Topic: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread  (Read 26898 times)

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Captain KoraH

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The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« on: October 22, 2003, 02:44:10 pm »
I think I've got the perfect collaboratory project for us to work on. I was going to make a TOS mod for SFC3, but I have decided that such a project might be something we could all do together. I already have been working on a TOS sounds mod, and weapon textures.

Here is my suggestion:

I propose we keep it simple and just do one ship per class, keeping the big 3 original races. I feel that we should just make the mod to not use the Borg, but if you guys want to do this project and you feel we should change them into something else, maybe space monsters or something, that would be cool too. What say you guys?  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Captain KoraH »


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Re: Hailing Chris Jones, ThePelican and Nannerslug
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2003, 10:14:40 pm »

   I was working on that too. I've been collecting models and messing around. So far it seems some models need some conversions to SFC3 from SFC2. I was reinstalling my modeling tools and studying up on them.


James Formo

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Re: Hailing Chris Jones, ThePelican and Nannerslug
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2003, 10:31:33 pm »
lol I wanted to do this as well. Only it would take me 6-8 months      I was planning on using the Borg slot as the mirror verse.  Combining Mirror Feds and Klinks in there  But seeing as its being covered I guess I just put my feet up and wait for the release

Dang nabbit since all bases appear covered I may have to do a non trek Mod.   I can get a few TOS ships done if you need em though.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by James Formo »

Captain KoraH

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Re: Hailing Chris Jones, ThePelican and Nannerslug
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2003, 10:46:04 pm »
Ok, this is what  I've got: A TOS sound mod for SFC3, complete with Romulan, Klingon and Federation sound files and music. I'm really happy with how it turned out. But when I got to the part where I get the ships, I realized I don't have ANY TOS ships!

I think this should be a first class project, only the very best ship models will do. I think it's perfectly fine for anyone who wants to be a part of the "SFC3 Community TOS mod" to pitch in.

I got the music and sounds, who will gather up the best TOS ships?



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Re: Hailing Chris Jones, ThePelican and Nannerslug
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2003, 11:34:22 pm »
   I am already gathering ships and installing the software to modify them for SFC3. There are plenty of GREAT SFC2 TOS ships, they just need to be updated and credit given where due.



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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2003, 12:19:17 am »
My mod was going to be Pretos...


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2003, 02:10:46 am »

Have you visited Ghost's site

perhaps you could get permission off him for model use, he has EVERYTHING!
Trouble is he left after 'the modders civil war'  

Captain KoraH

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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #7 on: October 23, 2003, 02:41:18 am »
I think we should put Towelie in charge of the ship models for the mod. I'll just keep my involvement limited to the sounds. Whoever does the stats I think they should be very stock-ish and not overboard, so they appeal to the widest variety of players. Any takers?


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #8 on: October 23, 2003, 08:55:52 am »
I think this a great idea!  I even like the use of the Borg slots for Monsters - the DDM could use a work out.....


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #9 on: October 23, 2003, 10:31:28 am »

  I've got some pretty high polly ships. This will be fun! I've been collecting these for years. I'm going to get my web space activated so I can post in game pictures of them.
   I assume most people can handle these high polygon models, including battleships. Although I want to try and improve some break models.
   Should we do monsters for Borg or just replace them? Oh well, I'll think about it at work. My hours are getting freed so I only got a 6 hour shift today.

   I got 3D Studio Max 5 reinstalled (thanks to my unlce who helped sponser the package). So I'm ready to start some conversions and work on damage textures.  


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #10 on: October 23, 2003, 11:13:48 am »
korah.. check my mod out.. many of those TOS vessels are there.


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #11 on: October 23, 2003, 01:34:42 pm »
Nanner, I assume this is supposed to be Total TOS...

