Topic: Sci-fi Bashfest SFC3 race organization (yes, Praxis is still here :D )  (Read 4826 times)

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How should the races in Sci-fi Bashfest SFC3 be organized?  There are 4 race slots, but we want to keep all the original races AND add the Empire and Old/New Republic (New Republic AKA Rebel Alliance) in too.
So how should Chris Jones and I organize it?  We'll obviously have to cram some races together.

How should the races in Sci-fi Bashfest SFC3 be organized?
Federation - Klingons - Romulans - Others/Aliens (Star Wars/Borg/others)
Federation - Klingons/Romulans - Star Wars - Borg
Federation/Klingons/Romulans - Empire - Republic - Borg
Federation/Klingons - Romulans - Star Wars - Borg

What'll it be?  If it's other, please post.

I'm still figuring out SFC3 modding...  


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Re: Sci-fi Bashfest SFC3 race organization (yes, Praxis is still here :D )
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2003, 12:01:26 pm »
btw i perfer the Federation- Klingon/Romulan - Star Wars - Borg because the Romulans and Klingons both use disruptors, so it prevents the problems of fed players on the dynaverse adding klingon weapons to their ships, OR the Federation/Klingon/Romulan - Empire - Republic - Borg one because the Empire and Republic are seperate...which means if we have a dynaverse server we can have Empire be the bad guys and Republic be the good guys  

Bel Iblis

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Re: Sci-fi Bashfest SFC3 race organization (yes, Praxis is still here :D )
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2003, 01:10:19 pm »
I would chose the Federation - Klingons/Romulans - Empire - NR
The Borg never did act like a rational race anyway. They have "random event" written all over them.  

Captain KoraH

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Re: Sci-fi Bashfest SFC3 race organization (yes, Praxis is still here :D )
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2003, 05:26:56 pm »
How about Federation and Rebelion Vs Klingon and Empire??

Captain KoraH


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Re: Sci-fi Bashfest SFC3 race organization (yes, Praxis is still here :D )
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2003, 08:36:03 am »
Well...that would work, but i think some people would throw a fit if there were no Borg or Romulans in it... (looks at Chris Jones who insisted we must have Borg)


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Re: Sci-fi Bashfest SFC3 race organization (yes, Praxis is still here :D )
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2003, 02:23:44 pm »
Oh will you people POST!  lol

Lord Schtupp

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Re: Sci-fi Bashfest SFC3 race organization (yes, Praxis is still here :D )
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2003, 03:42:21 pm »
hey praxis good to see you post again.

How about:

 Federation/rebellion/Nabooian - Klink/romulan - Old/New republic/trade federation etc. - Borg


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Re: Sci-fi Bashfest SFC3 race organization (yes, Praxis is still here :D )
« Reply #7 on: February 10, 2003, 03:59:00 pm »
Hmmm. Isn't hull generation a part of the borg race? So putting anybody else in there would have to take that into consideration.  


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Re: Sci-fi Bashfest SFC3 race organization (yes, Praxis is still here :D )
« Reply #8 on: February 11, 2003, 12:25:28 am »
I chose option 3 since polar opposites shouldn't be allied, but it's alright to have feds/klinks/roms allied because they almost are now anyhow.

Borg and Empire shouldn't have alliances!  


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Re: Sci-fi Bashfest SFC3 race organization (yes, Praxis is still here :D )
« Reply #9 on: February 11, 2003, 04:41:52 am »

hey praxis good to see you post again.

How about:

 Federation/rebellion/Nabooian - Klink/romulan - Old/New republic/trade federation etc. - Borg  

two problems there...

The New Republic IS the Rebellion (they renamed it the New Republic after the defeat of the Empire).

And the second problem is...theres no Empire in what you posted


Hmmm. Isn't hull generation a part of the borg race? So putting anybody else in there would have to take that into consideration.  

