Topic: Just play the game..  (Read 4351 times)

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Chris Jones

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Just play the game..
« on: February 12, 2003, 09:53:30 am »
I come to these forums to possibly hear some new news on the patch or something else positive related to any of the SFC games... and I get that.. but I also see a lot of pointless bickering about things you cannt change. If Taldren bans somebody they do it for a reason. While it is ok to express opinions, I feel it is not ok constantly drone on about it. Let it lie.

Sure the games have bugs. SO WHAT. Do you know how much fun my son and I have playing OP on our LAN? Do you know how much fun it is to play Co-op ace on EAW or OP, no matter what patch the game is on? SFC3 in its current state is a damn fun game. I personally don't care about the bugs, but that is just me.

 I saw some talk of the SFC2 and SFC3 communities growing apart.


The mods I produce have a great many SFC2/OP models ported to 3. These 4 SFC games are all great. Enjoy what is in the here and now. The Patches will get here when they get here.  Thanks for listening.



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Re: Just play the game..
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2003, 09:59:17 am »
Great point Chris... not to mention you do great work. Thanks for both!  

Dash Jones

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Re: Just play the game..
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2003, 12:00:33 pm »
Hear, hear,

Or is it

Hear here...

Either way, you get the message.

I agree, enjoy the games.


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Re: Just play the game..
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2003, 02:52:44 pm »
Good point Chris,

BTW , How do you like this winter so far ?

I'm just down the road in  Colonie , Maybe we can Lan sometime.

L8R  ..SABRE..  

Chris Jones

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Re: Just play the game..
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2003, 08:23:38 pm »
kool Sabre..

Do you you hang on Gamespy and what's your name there?


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Re: Just play the game..
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2003, 05:22:20 am »
Yeah it's ok to say just play the game, but some of us can't even do that, well at least not for very long.

I've got one pc where the game runs for a variable amount of time before crashing.
I'm sort of hoping that the patch will sort this.

I have however, had loads of fun with it on my laptop, so I haven't put too much effort into trying to fix the other problem.



Credo Narth

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Re: Just play the game..
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2003, 10:31:35 am »
I thought that peopple were going to be branded a public nuisance if they mentioned the B word again and criticised Taldren. Even Saddam Ferrell said so when he locked our favourite post and took our toys away.

Sorry, Freudian slip, I meant Dave. No, really.

I must wonder, after initially being offended by DF's outburst, to being a little humoured. Exectly what is a Public Nuisance? Is this like the Phantom Menace? Are the administrators going to become Nuisance police? Will we have a society evolve where fellow posters report each other for making a nuisance of myself? I meant ourselves, sorry again.

I await with great trepidation and trembling buttocks for clarification of the rules of posting in this dark new era.


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Ever hear the saying
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2003, 10:40:45 am »
The answer is in the question?  

If you disagree with a Taldren policy or post, go ahead and say so.  Stoop to name calling and generally acting like a horse's ass, well I think you can figure it out.  But you have been wronged and I am sure your life revolves around this $50 piece of software.  So flame away until you are a nuisance too...

BTW I don't play this game (sfc3) but if someone wants to play some sfc2 or even 1 let me know.



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Re: Ever hear the saying
« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2003, 01:14:25 pm »
True Saber, i saw your Can't Fly - Must Die signature, where is that from again? i cant recall. my initial impression seems to think its from Paris on voyager but, then my other impression is its from some normal movie...which i more believe.


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Re: Just play the game..
« Reply #9 on: February 13, 2003, 05:48:39 pm »
kool Sabre..

Do you you hang on Gamespy and what's your name there?

Same Name.


True Saber, i saw your Can't Fly - Must Die signature, where is that from again?

I stole that from Wing Commander IV on PS1..
« Last Edit: February 13, 2003, 05:51:35 pm by True_Sabre »


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Re: Just play the game..
« Reply #10 on: February 13, 2003, 06:27:54 pm »

I thought that peopple were going to be branded a public nuisance if they mentioned the B word again and criticised Taldren. Even Saddam Ferrell said so when he locked our favourite post and took our toys away.

Sorry, Freudian slip, I meant Dave. No, really.

I must wonder, after initially being offended by DF's outburst, to being a little humoured. Exectly what is a Public Nuisance? Is this like the Phantom Menace? Are the administrators going to become Nuisance police? Will we have a society evolve where fellow posters report each other for making a nuisance of myself? I meant ourselves, sorry again.

I await with great trepidation and trembling buttocks for clarification of the rules of posting in this dark new era.

Need I go any further than to mention George Orwell?  1984  anyone? But hey, what can ye do? We are, after all, on Taldren's private property when we log into these forums, allowed to speak here out of the goodness (is that possible?) of their hearts. Dave Ferell is our Host, and we his guests. And like good guests we are expected to behave "properly" or be thrown out. It is the Host's right to do so after all, isn't it? So, as Host and Big Brother, when he spots one of us saying not so nice things about him, he does indeed have the right as such to give us the proverbial "axe" cutting the head off our account once and for all.

You can't bring a man who lost his head back to life. So ostensibly, you can't (and really shouldn't) bring a banned member back to these forums, can you?

Just my two cents for the day....  