Captain KoraH

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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #12 on: October 23, 2003, 01:43:36 pm »
ActiveX has a point. There are not enough Romulan and Klingon TOS ships out there. Perhaps we need to include FASA TOS ships to fill the ranks. I think retexturing all the Klingons and Roms to look like the TOS Warbird and D-7 would make it really feel like a professional mod. I just finished the TOS sounds mod last night. I actually impressed myself with this one, and that's a hard thing to do  

Also, I think I'll continue to stress that I think this should be a straight TOS mod. All races should use the same photon torpedo, with the exception of the Romulans who should use plasma. The Klingons and Roms should both use the R-Disruptor, as nothing like the Klink one existed in TOS. The Q-torp, K-Torp, Myotronic and  Pulse Phaser should not be available. But, for purely gameplay reasons, I suggest we leave the tachyon beam in the game.  


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #13 on: October 23, 2003, 01:48:33 pm »
Maybe the Tachyon Beam should be moved to deflector dishes as a special weapon...

Any way to do that without gimping the user?


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #14 on: October 23, 2003, 02:00:19 pm »
Interesting Idea. I particularly like the Borg/ Monster replacement ... but why not include all the "Hostile Guest Aliens" into the mix as well ( i.e. Kahn, Mirror Universe, Gorn, Tholians, Orions, Kzinti - animated series, etc.).

Actually, this gives me an idea. If you took a simple cube, tipped it to the side a little, Added a colorful texture-completely light mapped all over, then added a glow around the whole thing, ... wouldn't that look alot like the First Federation craft, and a few other TOS "Bad guy-of-the-week"?

Now if I could just figure out how the heck to add a space ameoba ...

Food for thought.



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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #15 on: October 23, 2003, 02:05:02 pm »
active - you missed my point.. korah was looking for models.. my mod has a good number of models.. not enough for all races, but it has a lot of tos stuff to at least begin with.


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #16 on: October 23, 2003, 03:11:25 pm »
Oh yes, the models...hehe...


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #17 on: October 23, 2003, 03:15:16 pm »
It's called OP, early era    


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #18 on: October 23, 2003, 04:08:30 pm »

  The First Federation was a giant sphere (yes, I'm home early).


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #19 on: October 23, 2003, 04:31:13 pm »

   Do not worry about lack of ships, I will do my best to help and we might get some help from those who dwell in the model forums.
   TOS ships are pretty basic in design for non fed races (low budget for them, heheh).

   Let me compile these together and see what I am missing.


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread *DELETED*
« Reply #20 on: October 23, 2003, 08:16:43 pm »
Post deleted by Khalee


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #21 on: October 23, 2003, 09:12:52 pm »

   I'm still wondering about the Borg. Of course we're going to use Roms and Klinks, but what to do about the Borg (besides changing my LONG overdue avatar)?

Captain KoraH

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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #22 on: October 23, 2003, 11:05:04 pm »
Here are my reasons for wanting the Borg to be monsters and not ships:

In SFC3...
1. Any race placed in the Borg slot will not bank when they turn.
2. Anything in the Borg slot will regenerate it's hull, like the Borg. This seems to work nicely for monsters, not so nice for Gorn or Mirak ships.

There are a lot of other reasons that relate soley to human played ships in races that replace the Borg, like not paying for repairs and such, but I think whatever we do with the 4th race it should be made non-playable regardless. Actually, I think it may be the best idea to make ONLY the Federation playable. I could do a lot more with the Fed music then...


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #23 on: October 24, 2003, 09:57:35 am »

   Okay, no TOS Borg ships (would be cardboard box due to budget )

    Now we just need some nice monsters like, the doomsday machine, cystaline entity maybe (I know TNG). And of course, a giant ameba, maybe the Nomad probe.

    I've got quite a few TOS ships already to convert over. I need to look at Nannerslug's mod, but I haven't ran accross it yet. I'll download it tonight when I get back and mess with it.

  We need to compile a wishlist and I will try to put it together. I am having trouble with some models, like old transport ships, and space station K-7. The links to them are dead and I misplaced those models


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #24 on: October 24, 2003, 10:15:04 am »
you can get my mod at

Captain KoraH

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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #25 on: October 24, 2003, 12:48:52 pm »
Towelie, try posting on the model forums, there are some guys there that have a collection of everything lol!


