Topic: SFC 3 Expansion Pack... Will there be one?  (Read 4857 times)

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SFC 3 Expansion Pack... Will there be one?
« on: February 12, 2003, 01:54:37 pm »
  I don't know how SFC is selling, but is there a possibility of creating an expansion pack for it? With the Cardassians left on the cutting room floor as it were, could we see them, the Dominion, or an oldie like the ISC making the transition to TNG? Also maybe a few monters, definitely some variety in missions both single player and on the D3 would help greatly.  Just a thought... Though it would be cool to bring back the great tribble hunt and mirror universe missions back...



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Re: SFC 3 Expansion Pack... Will there be one?
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2003, 02:31:26 pm »
I'd buy one if it has heaps of new stuff, particularly single player (even though this is the only game I DO play MP)

What I'd like to see:

-Missions available in each sector so you don't have to wait for an enemy ship to wander into a sector you want to take.
-Mission Diversity: Specifically assigned missions. EG: you select it & are told to go to a sector to take out a shipyard, deliver a diplomat or rescue a stranded (not attacked) ship. Likewise once in a while, you'd be ordered to do a mission just to give you a sense of chain of command
-That funky new warbird design from nemesis, way more preferrable to have that playable than scimitars, possibly as an upgraded dreadnought over the standard warbird a la the soverign to the galaxy
-New Races: Cardassian, Dominion, Breen


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Re: SFC 3 Expansion Pack... Will there be one?
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2003, 03:03:29 pm »
A patch within a month or a game that works fine from the start, I know I know I'm dreaming  

-Different kinds of shuttles / fighters
-Add the ability to buy teammates instead of letting a ship join (like in SFC) , but leave the join option in it too so that you can still go battle with more than one ship even if you have not enough prestige to buy a second ship.
-A mission editor that doesn't require any knowledge of C++ or visual basic or any programming program, again I'm dreaming.
-Make the officers even more important by giving more room to put weapons or extra hardpoints for better officers.
-Divide the warp core and shield generater in 2 different systems, so if you take out the warp core the weapons are down and if you take out the shield generator the shields go down.
-Way bigger maps and make the places of pirates and ferengi more a border thing than having them come to your homeplanet.


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Re: SFC 3 Expansion Pack... Will there be one?
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2003, 03:17:04 pm »
That was one of the other things, equipment variety.

Have magnetic mines, antimatter mines, regular mines, mini-mine swarms etc all deployable from a standard minelayer. Make the minelayer addons change the deployment styles. Give them a rapid minelayer or a pattern minelayer that ejects a few at a time.

Shuttle variety would be nice, have a fighter version comparable to a runabout

Marines could have specialties like capture, disable or even just damaging the hull.

And options for actually modding the ship's layout would be nice. Say you had a ship with nowhere near enough engine space, you could sacrifice a few weapon hardpoints or mass for more engine mass. Likewise remove mass/hardpoints from one area to add hardpoints to another. Imagine it, you could have a saber with heaps of weapons but no engines! Also applicable to marines, shuttles & mines, you can essentially reassign space to store more bombs or expendable clonetroopers

And let me leave spacedock without a freakin tractor beam!

Captain KoraH

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Re: SFC 3 Expansion Pack... Will there be one?
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2003, 03:44:45 pm »

Why were fighters taken out of SFC??? Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the first time a fighter was ever seen in CANON TREK on DS9, which is TNG-era???? So if fighters are a CANON TNG ship, and they were ALREADY IN THE PREVIOUS GAME, why were they removed?????

Whew... what a rant...

Thanks for your attention

Captain KoraH


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Re: SFC 3 Expansion Pack... Will there be one?
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2003, 04:03:10 pm »


Why were fighters taken out of SFC??? Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the first time a fighter was ever seen in CANON TREK on DS9, which is TNG-era???? So if fighters are a CANON TNG ship, and they were ALREADY IN THE PREVIOUS GAME, why were they removed?????

Whew... what a rant...

Thanks for your attention

Captain KoraH  

I think it would be easy to add fighters problem is you lose the shuttle that you replace it with
All you need to do is add a fighter modle edit the hard points(1 to 11 primes 12 to 25 heavys then edit the spec's for them(more mass weapons and the like) all the commands are still in sfc3 so I cant see why it cant be done  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by LongTooth »


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Re: SFC 3 Expansion Pack... Will there be one?
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2003, 04:05:20 pm »
I don't think Activision is licensed for DS9, only TNG.  If memory serves...Simon and Schuster have DS9 licensed.  


