the case may be) and then when you get within a certain distance it will pop out to the edited size.  I have never used M6 on the planet model, so I have no idea what this would do to the collision feature.  It may be that you would be able to fly "into" the planet a bit before hitting it and blowing up, or it may cause some bigger problem.  As prone as OP and EAW are to crashes, this might do something wierd.

Milkshape is better for resizing.  It has a free trial period and only costs $25 to register, or at least it did about a year ago.