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #26 on: October 24, 2003, 02:11:07 pm »
I'm not a modder, rather an avid fan and user of some of the SFC mods ... but I'd like to definitely see this TOS mod being discussed! I urge the talented modders out there to collaborate and blow us away with the ultimate TOS mod!



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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #27 on: October 24, 2003, 06:46:20 pm »

  They need a sticky thread over there that can be updated to keep current links to there collections. I've posted our request. I know we're going to get some great ships. They make ships far better than in the game. But of course that's because they use high polygon models that some of the lower end users cannot use due to lack of hardware.

  TOS ships definitely have a nice classic style. Back when I was still doing NZ-OP, I wanted to do a TOS, TMP and TNG style campaign since it uses different eras. But back then, I figured nobody would use it since broadband wasn't as common as it is today. Plus, I think Chris did one of those before or something similiar and not enough people played it (loosers didn't know what they're missing) (J/K).    

Captain KoraH

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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #28 on: October 25, 2003, 05:57:31 am »
Now wee need to settle on some nice space monsters for the Borg slot. We don't need many, maybe 5 different ones. We can replicate the same monsters in the specs and just make the models bigger or smaller, and change the colors of the textures a bit to simulate "similar species" or something. Anybody know how many space aliens the Enterprise encountered?


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #29 on: October 25, 2003, 11:23:30 am »
If I may make a suggestion and It's only that, How about using the Borg Role for the Furies, from the novels. I've wanted to Fight against them for along time, and the concerns you had about Regeneration would fit that race Perfect. Of course they are not cannon, But a fascinating Race to want to Play.

Of course some new models would have to made for there ships, but I'll happily send a copy of the books to towlie If he has the time.



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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #30 on: October 25, 2003, 06:08:20 pm »

If I may make a suggestion and It's only that, How about using the Borg Role for the Furies, from the novels. I've wanted to Fight against them for along time, and the concerns you had about Regeneration would fit that race Perfect. Of course they are not cannon, But a fascinating Race to want to Play.

Of course some new models would have to made for there ships, but I'll happily send a copy of the books to towlie If he has the time.


   I haven't made any from scratch models, only messed around with them. I need more studying and practicing to do my own models. But I do have the best tools to create them.
   I am still trying to find all my old TOS models. I've lost a couple either on a backup CD or just misplaced. I can convert them from SFC3 to SFC3 no problem and create damage textures and lighting.

   Something I was wondering about. Should we enhance some models SLIGHTLY so they don't look too low budget or boxy? Some of the Klingon and Romulan ships are a little simple and not too much flare. I was thinking maybe some slight enhancing here and there while maintaining the TOS look and feel.

« Last Edit: October 25, 2003, 06:20:27 pm by Towelie »


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #31 on: October 25, 2003, 06:19:11 pm »
I love the Invasion series...

Captain KoraH

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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #32 on: October 25, 2003, 06:28:40 pm »
Yeah Towelie, I think that some really nice clean TOS ships would be perfect. What I think we should strive for is for all the ships of each race to use the same colors. And, of course the best models we can find.  


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #33 on: October 25, 2003, 07:05:10 pm »

Yeah Towelie, I think that some really nice clean TOS ships would be perfect. What I think we should strive for is for all the ships of each race to use the same colors. And, of course the best models we can find.  

   The best, I assume you mean we don't have to use the low poly models for the low end users? Because I got some high poly TOS ships. Have you seen the Mars class battleship? I will post some pictures of it later tonight. But it is an  incredible battleship done in TOS style with four nacelles. I forgot the orginal creator, I've got the name on file somewhere, I think it was either Wicked Zombie or Moonraker. I will post their name when I post the image. It's made for SFC2 but will be easy to upgrade for SFC3.    