Chris Jones

  • Guest
Just play the game..
« Reply #11 on: February 12, 2003, 09:53:30 am »
I come to these forums to possibly hear some new news on the patch or something else positive related to any of the SFC games... and I get that.. but I also see a lot of pointless bickering about things you cannt change. If Taldren bans somebody they do it for a reason. While it is ok to express opinions, I feel it is not ok constantly drone on about it. Let it lie.

Sure the games have bugs. SO WHAT. Do you know how much fun my son and I have playing OP on our LAN? Do you know how much fun it is to play Co-op ace on EAW or OP, no matter what patch the game is on? SFC3 in its current state is a damn fun game. I personally don't care about the bugs, but that is just me.

 I saw some talk of the SFC2 and SFC3 communities growing apart.


The mods I produce have a great many SFC2/OP models ported to 3. These 4 SFC games are all great. Enjoy what is in the here and now. The Patches will get here when they get here.  Thanks for listening.



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Re: Just play the game..
« Reply #12 on: February 12, 2003, 09:59:17 am »
Great point Chris... not to mention you do great work. Thanks for both!  

Dash Jones

  • Guest
Re: Just play the game..
« Reply #13 on: February 12, 2003, 12:00:33 pm »
Hear, hear,

Or is it

Hear here...

Either way, you get the message.

I agree, enjoy the games.


  • Guest
Re: Just play the game..
« Reply #14 on: February 12, 2003, 02:52:44 pm »
Good point Chris,

BTW , How do you like this winter so far ?

I'm just down the road in  Colonie , Maybe we can Lan sometime.

L8R  ..SABRE..  

Chris Jones

  • Guest
Re: Just play the game..
« Reply #15 on: February 12, 2003, 08:23:38 pm »
kool Sabre..

Do you you hang on Gamespy and what's your name there?


  • Guest
Re: Just play the game..
« Reply #16 on: February 13, 2003, 05:22:20 am »
Yeah it's ok to say just play the game, but some of us can't even do that, well at least not for very long.

I've got one pc where the game runs for a variable amount of time before crashing.
I'm sort of hoping that the patch will sort this.

I have however, had loads of fun with it on my laptop, so I haven't put too much effort into trying to fix the other problem.



Credo Narth

  • Guest
Re: Just play the game..
« Reply #17 on: February 13, 2003, 10:31:35 am »
I thought that peopple were going to be branded a public nuisance if they mentioned the B word again and criticised Taldren. Even Saddam Ferrell said so when he locked our favourite post and took our toys away.

Sorry, Freudian slip, I meant Dave. No, really.

I must wonder, after initially being offended by DF's outburst, to being a little humoured. Exectly what is a Public Nuisance? Is this like the Phantom Menace? Are the administrators going to become Nuisance police? Will we have a society evolve where fellow posters report each other for making a nuisance of myself? I meant ourselves, sorry again.

I await with great trepidation and trembling buttocks for clarification of the rules of posting in this dark new era.


  • Guest
Ever hear the saying
« Reply #18 on: February 13, 2003, 10:40:45 am »
The answer is in the question?  

If you disagree with a Taldren policy or post, go ahead and say so.  Stoop to name calling and generally acting like a horse's ass, well I think you can figure it out.  But you have been wronged and I am sure your life revolves around this $50 piece of software.  So flame away until you are a nuisance too...

BTW I don't play this game (sfc3) but if someone wants to play some sfc2 or even 1 let me know.



  • Guest
Re: Ever hear the saying
« Reply #19 on: February 13, 2003, 01:14:25 pm »
True Saber, i saw your Can't Fly - Must Die signature, where is that from again? i cant recall. my initial impression seems to think its from Paris on voyager but, then my other impression is its from some normal movie...which i more believe.


  • Guest
Re: Just play the game..
« Reply #20 on: February 13, 2003, 05:48:39 pm »
kool Sabre..

Do you you hang on Gamespy and what's your name there?

Same Name.


True Saber, i saw your Can't Fly - Must Die signature, where is that from again?

I stole that from Wing Commander IV on PS1..
« Last Edit: February 13, 2003, 05:51:35 pm by True_Sabre »


  • Guest
Re: Just play the game..
« Reply #21 on: February 13, 2003, 06:27:54 pm »

I thought that peopple were going to be branded a public nuisance if they mentioned the B word again and criticised Taldren. Even Saddam Ferrell said so when he locked our favourite post and took our toys away.

Sorry, Freudian slip, I meant Dave. No, really.

I must wonder, after initially being offended by DF's outburst, to being a little humoured. Exectly what is a Public Nuisance? Is this like the Phantom Menace? Are the administrators going to become Nuisance police? Will we have a society evolve where fellow posters report each other for making a nuisance of myself? I meant ourselves, sorry again.

I await with great trepidation and trembling buttocks for clarification of the rules of posting in this dark new era.

Need I go any further than to mention George Orwell?  1984  anyone? But hey, what can ye do? We are, after all, on Taldren's private property when we log into these forums, allowed to speak here out of the goodness (is that possible?) of their hearts. Dave Ferell is our Host, and we his guests. And like good guests we are expected to behave "properly" or be thrown out. It is the Host's right to do so after all, isn't it? So, as Host and Big Brother, when he spots one of us saying not so nice things about him, he does indeed have the right as such to give us the proverbial "axe" cutting the head off our account once and for all.

You can't bring a man who lost his head back to life. So ostensibly, you can't (and really shouldn't) bring a banned member back to these forums, can you?

Just my two cents for the day....