Topic: Well I am through  (Read 3082 times)

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James Formo

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Well I am through
« on: October 23, 2003, 11:24:29 am »
I never realized that many post there work here hoping to obtain employment. This perhaps explains why I have been flamed in the past. Ranging from my ships suck to threatening to pore liqiud plumber down my throat. I guess I was percieved as potential competition. Well I posted many times that It was just a hobby and yes my ships did suck. As of late it would seem I am sorta ostracized, probably cause I get touchy at times. I have decided that I aint taking any more abuse over a stupid hobby. Though I may still model, likely for  different game.

I really don't get it. If I posted a Gorn textured a bit non-traditional like I-mudds latest. I would likely get flamed and asked what the hell it was suppose to be. But  other modelers can post non-traditional textures and its cool. So it must just be me then. But I am sick of it and I will be dammed if I ever put any more work up for people to shread.



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Re: Well I am through
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2003, 11:30:00 am »
Don't go man
Hey I love your stuff , And have enjoyed you being here.
I have never thought of you stuff as sub par...hell its better than mine
so I ask you as a friend and fellow modelling colleague to stay...


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Re: Well I am through
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2003, 11:45:40 am »
That is the wrong reason to go. I don't think posting stuff here is an effective employment search technique unless they are hoping for a job with Taldren. They criticised your stuff either because they wanted you to improve or because they have personality defects. One way you get constructive criticsm, the other you can just ignore or not as you see fit. Every modeller chased off by critics is a loss for the whole community. Don't do it. plus one should never aquiesce to beligerence. Going away is tacit surrender.


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Re: Well I am through
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2003, 11:58:28 am »
Hey James - I never know that you felt this way. I haven't read any posts of anyone being overly critical of your work, but then I don't read all of the posts here!
Don't go! You are one fo the few people who make tng era ships - or even even willing to!
If I didn't like your work then I woulnd't have offered to texture it - and while your Norway is on the back burner like many things, I have every intention of finishing it.

Please stay with us


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Re: Well I am through
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2003, 12:03:58 pm »
I'm with Stormbringer1701.

Unfortunately, there are a few individuals out there who take satisfaction with bringing others down. it only reveals some dissatisfaction with themselves, as well as an antisocial tendency. You are NOT the problem; they ARE the problem.

I ask you to please stay on the forums, keep modeling, and not concern yourself with the nonsense you may encounter. There are plenty of others who appreciate the things you do (see your Green Sun thread for example) and wnat to see more of your work. I know I do. I always say: the more the merrier!

To give up because someone wants you to only empowers them to do it again to someone else.

Thanks for reading,


Fire Blade

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Re: Well I am through
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2003, 12:10:36 pm »
Dont leave Ignore what a ignorent few say there not worth it !
your skills will improve with time


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Re: Well I am through
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2003, 12:16:02 pm »


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Re: Well I am through
« Reply #7 on: October 23, 2003, 12:17:32 pm »
I never knew people came here to post as a way top gain employment... how curious.

Well, don't let the ignorant blatherings of out-of-control naysayers poison your spirit... many of us really love your work, adn like you personally, me included, James..

at least stay in touch with us, you're nice to have on our team.  


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Re: Well I am through
« Reply #8 on: October 23, 2003, 12:30:32 pm »

James, I think you've posted advice in my threads before. Now, I'll return the favor.

Every contribution to this community is vital. We are looking at the possibility of this great game, as well as Trek in general, going the way of the dodo; whether it be by the hands of B&B (TV/Movies) or the Activision/Paramount (Games and Licensing) schizom. I sincerely hope I'm wrong, but, either way, there will not likely be anymore SFC versions in the future. An active and contributing community is, in part, what has kept other game series from dying ( Half-Life comes to mind ... but Sierra released the SDK and that helped, on the modding aspects ... we still need that.). Why not this one?