Captain KoraH

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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #34 on: October 25, 2003, 09:16:21 pm »
Yes I think this should be the 100% best stuff we can get all the way. I want people to say "Damn!" when they play it!


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #35 on: October 25, 2003, 10:48:02 pm »

Hi all,
KoraH and I talked, and I have reserved and will build the site to host the mod and provide additional cool stuff to people who are interested.

We'll stick the site on a dedicated server and, of course, it will be completely free, with no ads/spam/pops/crap. Any thoughts/requests?



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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #36 on: October 26, 2003, 05:44:43 am »
take your medication you are way way to generous to be in good mental health :P
Thank you alot Sgnh Dubh we all owe you big time


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #37 on: October 29, 2003, 06:05:19 pm »
  GREAT news. I think I have just about every TOS style ship for all races. Most of them are SFC2 so some converting is required.
   I've got starbases, space stations, outposts, frieghters, shuttles, two monsters including the Doomsday machine. I think I did an overkill, so I will be reviewing the models and start learning how to convert them. But we have the models I think, just got to check them out and see if they'll be acceptable and which ones will be best.


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #38 on: October 29, 2003, 07:40:10 pm »

   Okay, it's going to be quite a job of converting these ships. I can do it, but I got to practice at it now that I have these simple instructions ...


 Greetings, if you're reading this, chances are that you're looking at this document in hopes of learning the (currently) semi-mystical and definitely arcane art of converting a ship from one version of Starfleet Command to another.


Good news!  It's not as difficult as you think!  Unfortunately though, you'll need a program like 3dsMax, Milkshape, Lightwave, or some other modelling program that can read in a ship file.


Now that you have that (grin), let's begin.



·      The first thing that you need to know about converting a ship is how to get the ship into the format that your modelling program will handle.  .3ds is a very common file format that is widely supported, and is .LWO (Lightwave).  The Milkshape format (.MS3D) is not as widely used, and there's only a few programs that can read and write to its format, Milkshape being one of them.  However, Milkshape is also easy to use, has a similar interface to 3ds Studio Max, and is $20 or so to register.  A lot cheaper than the $3500 or so for 3dsMax.  Also, Milkshape has plugins written for it (by chrisofborg of assimilation software) that allows import and export of the SFC .MOD ship format.  All in all, a good deal.


I am going to use 3dsMax as the basis for the conversion process because that's what I use.  (Helps to get a several thousand dollar program at an auction sale for $25 or so).  


SFC 2 to SFC 3

I'm going to start here because, frankly.. this is where most of you will be starting.  With the opposite conversion (SFC3 to SFC2) being next.  To convert a ship from SFC 2 to SFC 3 involves a bit of work, namely access to a graphics program like Paint Shop Pro, Adobe Photoshop, or similar to start.  Then access to a modelling program that can weld vertices and replace dummpy points.  This is why I'm suggesting 3dsMax for this work, it can do all of this (except the graphics program stuff).  And downloading and installing the Taldren model plugins for your version of 3dsMax (or the assimilation software plugins for Milkshape with that program.)  Okay, let's start!


·      Open your model in your modelling program, and delete all the hardpoints/damage points in your ship.  Leave just the mesh itself.  Then if you can import a similarly configured ship from SFC 3 into the same space without replacing everything, do so.  Delete that ship's mesh, leaving only its hardpoints and damagepoints.  This is the easiest way to get these setup.. the hp/dp naming conventions change between SFC 2 and SFC 3.  Now, change the selection setups so that you can select all the vertices in the model.  Select them all and then weld them using a maximum of 0.1 (if you can).  You're now done all the meshwork for your main model... do a similar process for your break mod, selecting all vertices in each piece and welding them all seperately..


·      Now, open up your graphics program and load up a main ships texture.  This will become a damage texture.. one that will be revealed when the ship takes damage.  I like to start on the saucer top, but that's just me.  Now, here's where you get creative.. trash the surface of the texture.  Go for the "Dawn of the Living Dead" look here, but remember that you'll want to probably duplicate what you're doing on the illumination texture, so remember what you do and how you do it.  When you're done the first texture, save it as the same filename with the following change:  add a D right before the .bmp extension.

