Topic: Partial Shiplist for "Lost Generation"  (Read 1107 times)

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Partial Shiplist for "Lost Generation"
« on: November 05, 2003, 11:07:10 pm »
Been doing some research into which classes were around in the period between TMP and TNG, and came up with a partial list. Mind you, these ships and dates are based mainly on DITL, so there may some differences in opinion on them. I tried to get ships that were built in the late 23rd century and early 24th century.

I would like opinions and such, as I would also like to start a fan RPG for this period. Any thoughts?

Here's the list:
Ambassador, commisioned 2330/ Heavy Cruiser (completed)
Centaur, commisioned 2325/ Frigate (re-texturing)
Cheyenne, commisioned 2345/ Scout (completed)
Constellation, commisioned 2283/ Light Cruiser
Excelsior, commisioned 2287/ Heavy Cruiser
Ent.B re-fit, commisioned 2293/ Heavy Cruiser
Freedom, commisioned 2335/ Destroyer
Niagara, commisioned 2336/ Fast Cruiser
Oberth, commisioned 2269/ Science Vessel
Saber, commisioned 2343/ Scout
Steamrunner, commisioned 2342/ Light Cruiser

BoP (various forms), commisioned 2277/ Scout; Frigate; Cruiser
D-7 re-fit, commisioned 2267/ Battlecruiser
K'Tinga, commisioned 2269/ Battlecruiser

BoP, commisioned 2266/ Warship
Melak, commisioned 2310(?)/ Cruiser
D'Deridex, commisioned 2345/ Battleship

Akril, commisioned 2318(?)/ Cruiser (mesh by Azel, texturing by Furyofaserraph (sp?) )

« Last Edit: November 06, 2003, 08:01:30 pm by sandman69247 »

Fire Blade

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Re: Partial Shiplist for "Lost Generation"
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2003, 11:58:19 pm »
Anduril made 3 non cannon Federation ships from the Ambassdor era  
Sirius Class light cruiser
Himilaya Class Heavy Battle cruiser
Beunos Aries Class Heavy Cruiser
i would like to see more designs from the lost era which would explain the gap between the Ambassador and Galaxy designs  


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Re: Partial Shiplist for "Lost Generation"
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2003, 02:32:52 am »
you mod is seriosuly lacking in the federation canon fodder department. Add the Miranda and all it's variants.

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: Partial Shiplist for "Lost Generation"
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2003, 05:27:51 am »
Wow! What an ambitious ship list, awesome.

Any WIPs of the Melak?

2310 seems awfully late for its appearance since ST: New Worlds appears to be set sometime between 2280-2300, IMHO,




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Re: Partial Shiplist for "Lost Generation"
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2003, 01:30:42 pm »
OK, how about a commisioning date of, say, 2278? That could work, since the BoP was an experimental ship anyway. What do you think?


Klingon Fanatic

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Re: Partial Shiplist for "Lost Generation"
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2003, 05:16:31 pm »

OK, how about a commisioning date of, say, 2278? That could work, since the BoP was an experimental ship anyway. What do you think?


Works for me. Care to add it to the GAW mod too?

 It will be nice to see another Melak around.



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Re: Partial Shiplist for "Lost Generation"
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2003, 07:55:22 pm »
OK, here's a pic I did for this...for when I get the webpages made up. As you can see, 3 ships are already done...except I'm going to re-texture the USS Gorgon (Centaur class). That was one of my earlier ships, and it shows. The pic shows it with a partial re-do...the saucer top.

Well, here's the pic...what do you think?



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Re: Partial Shiplist for "Lost Generation"
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2003, 11:24:55 am »
Any suggestions for other races? I know the Tholians were around, as Sulu had to deal with them. I guess we would have the stock races as well, i.e. Gorn, Hydran etc.

If anyone wants, they can save the image in my sig, we can have our own little developement team going. I really want to see this come about...even if it only turns out to be a model pack and not a mod, per say. Anyone who want to ba part of it, let me know so I can set up permissions when I make the web page for the team. Thanx.