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Re: SFC 3 Expansion Pack... Will there be one?
« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2003, 04:13:31 pm »
Personally, I would much rather see a PATCH for SFC3 (AND OP) prior to any Expansion being released. Taldrens record on expansions is not that good, anyway.... OP = "Stand ALone Expansion"... Even though I know in depth why they did it, it still sucked


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Re: SFC 3 Expansion Pack... Will there be one?
« Reply #8 on: February 12, 2003, 04:33:44 pm »
And screwed up royally with Dominion Wars.

Things I would like to see in an add-on...

More playable races.= Tholians, Gorn, Species 8472, Cardassians, Dominion to name some ideas

More weapons. Phaser cannon & Disrupter cannon(heavy duty versions), Anti-Matter Spread(uh, TNG best of both worlds), Polaron Beams,
  Missiles(bring them back), Plasmatic Pulsar Beam(sfc 2), Breen energy disrupter,  for starters.

More mission diversity. Single player conquest is boring as hell. Multiplayer is alittle better, but still suffers from lack of diversity. Honestly, I'm sick and tired of planetary assaults, scans, convoy raids, and such. There's very little variation, its always the same thing.

Improved A.I. I'm not asking for genius here, but all the ai seem to do is come at me. They don't retreat, only flank me when I'm faced off against 3 or more, and don't see other ai as a threat.

Diverse Items. Not to many ideas on this one. Borg transporter inhibiters(can stop transport of a number of troops per level bought), able to select between fighters or shuttles. Multiple or better shuttle bays allowing faster launches, or multiple launches. Sensor decoys, Anti-cloak field generator, metaphasic shields(stronger against beam weapons, weaker against projectiles), Ablative armor(bought extra, adds to ship mass, and must be rebought to fix).  


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Re: SFC 3 Expansion Pack... Will there be one?
« Reply #9 on: February 12, 2003, 04:34:09 pm »

I don't think Activision is licensed for DS9, only TNG.  If memory serves...Simon and Schuster have DS9 licensed.  

past tense.

Activision now has all Star Trek licences.


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Re: SFC 3 Expansion Pack... Will there be one?
« Reply #10 on: February 12, 2003, 04:45:55 pm »
if they do make a expansion pack it would be nice to see them add a bunch more ships

i vote for the following

type 9 shuttles

some cardassians and some dominion too

that would be my wish ...aside from the patch


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SFC 3 Expansion Pack... Will there be one?
« Reply #11 on: February 12, 2003, 01:54:37 pm »
  I don't know how SFC is selling, but is there a possibility of creating an expansion pack for it? With the Cardassians left on the cutting room floor as it were, could we see them, the Dominion, or an oldie like the ISC making the transition to TNG? Also maybe a few monters, definitely some variety in missions both single player and on the D3 would help greatly.  Just a thought... Though it would be cool to bring back the great tribble hunt and mirror universe missions back...



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Re: SFC 3 Expansion Pack... Will there be one?
« Reply #12 on: February 12, 2003, 02:31:26 pm »
I'd buy one if it has heaps of new stuff, particularly single player (even though this is the only game I DO play MP)

What I'd like to see:

-Missions available in each sector so you don't have to wait for an enemy ship to wander into a sector you want to take.
-Mission Diversity: Specifically assigned missions. EG: you select it & are told to go to a sector to take out a shipyard, deliver a diplomat or rescue a stranded (not attacked) ship. Likewise once in a while, you'd be ordered to do a mission just to give you a sense of chain of command
-That funky new warbird design from nemesis, way more preferrable to have that playable than scimitars, possibly as an upgraded dreadnought over the standard warbird a la the soverign to the galaxy
-New Races: Cardassian, Dominion, Breen


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Re: SFC 3 Expansion Pack... Will there be one?
« Reply #13 on: February 12, 2003, 03:03:29 pm »
A patch within a month or a game that works fine from the start, I know I know I'm dreaming  

-Different kinds of shuttles / fighters
-Add the ability to buy teammates instead of letting a ship join (like in SFC) , but leave the join option in it too so that you can still go battle with more than one ship even if you have not enough prestige to buy a second ship.
-A mission editor that doesn't require any knowledge of C++ or visual basic or any programming program, again I'm dreaming.
-Make the officers even more important by giving more room to put weapons or extra hardpoints for better officers.
-Divide the warp core and shield generater in 2 different systems, so if you take out the warp core the weapons are down and if you take out the shield generator the shields go down.
-Way bigger maps and make the places of pirates and ferengi more a border thing than having them come to your homeplanet.


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Re: SFC 3 Expansion Pack... Will there be one?
« Reply #14 on: February 12, 2003, 03:17:04 pm »
That was one of the other things, equipment variety.