                        ie: saucertop.bmp   will be saved as    saucertopD.bmp


·      Now for the illumination texture.. this is the lit part of the ship that will "glow" when that part of the ship is dark and it takes damage.  Again, load the illumination texture for your first texture and do the same kind of work on this one, using a light color like light grey, white, yellow/orange (whathaveyou).. something to indicate a hot area of the ship, or interior damage taking lighting, etc.  It's named in the same fashion as the normal damage texture.

                        ie: saucertop_i.bmp   will be saved as    saucertop_iD.bmp


·      Now that your damage textures are done, and your mesh work is done.. you're almost done.  Your ship could be dropped right into SFC 3 if you replace a stock ship, and it will now show up.  It'll be dark.. and it may look waxy.. but it'll be there. There's a few more things to do, two of which I know how to do, one of which I don't know all of.  (Sorry).  The first thing is relatively simple.. generate the picture files that will show up in the library, tactical, and beauty shot areas.  You can actually do this with Print Screen, a program that can crop and resize the cropped area, and Taldren's Modviewer of all things.. or you can render your picture directly from your modelling program.  The important thing here is the picture sizes, and picture names which are as follows:



                        dimensions:     304x241

                        filename is:      *_BS.bmp



                        dimensions:     141x157

                        filename is:      *_TI.bmp



                        dimensions:     598x365

                        filename is:      *_VL.bmp


·      Next, you need the SFC 3 modeltools from Taldren, these will allow you to "glow" your ship, plus recache your information to size your ship properly and generate the .X files that it needs.  I'm not going to go too indepth with the glowtools, there's help files inside the program.  The one trick that I've found to generate new glowfiles is to copy an old one into your ship directory with the same filename as your ship (ie: for a ship named fca.mod) and then clear all glow groups and start glowing your ship.  Just seems to work better for me.  When you're done glowing the ship, save attributes and recache.

·      The last thing to do is generate string files, and I can't help you here because I've never done them... however, your library descriptions are also done now and they're named shipname.txt and shipname R.txt with the classname at the end of one of these.  Grab a SFC 3 ship for examples of everything here... it'll be a learning experience for you.  After all this, you should be ready to fly in SFC 3!


   There's a little more to it that just that for each ship. I will get started on this. We now have all the pieces, just got to put them together. Of course if there's anyway to get some help on this project, that would be great. Right now I got to sort out all the models and decide what to use and convert over.  


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #39 on: October 29, 2003, 09:10:08 pm »

  The First Federation was a giant sphere (yes, I'm home early).  

Yeah, you're right. The Fesarius was a huge spherical ship. It was the First Federation Marker buoys that were cubes.



Captain KoraH

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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #40 on: October 29, 2003, 09:36:57 pm »
I've got a lot of experience converting SFC2 ships to SFC3. If you need any help or assistance please let me know.

We've got ships, we've got sounds, we've even got a home page. Now all we need are some custom missions!


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #41 on: October 29, 2003, 09:48:23 pm »


  The First Federation was a giant sphere (yes, I'm home early).  

Yeah, you're right. The Fesarius was a huge spherical ship. It was the First Federation Marker buoys that were cubes.



   I just realized what you were trying to do when I read about your animated textures. Your right though. Now if only we could get some animated textures in SFC3. I think this was something that nobody really thought about untill now. Animated textures would make it so much more interesting, especially when it comes to damage textures.


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #42 on: October 29, 2003, 09:52:24 pm »

   Good to hear, I will be reviewing these and getting some practice at it. I think I got too many ships now. I even got battleships for all, if needed.

   On average, how long did it take for you to convert a model over? I am about to find out.