 If you really don't care, then go. I can't stop you. But ask yourself why you posted your models in the first place.  I have been making these stupid little time-wasters for years, never releasing to the public. Now, with dark clouds on the horizon, maybe I'm too late to make a difference ... Maybe folks aren't interested in what Trek  Could  be. Maybe the fans ( admit it, they're the toughest room in the sci-fi lounge) don't have room for my stuff; but I'm gonna try. Why not?  (At the worst, Trek goes underground again. We did it before; we'll survive.  )

 How can there be a right or wrong way to create a ship? The only ones I've seen are in the movies and on TV ( aside from this place and a few other model sites, but most of them like building the same-old same-olds, with little variation.)  It's your vision. Whether anyone else likes it or not, it's one of the few things you can do that you have TOTAL control of. Pretty thraputic; but then Art is like that. It's also very subjective, don't forget. Everyone's a critic.  

I, personally, have never created a 100% canon model, and probably never will. You and I belong to a small group of people trying to define our visions of Trek: Should you give up and quit, we will be lesser for it, and ultimately, so may you be.

Oh, It probably wasn't directed at me, but for the record; I'm not looking for a job out of this. This is a hobby. This is just a message board. If I were serious about a career in the gaming industry, I'd brush up on character animation, and not be posting static models of "licensed" material on a gaming web forum.

Hope to see you around,


Klingon Fanatic

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Re: Well I am through
« Reply #9 on: October 23, 2003, 12:31:59 pm »

One of the MANY things I have learned about this community is that things come in cycles around here. Don't abandon SFC because a few trolls piss you off. I can't think of anybody who is in the SFC Community that hasn't been flamed by a Troll or had something written about their work that might be percieved as over critical or even meanspirited. These things come and go, its part of the community like it or not. Eventually most Trolls move on when they get bored.

Hang in there. Your work is steadily improving all the time and you do have some interesting ideas for making the game more interesting.



Captain Ron

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Re: Well I am through
« Reply #10 on: October 23, 2003, 12:52:52 pm »
Did not know that either, but then again I do this for fun.

I would not leave if I were you as i hate to see the losers win. Also I would like to point out you do not see the bad stuff here it comes usually as PMs, or E-mails forthe hate stuff when I get it. I purposily make pink textures and starships with their names in the registries when they do. I think I will start a new trend now in this case and start to post those models from here on in. I think the change in pace will be good for laughs and maybe start getting these poeple under control.

As far as I know the only person I saw get a career change out of this is Pneumonic81 who switched to graphic arts for a company from his old job as tech support I believe it was. Most of the people I know do this for fun and not career advancement, the ones that complain actually have gotten worse. The difference is they are no longer vocal in public they have moved it to personal areas such as PMs and E-mails. I moved all contact to a hotmail account for this reason alone, and have blocked about 5-6 people already.

All I will tell you for advice is this james...
Do what you want the only person you have to make happy is YOU. If you want to share your work with us please do, if not then don't. There are people here that can convert them for you and post them here if you wish it or approve of it. Starforce does this all the time, contact him to help you if you wish. I get back at the haters every way I can (and from here on in will post a ship with your nick as the NCC and E-mail as the name) and if you want list them to me or a mod/admin and let them handle the issue. You have the skill use it to your advantage, any E-mails can be sent to the FBI they will see if other complain if enough do they get them in a federal court.

So stay and use your skills to get back at them, or go if you wish and let others bring your work here for those that liked it. i tell you this nothing works better then a little revenge, others here will be more than happy to help too! The haters are nothing new you see theis in every forum, all the good modellers seem to have a fan club of them. I have sent pink ships and textures to some of my complainers and they seem to leave me alone now, but if  am not the only one then lets get together and step it up a notch. We have the abilities to make them pay for every post by putting them into ships of shame, and list them in credits of mods that way as well.

Think about it though before you decide, and let us know what you wish to do, you will find more of us willing to help then not. Retextures can be done as well as other methods.


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Re: Well I am through
« Reply #11 on: October 23, 2003, 01:12:56 pm »
JAMES!!! WTF!!!!???? Hey man, DO NOT LEAVE!!! Like has been said, don't let the trolls win! They only criticize because they can't do it themselves.

As for looking for work in here, who? As far as I know, everyone who was going that route went to Frostworks...that's why I don't go anymore. You get some advice couched in technical terms, but mostly it's seems to be place to advertise. Here, it's just us poor retches doing it for free cause we love it.