Yeah, i found that out from Chris Jones.  But we CAN put the Yuuzhan Vong in there because their ships are organic and thier hull regenerates just like the Borg  If a modeller will DO some Vong for me.

Scratch option one as we can't put Star Wars with the Borg without giving them regenerating hull.


I chose option 3 since polar opposites shouldn't be allied, but it's alright to have feds/klinks/roms allied because they almost are now anyhow.

Borg and Empire shouldn't have alliances!  

Looks like 2 and 3 are winning the case of 2, if we do a dynaverse server it'll be Federation and Klingons/Romulans are allies, Star Wars and the Borg/Yuuzhan Vong will be on their own.  In the case of 3, the New/Old republic will be allied with the Federation/Klingons/Romulans, and the Borg and Empire will be on thier own.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Praxis »


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« Reply #10 on: February 12, 2003, 03:09:01 am »
okay so if we don't get any new votes soon, i'm going with 3.  Federation/Klingon/Romulan - Empire - Republic - Borg


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Re: Sci-fi Bashfest SFC3 race organization (yes, Praxis is still here :D )
« Reply #11 on: February 12, 2003, 01:24:48 pm »
Yuuzwhatever Vong... They're non-canon (Unless they were seen in Episode 2 or will be in Episode 3...) so that means non-canon stuff can come from Star Trek too?

And I don't care what you think, Praxis... While I was looking for JK2 SP tutorials (so sue me!  I don't despise Star Wars so much that I have to give up the thrill of slicing and dicing Stormtroopers with lightsabers and choking others online with the Force Grip power!  Who doesen't like to do such?) and found one.  Reading part of it while bored, I came through this section found in this JK2 guide:



No, no; a thousand times no. To yank a quote from LucasBooks' Chris Cerasi
right out of its context: "When it comes to absolute canon, the real story of
Star Wars, you must turn to the films themselves - and only the films."

So there. And Boba Fett's dead, too.


Before you deliver a page of retaliation from that bit of information that states your precious Y. Vong aren't canonical according to Chris Cerasi, just remember... Mostly it's opinion on what's canonical or not.  Like in Star Trek (I.E.  the infamous "Constitution-class vs. Starship-class" thread).

So... Why not leave the Y. Vong alone and not include it or add non-canon Sci Fi ships and tech and other things to your SFC3 Sci-Fi Bash mod?

And one more question Praxis... Do you have JK2 for the PC?  


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Re: Sci-fi Bashfest SFC3 race organization (yes, Praxis is still here :D )
« Reply #12 on: February 13, 2003, 09:18:46 am »

Yuuzwhatever Vong... They're non-canon (Unless they were seen in Episode 2 or will be in Episode 3...) so that means non-canon stuff can come from Star Trek too?

And I don't care what you think, Praxis... While I was looking for JK2 SP tutorials (so sue me!  I don't despise Star Wars so much that I have to give up the thrill of slicing and dicing Stormtroopers with lightsabers and choking others online with the Force Grip power!  Who doesen't like to do such?) and found one.  Reading part of it while bored, I came through this section found in this JK2 guide:

Why are you turning this into an arguement?  I know a lot of people who REALLY like the Yuuzhan Vong.  Why should I leave it out just because you think that non-canon doesn't deserve a spot?  Even if it ISN'T canon, which i'm not completely agreeing with, it doesn't mean we can't include them.  They're known as the Expanded Universe, and supported by, so i consider them close enough to canon to be considered for the mod.  On the other hand, doesn't support the books.  But canon or not, doesn't matter, because a lot of people would really like the Vong.  So if i can get a few Vong ships, i'll put them in with the Borg.  It's not like i'm throwing away anything else to put the Vong in the game.


Before you deliver a page of retaliation from that bit of information that states your precious Y. Vong aren't canonical according to Chris Cerasi, just remember... Mostly it's opinion on what's canonical or not.  Like in Star Trek (I.E.  the infamous "Constitution-class vs. Starship-class" thread).