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #43 on: November 01, 2003, 07:26:58 pm »

Captain KoraH

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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #44 on: November 01, 2003, 08:23:05 pm »
Once I set up my "assembly line" for ship conversion, I could do 9 ships a day incluing everything. That included:

1. Eliminate all LOD models.
2. Check the model for hardpoint locations.
3. Check the model for damage point naming (SFC1 used different names) and locations.
4. Check the model size compared to other TNZ models.
5. Use 3DMax to render the TI, VL and BS images of the ship.
6. Make lightmaps if necessary.
7. Make Damage textures.
8. Check break model for stray vertexes that will crash SFC3.
9. Delete all LOD textures.
10. Change all textures to 256 size and 8 bit color depth.
11. Create a .gf file, use the D'Daridex hardpoint tool to arrange the hardpoints.
12. Write a text description for the ship.
13. Import the ship model into the Taldren attribute editor and add the glows.
14. Add anything to the readme file that needs to be said about the conversion to SFC3.
15. Write a Shipnames.txt entry for the ship names.
16. Develop the DefaultCore.txt entry for the ships stats, making sure to assign the weapon arcs
      to the right hardpoints.
17. Write a DefaultLoadOut.txt entry based on the DefaultCore.txt entry, and adding a variant or two of
      loadout for the AI to use.
18. Run all the models through the Taldren recacher.

That's about all. Doing 9or 10 ships will easily take up an 8 hour day if you're careful and do it right.



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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #45 on: November 01, 2003, 08:48:14 pm »

  OUCH. Just when I thought I had the ships, I found even better ships. My schedule's been crazy last few days with Holloween and THE PARTY.
   Since you have experience, I can send you the ships or I'll still convert them if you have other projects. I'll do whatever I can to help. I've got probably 30-50 megs in models and still got to evaluate which ones are worthy. There are so many collections of ships scattered everywhere. I keep finding more.

    BTW, heard about the, "meltdown". I've been there before and had to take a break from it. It took me a while but I've almost recovered from it. You cannot please all the players all the time. Not possible. Plus, most complaints you get are bogus complaints and you don't hear from the people that are happy because they'll be playing not complaining.

   Good luck and I'll keep you updated. I'll be getting some more time now that the holiday is over.  

Captain KoraH

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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #46 on: November 02, 2003, 01:38:01 pm »
Well I wanted this to be a "community project" but it looks like the SFC3 modding community ain't going for it. Not sure why exactly. I've made the sounds, Towelie chose some great ships, now someone is needed to do the conversions. Is the SFC3 comunity really so small?


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #47 on: November 02, 2003, 01:46:20 pm »
I've got some models I did way back that I can convert but they are SFB conversions and not that detailed  


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #48 on: November 02, 2003, 08:35:48 pm »
Well, the site is up.

We'll be putting forums together at retrotrek to help organize our progress.



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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #49 on: November 02, 2003, 08:42:12 pm »
Lol, I like the fact that the only so far working link is donate.


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #50 on: November 02, 2003, 09:45:59 pm »

Heh....yeah, well, that's the ONE thing I can code *really* fast.

We really need art, script, test, etc people to assemble what we have and start putting a mod and a server together!


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #51 on: November 02, 2003, 11:34:19 pm »

   I've stopped collecting models, I've got too many. I counted over 30 Klingon models alone  

   Like I said, I kept finding better models. I ended up getting the best ones from Fleetdock 13. But we got to make sure to ask before using them publicly and be sure to give credit where it's due depending on what ships we settle with.
   I got some pre-tos and pre-tmp ships also. I figured some pre-tos stuff would be nice (sort of like having the Excelsior in TNG era) with a few upgrades (such as shields if the NX class is used).

   Bedtime for me, I'm starting to get weird. This mod is going through even if I have to do most of it myself  

Captain KoraH

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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #52 on: November 03, 2003, 12:19:32 am »
Well I'll pitch in more of my own time if needed, the idea of a really good TOS mod is too good to pass up. I only wish more people were interested in helping.

Towelie, if you can zip up the ships you've got, and post a link for me to download them, I'll select some to go into the mod and ask for permissions, then start the conversions.  