Have magnetic mines, antimatter mines, regular mines, mini-mine swarms etc all deployable from a standard minelayer. Make the minelayer addons change the deployment styles. Give them a rapid minelayer or a pattern minelayer that ejects a few at a time.

Shuttle variety would be nice, have a fighter version comparable to a runabout

Marines could have specialties like capture, disable or even just damaging the hull.

And options for actually modding the ship's layout would be nice. Say you had a ship with nowhere near enough engine space, you could sacrifice a few weapon hardpoints or mass for more engine mass. Likewise remove mass/hardpoints from one area to add hardpoints to another. Imagine it, you could have a saber with heaps of weapons but no engines! Also applicable to marines, shuttles & mines, you can essentially reassign space to store more bombs or expendable clonetroopers

And let me leave spacedock without a freakin tractor beam!

Captain KoraH

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Re: SFC 3 Expansion Pack... Will there be one?
« Reply #15 on: February 12, 2003, 03:44:45 pm »

Why were fighters taken out of SFC??? Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the first time a fighter was ever seen in CANON TREK on DS9, which is TNG-era???? So if fighters are a CANON TNG ship, and they were ALREADY IN THE PREVIOUS GAME, why were they removed?????

Whew... what a rant...

Thanks for your attention

Captain KoraH


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Re: SFC 3 Expansion Pack... Will there be one?
« Reply #16 on: February 12, 2003, 04:03:10 pm »


Why were fighters taken out of SFC??? Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the first time a fighter was ever seen in CANON TREK on DS9, which is TNG-era???? So if fighters are a CANON TNG ship, and they were ALREADY IN THE PREVIOUS GAME, why were they removed?????

Whew... what a rant...

Thanks for your attention

Captain KoraH  

I think it would be easy to add fighters problem is you lose the shuttle that you replace it with
All you need to do is add a fighter modle edit the hard points(1 to 11 primes 12 to 25 heavys then edit the spec's for them(more mass weapons and the like) all the commands are still in sfc3 so I cant see why it cant be done  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by LongTooth »


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Re: SFC 3 Expansion Pack... Will there be one?
« Reply #17 on: February 12, 2003, 04:05:20 pm »
I don't think Activision is licensed for DS9, only TNG.  If memory serves...Simon and Schuster have DS9 licensed.  


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Re: SFC 3 Expansion Pack... Will there be one?
« Reply #18 on: February 12, 2003, 04:13:31 pm »
Personally, I would much rather see a PATCH for SFC3 (AND OP) prior to any Expansion being released. Taldrens record on expansions is not that good, anyway.... OP = "Stand ALone Expansion"... Even though I know in depth why they did it, it still sucked


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Re: SFC 3 Expansion Pack... Will there be one?
« Reply #19 on: February 12, 2003, 04:33:44 pm »
And screwed up royally with Dominion Wars.

Things I would like to see in an add-on...

More playable races.= Tholians, Gorn, Species 8472, Cardassians, Dominion to name some ideas

More weapons. Phaser cannon & Disrupter cannon(heavy duty versions), Anti-Matter Spread(uh, TNG best of both worlds), Polaron Beams,
  Missiles(bring them back), Plasmatic Pulsar Beam(sfc 2), Breen energy disrupter,  for starters.

More mission diversity. Single player conquest is boring as hell. Multiplayer is alittle better, but still suffers from lack of diversity. Honestly, I'm sick and tired of planetary assaults, scans, convoy raids, and such. There's very little variation, its always the same thing.

Improved A.I. I'm not asking for genius here, but all the ai seem to do is come at me. They don't retreat, only flank me when I'm faced off against 3 or more, and don't see other ai as a threat.

Diverse Items. Not to many ideas on this one. Borg transporter inhibiters(can stop transport of a number of troops per level bought), able to select between fighters or shuttles. Multiple or better shuttle bays allowing faster launches, or multiple launches. Sensor decoys, Anti-cloak field generator, metaphasic shields(stronger against beam weapons, weaker against projectiles), Ablative armor(bought extra, adds to ship mass, and must be rebought to fix).  


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Re: SFC 3 Expansion Pack... Will there be one?
« Reply #20 on: February 12, 2003, 04:34:09 pm »

I don't think Activision is licensed for DS9, only TNG.  If memory serves...Simon and Schuster have DS9 licensed.  

past tense.

Activision now has all Star Trek licences.


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Re: SFC 3 Expansion Pack... Will there be one?
« Reply #21 on: February 12, 2003, 04:45:55 pm »
if they do make a expansion pack it would be nice to see them add a bunch more ships

i vote for the following

type 9 shuttles

some cardassians and some dominion too

that would be my wish ...aside from the patch