So... Why not leave the Y. Vong alone and not include it or add non-canon Sci Fi ships and tech and other things to your SFC3 Sci-Fi Bash mod?

Because a rather large number of Star Wars models i have are Expanded Universe ships.  Let me make an example here.  By what you say, the Victory class Star Destroyer, the Dreadnaught, the Carrack Cruiser (which i have) , the TIE Defender (which i have), the TIE Phantom (which i have), the E-wing (which i have), the K-wing (which i have), the Mon Remonda (which i have), the MC90 (which i have), the ISD mark 2 (which i have), the Interdictor cruiser, the Death Star Prototype (which i have), the Sun Crusher (which i have), Naboo Bomber (which i have), Naboo Police Fighter (which i have), the Nebulon-B2 (which i have), the T-wing (which i have), the TIE-wing (which i have), the Z-95 (which i have), the X-TIE (which i have), the Gunboat (which i have), the Skipray Blastboat, the Eclipse Super Star Destroyer (which i have), the TIE Raptor (which i have), and the TIE Scimitar (which i have) are all NON-CANON and should be kicked from the mod.  That means we'll keep the Death Star, ISD, MC80, Falcon, X-wing, Y-wing, B-wing, A-wing, TIE fighter, TIE bomber, TIE interceptor, Lambda Shuttle, Home One, and Super Star Destroyer will be all thats left in the entire mod.  You want me to cut the mod in HALF because some people don't like the Expanded Universe?

Do you see my point here?  You're telling me to boot the Expanded Universe ships would result in more than half the mod being shunted aside.


And one more question Praxis... Do you have JK2 for the PC?  

Nope, only Elite Force (same engine but Star Trek, not Wars).  See, i'm not totally warsie :P i have more trek games than wars.

Chris Jones

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« Reply #13 on: February 13, 2003, 02:16:56 pm »
For the fun factor - I say put everything in.. canon and non-canon, just like the Trek mods do all the time.

Combining canon and non canon Wars and Trek is truly a fun experience, as Praxis and i know from the OP Sci-Fi Bash.

This mod will be compatible with the upcoming patch as well, in case you were wondering..

Trek will win, Praxis.

My 3 Nacelle Galaxy will slice up a Star Destroyer with one phaser shot on low power. HAHAHA!
  (Chris ducks as Praxis grabs a light saber -- Chris then brings out the phaser rifle...) Trek vs. Wars.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Chris Jones »


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Re: Sci-fi Bashfest SFC3 race organization (yes, Praxis is still here :D )
« Reply #14 on: February 13, 2003, 03:11:41 pm »
I think Praxis neglected my suggestion to include Non-canon Trek (I.E. Brez's Next Gen Tholians and/or TNG-era Andromedans or something)... Besides, it's either that, or get rid of the Y. Vong.  And besides... By his tone, he's completely neglecting Babylon 5, BSG, Super Dimensional Fortress Macross (or "Robotech"), etc.  You did say Sci-fi Bash... But now you're saying Star Wars vs. Star Trek SFC3 mod?  Heh, if you want a sci-fi bash, I suggest adding more sci-fi (world-wide suggestively) rather than limited to American-made ones) than just Star Trek and Star Wars.


Trek will win, Praxis.

My 3 Nacelle Galaxy will slice up a Star Destroyer with one phaser shot on low power. HAHAHA!
  (Chris ducks as Praxis grabs a light saber -- Chris then brings out the phaser rifle...) Trek vs. Wars.

*Grabs a Beam saber and helmet [Gundam-style, sporting two vulcan cannons on the sides of the head] and armors himself with Luna Titanium alloy*

(OT: 2000th post!  I had some nice memories in the summer of 2000. And I'm a Captain in Taldren forums now. Like anyone cares. *shrugs*)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by ChrisJohnson »

Chris Jones

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Re: Sci-fi Bashfest SFC3 race organization (yes, Praxis is still here :D )
« Reply #15 on: February 13, 2003, 03:32:50 pm »
Hi Chris --

I made Captain too recently.