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #53 on: November 03, 2003, 03:37:10 am »
what is the fourth race going to be? Gorn  


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #54 on: November 03, 2003, 12:59:16 pm »
Actually, if the 4th race could be a menagerie, that would be cool. For instance, a Gorn ship or two (true to the one encountered by 1701), a planet killer, a mirror universe Enterprise or some Fed ships taken over by the M5 computer, a tholian, an organian (bright ball of light, as strong as a cube), mudd's pirate cruiser, Cireno Jones' cruiser (with TRIBBLES AS CARGO) , lazarus' ship from the alternative factor, an energy cloud like in Metamorphosis, an actual model of the Nomad probe(?),  in The Immunity Syndrome an enormous space-dwelling amoeba, Khan's Botnay Bay, and ... this would be SO kitch--- a huge hand of apollo that locks you into a non-repellable tractor beam and crushes your hull  

Also, all the Fed bases look like space station K7, and we should have one mission where the player's ship takes damage from a computer-generated war, as in A Taste of Armageddon.

There is precedent for a Daedelus-class ship to show up (A Piece of the Action).


Captain KoraH

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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #55 on: November 03, 2003, 02:16:15 pm »
Unfortunately they never showed the Gorn ship in "Arena". I think all the other various monsters and stuff you mentioned would make great mission based enemies, but not so great as a set race. Having the Borg be replaced by just space monsters would be fine, and all those "non-alligned" ships you mention can be thrown in as Rakellians, Pirates or what have you.

Has anyone given any thought to making a defined story arc with the missions? We could make a single player story campaign with new missions. Maybe Pelican would like to contribute to the project in that respect?


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #56 on: November 03, 2003, 05:11:56 pm »

Unfortunately they never showed the Gorn ship in "Arena".

No, but they described it as being equal to the Enterprise, but a bit faster, IIRC. Sounds like a Gorn CA?


Has anyone given any thought to making a defined story arc with the missions? We could make a single player story campaign with new missions. Maybe Pelican would like to contribute to the project in that respect?  

Yeah. I'd love to see a campaign around the last missions of the Daedelus-class ships, and the launching of the very first Constitution Class ships. Think about what the Constitution brought compared to the previous ships in the fleet! And there could be corresponding arcs around how the Romulans must recover from the first earth-romulan war, and fly sub-light only ships until they have to complete a "steal fed warp technology" mission -- which then opens the yard to warp ships. Meanwhile the Klink arc could deal with the winding-down of hostilities between Roms and Klinks, and crafting a truce that leads to shared technology which opens cloaking to the Klingons when a Klink player completes a key mission.

Actually, I think a player-flown "petting zoo" of ships would be killer...think of it---Taking a squadron of D7's and BOPs against player-piloted PlanetKillers and Giant Aomebas?  WOOT


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #57 on: November 03, 2003, 07:40:02 pm »

  Okay, I'll take care of that. I just now got home and am off all day tommarow. Do you want me to dump the pre-tos ships or should I compress them all? And where should I send them, there are quite a few megabytes? My webspace will only allow 10 megabytes  


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #58 on: November 03, 2003, 09:34:21 pm »

I would keep the pre-tos ships that might have flown right before the Constitution-classes "changed the landscape."  I think it would be cool to move from one of those types of ships to the (relative) powerhouses we see on 02.

Captain KoraH

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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #59 on: November 03, 2003, 10:11:59 pm »
Yeah lets keep the pre-TOS ships until we see what we've got and start weeding the list down to just a few ships per class. I think we need to try to reach parity between the playable races as far as numbers of flyable ships goes. I guess if you could break it all down into 10mb chunks I could start downloading them one per day until I got it all. PM me with the URL.  


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #60 on: November 03, 2003, 10:52:49 pm »
 Uploading right now.

  A mission script that would be great since I got the model for it... ...the Kobayashimaru scenerio! There are so many great models out there.