Believe me James, I've felt the same way about some of the criticism here, but I finally decided that, F-it, it's my creativity, my art and if they don't like it they can KMA!! I mean, hey, you handled littledick, I mean LightDrone, with no problem, so why quit now?

As a fellow descendent of Vikings, I implore you to not give up on this place. It WILL get better.



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Re: Well I am through
« Reply #12 on: October 23, 2003, 01:26:52 pm »
I am sorry you feel this way. I understand your frustration and hope you reconsider. I don't criticize people who model for this community with the exception of offering an opinion or pointing out an idea that occurs to me. Why should I as I have no skills to do so myself?

For what it is worth... I do use a few of your models in my model library. But you know, I'm trying to be as obsessive as possible in picking stuff to include in the only computer game I really care about. This whole thing should be about fun. If you can stay and just have fun with SFC then please do. Don't say goodbye but perhaps taking a break for a while would be a better choice.  

Captain KoraH

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Re: Well I am through
« Reply #13 on: October 23, 2003, 01:49:58 pm »
This is the first that I've been aware that ANY modeller has been treated poorly here. I'm a big fan of your work James, and your opinions on stuff have always made sence to me. I hope you are reading these posts here in this thread and decide not to go.  


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Re: Well I am through
« Reply #14 on: October 23, 2003, 02:15:11 pm »
You honestly listen to those people, come on, if I were to listen to everyones bulls@#$, I would of gone insane years ago, you do good modeling, and if they dont like it, why dont they do it themselves, ooooops thats because they can't, Im very satisfied with all the modelers models, I cant model at all, how dare I judge what someone is doing not only for himself but for the SFC community, Anyone here could be an assh@#$ and model, post pictures and give crap, but you work hard and share, dont leave because people say stupid things, stay and do your modeling to make them feel stupid

adam out
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by nx_adam_1701 »


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Re: Well I am through
« Reply #15 on: October 23, 2003, 04:03:30 pm »
listen I know hoe you feel. Concider this though. most of the people on this forum are really good people. They all have something to offer. if sometimes the critisism comes off a little hard take it with a grain of salt. the reality is some are a little to critical. Thats just what happens when people see things through different eyes. what you think is great another might think a little less of. don't let that bother you. I used to be lucky to get two or three responses to my posts.. That didn't stop me from posting.... The reason i haven't been around very much for the last year or so is that there were some issues with people pirating other peoples work.... then a lot of eavil things got posted and i felt a little like i needed a cool off.  The work got heavy and i haven't had lots of time for things like this....
But i still concider myself part of the forum and the community. So many of the peopel here have done excellant things for the game and for Trek in general.....
I think most of us are not interested in posting to get work doing this. I really enjoy what i do for a living. this has always just been a hobby.... I also want to say that i have been watching some really excellant work lately from the contributers here including you.  


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Re: Well I am through
« Reply #16 on: October 23, 2003, 05:04:34 pm »
If you are tired of modelling then go ahead and leave, there are probably more profitable ways for most of us to spend our time.


If you enjoy modelling and you leave, you are letting other people control your life. I say, stay, fight back! Do some of your craziest Ideas yet. New ideas are always appriciated. Please note also,  in general, people many times only comment when the don't like it.  That means that every one who didn't comment finds it satisfactory to very good. Please don't missinterprate silent satisfaction.


Interstellar Machine  


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Re: Well I am through
« Reply #17 on: October 23, 2003, 06:48:31 pm »
Ive always liked your stuff man. why go?


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Re: Well I am through
« Reply #18 on: October 23, 2003, 06:54:47 pm »
Hey bud I kinda new in this part of the SFC community...  it's non traditional  ...  oh boy ..  I'm in deep trouble !!!  The X-CLC concept has been a pet dream of mine for over a year.  Looks like we have a mod to use (if I cna get into the ship list...  there seems to be a problem there..  see my other post !!)

Due  ...  I so stuborn about this stuff  especially in RL.  If it's the right thing to do ...  do it !  This cantankerious old man just wants to be a part of this game  (It's one of the best any where !!)    If I knew what programs to get  heck I'd be in there too !!