The Problem with adding BSG and B5 in SFC3 is Race Slots.. although I have not dismissed the idea, it been in the dark corners of my brain.

STAR WARS (all - canon/non-canon - the whole damn thing, lol)
BABYLON 5 (all) - any ANIME,  and Battlestar Galactica

IN REALITY - if the select screens indicate what the race and ship are, it doesn't matter what SFC Race they are in.

This mod will take 6-10 months to put together, lol.

Care to download that on 56k?

and I'm sure you know that most people will focus on Trek vs. Wars.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Chris Jones »


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Re: Sci-fi Bashfest SFC3 race organization (yes, Praxis is still here :D )
« Reply #16 on: February 13, 2003, 03:41:49 pm »
I don't really care much about Trek vs. Wars anymore... Praxis destroyed it a year ago when he involved non-canon Wars against pure-canon Trek.

One thing to keep in mind, is by melding all these universes into one big brawl, there's gonna be unusual alliances... So the 4 race slots could do.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by ChrisJohnson »


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Re: Sci-fi Bashfest SFC3 race organization (yes, Praxis is still here :D )
« Reply #17 on: February 14, 2003, 03:21:10 am »

I think Praxis neglected my suggestion to include Non-canon Trek (I.E. Brez's Next Gen Tholians and/or TNG-era Andromedans or something)... Besides, it's either that, or get rid of the Y. Vong.  And besides... By his tone, he's completely neglecting Babylon 5, BSG, Super Dimensional Fortress Macross (or "Robotech"), etc.  You did say Sci-fi Bash... But now you're saying Star Wars vs. Star Trek SFC3 mod?  Heh, if you want a sci-fi bash, I suggest adding more sci-fi (world-wide suggestively) rather than limited to American-made ones) than just Star Trek and Star Wars.

Listen ChrisJohnson,


I have only 4 BattleStar Galactica ships, and i know nothing about Babylon 5.  Now if i could find someone who knows how to do specs and knows about Babylon 5, i'd get some help, but i don't know any.  Why do you constantly put down this mod?

If you'll notice, Chris Jones' TNG mod which i will base this off of includes NON-CANON ships such as the Excalibur class, which will be capable of whooping the rear off a Star Destroyer.

You see, Chris, i'm basing this mod of BALANCING, not actual weapons strength.  I'm not considering whether a phaser would slice open a ISD or a turbolaser would vaporize a BOP in one shot by real canon strengths, i'm going by making a BALANCED mod which people can play on the dynaverse server.  The SSD will be more powerful than anything ST, i admit, but no one will ever afford it...and if two players in excaliber's gang up on it....well, ouch.

Chris, what kind of shielding does BG use?  We could put them with the Feds or with the Borg...


*Grabs a Beam saber and helmet [Gundam-style, sporting two vulcan cannons on the sides of the head] and armors himself with Luna Titanium alloy*

(OT: 2000th post!  I had some nice memories in the summer of 2000. And I'm a Captain in Taldren forums now. Like anyone cares. *shrugs*)  

*Deflects the vulcan cannons with the lightsaber then does a flip using tthe force  to land behind Chris Johnson and slice the Vulcan cannon off the helmet as he turns around, then runs off, pulls out an E-web cannon, and turns Chris Johnson and Chris Jones into puddles and vapor with a few shots*



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Re: Sci-fi Bashfest SFC3 race organization (yes, Praxis is still here :D )
« Reply #18 on: February 14, 2003, 03:41:48 am »

I don't really care much about Trek vs. Wars anymore... Praxis destroyed it a year ago when he involved non-canon Wars against pure-canon Trek.

ROFL, you mean that story i made?  I used Expanded Universe Star Wars against not-so-pure-canon trek.  Did you notice the Excalibur class that destroyed a few SW ships?  Why do you always blame everything on me?