Point is simply this bubba  ...  if ya love this stuff  and you are making a good contribution  (obviously you are from all indication)  dont quit unless it is simply your desire to move on ....  not because some knot-headed gas  bag has nothing better to do than to tear down some one.  It take absoutely little or no intelligence to tear down....  and sometimes it takes a life time to build.  You tell me  ( and perhaps youself as well)  which side of that coin you want to be on !!   Frankly ...  "damn the torpedos ...   full speed ahead !!"


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Re: Well I am through
« Reply #19 on: October 23, 2003, 07:23:57 pm »
Okay, I'm wading in on this one...

You are approaching this totally wrong... think for a sec.  What'd make the people that pissed you off the happiest?  If you weren't here.  Are you going to enable them and make them happier, or are you going to continue to annoy them and make them madder?  'Cause once you're gone, they'll just move onto the next person, and the next person, and you'll long be out of sight and out of mind and long forgotten for them.

The best and longest way to stick it to these people is to simply stick around.  And we've all been told that our work is crap.. usually by those that either can't do better, or by those that don't want others to get better.

Simply ignore anyone's opinion that says anything other than "Your stuff is great!" and accept those for what they're worth as well.. recycled photons.  You should be doing this for you, not doing this for anyone else.

If you personally don't feel like doing it anymore, then don't.  But don't let others in these forums direct your life, they're just photons on a screen, exactly the same as characters on a TV show.  And you don't let Rocky the Squirrel or The Rock tell you you're worthless and weak and you listen to them do you?  


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Re: Well I am through
« Reply #20 on: October 23, 2003, 11:50:04 pm »
Name ONE person here who posts because of employment reasons. The truth is, people have their personal visions of the ST unirevse they want to share, and they want to fill out their shiplist. If something that one posts is said to suck...........that means, unfortunately, the modeler should take a closer look at his work. It's not a nice thing to say, but when it's said I feel there's a reason for it.  

Being told your work sucks is good. Otherwise you can't get better.  

Major A Payne

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Re: Well I am through
« Reply #21 on: October 24, 2003, 12:33:14 am »
Mr Fromo. Just so you know I've almost done this myself from the Armada community, and almost regretted it. One thing I've always remembered and something you may want to bare in mind. These models and textures you make, you make for yourself. You take more pride in what you do than these sad, pathetic people who nearly always can never do better themselves. Whilst its sad that they can't fully appreciate what is released is for their benefit, the saying, that you "can please some of the people some of the time, but not all the people all the time" certainly rings true. James. Perhaps you need to just sit back, relax, and remember that you are better than these people who chastise your work. It happens where ever you go, and what ever you do, to.

I would say don't leave as the modellers of any community tend to have a gap present when a member leaves, and good modellers are getting harder to come by for specific games. Finally, whilst its your decision, I would also say that even though I dont' know you personally from what I've seen of your work, its far above alot that I've seen in the past from some people who claim to be "professional", so keep at it. You could even take a "back seat" aproach and work on the quiet, possibly even for yourself and those who you believe apreciate what you do. You'll probably find that as time goes on those who were against the work you were releasing will change their attitude soon enough and make right asses of themselves.

Anyway, the choice is finally down to you, but good luck in which ever way you choose.


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Re: Well I am through
« Reply #22 on: October 24, 2003, 08:43:30 am »
James my friend, don't go! This is a good community (apart from a few trolls) The way one gets good is from feedback on one's work. No one starts as gods gift to 3d models. I happen to like your stuff James and look forward to seeing more.


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Re: Well I am through
« Reply #23 on: October 24, 2003, 12:59:44 pm »
JAMES!!! look i know i havent posted or replied to many of your therds but i whant you to know that i have EVERYTHING you have put up here for download.and i dont D/L stuff i dont like. i have to tell you man that some of your stuff is much better than the stoc ships in game. now i do understand about hte flame and the trolls i did a few posts of ships and even have an oberth that 3dot14 helped me finish and convert to sfc3. but other than that i have doe nothing. mostly cause i tuck me 4months to do my oberth..(verry slow and not that good at modleing) but i did it cause I felt that there was a need in the comunity for such a ship.
but like everyone else says its up to you if you leave.
all i ask is that your reconsider cause if you do leave there will be a larg hole in the comunity were you once were and im not sure ANYONE could fill it.
your mods(green sun, and other space mods ) are all part of my SFC games. it would be a great shame to lose someone doing so much to help out this couminity.


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Re: Well I am through
« Reply #24 on: October 24, 2003, 02:41:18 pm »
Well as a newcomer to SFC:OP i am sad to see anyone go .
I may be speaking out of turn and all , but  don't ever let anyone else dictate what you do in life.You allow that pewrson then to control you in ways you have yet to dream of.
If you like modeling , model , if you like fan fiction , write!
I am a ink oil and pastel artist, i have no knowledge of what it takes to do modeling,scripting, and such . For those that do , I applaude you desire to create , even if its based of someone elses work , add , create ,etc. Express yourself , and if others don't like it , sorry bout their luck, accept their feedback and work to become better .
If for some reason you desire to make more , then allow yourself the freedom to accept critcism and excell beyond those that belittle anyones efforts.
Darn , I may have ostracised myself before i even get 1 post finished , lol

Edit: Oh and a parting thought , where would any of STAR TREK be if Mr. Roddenberry had listened to any of the mountains of BS they gave him??
« Last Edit: October 24, 2003, 03:01:51 pm by 2step »


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Re: Well I am through
« Reply #25 on: October 25, 2003, 12:23:55 am »

I never realized that many post there work here hoping to obtain employment. This perhaps explains why I have been flamed in the past. Ranging from my ships suck to threatening to pore liqiud plumber down my throat. I guess I was percieved as potential competition. Well I posted many times that It was just a hobby and yes my ships did suck. As of late it would seem I am sorta ostracized, probably cause I get touchy at times. I have decided that I aint taking any more abuse over a stupid hobby. Though I may still model, likely for  different game.

I really don't get it. If I posted a Gorn textured a bit non-traditional like I-mudds latest. I would likely get flamed and asked what the hell it was suppose to be. But  other modelers can post non-traditional textures and its cool. So it must just be me then. But I am sick of it and I will be dammed if I ever put any more work up for people to shread.


Wow...that sucks that you feel like there is more shredding than praise for your efforts. I hope that the posts here will encourage you to rethink leaving. It seems that in the end far more people appreciate the effort you and so many others put out but it is the few that can not seem to see past their own nose that speak louder and more often.

Stay with what you like to do. Do it because it brings you joy to. If there is anything that I know it is that in the gaming industry you succeed not merely on skill but on the drive that the love of making games gives you. Bashers do not have that joy or they wouldn't need to bash.


P.S.  It's never a good practice to work with a basher or hire them. Good gaming companies know that. Chin up


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Re: Well I am through
« Reply #26 on: October 25, 2003, 12:42:19 am »
wow did i miss somthing..

there was a problem long ago in this forum with things getting out of control.. for the most part things really subsided.. i hope it stays that way.. james - you are a talented member of the moding community and you need to stick around.. re-read the rules recently posted.. if someone starts a knife-fight, they will be the ones to lose.

Captain KoraH

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Re: Well I am through
« Reply #27 on: October 25, 2003, 08:40:32 am »
Kinda dissapointing that James hasn't replied to this...


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Re: Well I am through
« Reply #28 on: October 25, 2003, 10:41:14 am »
Always with the dramatics.

Everyone who has seen your posts from the beginning knows that you do not like any dissenting opinions of your work.  Everyone who decides to post their stuff on the internet will receive responses of both the postive and negative kind.  That is the price of opening up yourself to others.  Life is like that both online and off.  

You really need to decide if getting worked up over what others think, others that you have never and will probably never meet, is worth the time you take to make and post a ship.  If you really love to make them but can't stand opinions that don't agree with yours keep them to yourself or share them with certain people.  


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Re: Well I am through
« Reply #29 on: October 27, 2003, 11:27:34 am »
I keep the state of mind expressed in the Scifi Meshes Forums: Donot post your work if you donot want criticism. Criticism, as stated above, makes your work better and makes your skills evolve....

I thrive on the comments that i have received and eventually will post some of my attempts at texturing with a view to having an honest group of people give me an honest opinion.

Semper Fi, Carry On