   A few things I got (might of mentioned some earlier). Space station K-7, Doomsday machine, the Kobayashimaru, a few interesting pre-tos ships. I think the NX class would be a great starter ship with some TOS era upgrades (like SHIELDS). The Klingons and Romulans also have some nice pre-tos and tos era ships.  


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #61 on: November 05, 2003, 09:48:17 pm »
  Well, I wonder if I should upload the next batch of ships. Maybe tommarow. Oh yea, BUMP. This project is STILL GOING AHEAD!


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #62 on: November 05, 2003, 11:18:01 pm »


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #63 on: November 05, 2003, 11:24:20 pm »
hey, the NX-01 had shields in tonights episode, courtesy of General Shran. Twenty years or so after the Xindi got Earth.  Of course, it didnt do them a whole lotta good, the Xindi tracked them down and killed them, not that it would have mattered, the last remenants of Humanity were on Ceti Alpha V.

"You Lie! on Ceti Alpha V there was life! A fair chance!"

*sigh* "Ceti Alpha VI exploded, six months after we were left here, the shock shifted the orbit of this planet, and everything was laid to waste.   Admiral Kirk, never bothered to check on our progress.  It was only the fact of my Genetically Engineered intellect that allowed us to survive."

Khan and Chekov, ST: II TWOK, Ceti Alpha V.  


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #64 on: November 06, 2003, 12:03:18 am »




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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #65 on: November 06, 2003, 06:44:03 pm »
Hey Dubh...
When you need testers, let me know!  
I'll even play nice and stop smiting people over at BC...
(well, maybe not, but I can say I would!)


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #66 on: November 06, 2003, 09:54:32 pm »
Actually, I have a pre-TOS ship that might be of interest.. a long time ago, I got permission to work on and redo p81's NX-01 from Raven for a TOS refit.. (without changing the mesh too much).  The fun thing about this puppy is that it was, (and still is on its registries) the NCC-01.  If you want to have some fun, I'll work on converting that over to SFC 3.. and we can all hear the howls of protest together.  

When it was released, it also had Halloween and Christmas textures as well.. but those may not be needed for the mod.  (grin)


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #67 on: November 06, 2003, 10:27:52 pm »
  Yes, that would be a nice little bonus to put in. I feel bad though, the feds get all the cool ships AGAIN. No matter, I will fly Klingon and watch them BURN!


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #68 on: November 07, 2003, 12:16:13 am »
yeah baby we'll need testers.

now everyone start shouting, "go towelie, go towelie"  



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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #69 on: November 10, 2003, 01:17:58 am »
  Don't want to see this thread get stale.

  Current status report...

   We lost our project leader Korah, so we have to do what we can. I have collected ships and was starting a review and conversion process for SFC3. I have no experience in converting and little time. But given the current situation, I am going to have to learn it all. Perhaps some assistance in this will arise after I get the models sorted so we know what to convert and what to dump from the project.



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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #70 on: November 11, 2003, 10:02:35 am »
Towelie, I got a ping from someone with some modding experience. I'll PM you his contact info.


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #71 on: November 11, 2003, 10:03:01 am »
Also forums are up thanks to Cueball!



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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #72 on: November 11, 2003, 10:22:44 am »
  That's good to hear. I finally got another day off and I am swamped with errands and little chores around the house. I wish I had the time to do this.


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #73 on: November 23, 2003, 02:20:20 pm »
Towlie, is Korah totally and completely gone?  Just asking because I'd sent hime some email a couple of weeks back and haven't seen a reply at all.  But for what it's worth, I've got three SFC 3 Connie conversions happening right now that I'll gladly send your way once I've helped finish off Nanner's scaling problems with his mod and complete the two TNG ships for it.  

And if you need, I can write up a more detailed tutorial on how to convert a ship to SFC 3 than what I'd done originally seeing I now have a bit more experience in converting stuff than when I first wrote it...
« Last Edit: November 23, 2003, 02:26:56 pm by atheorhaven »


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #74 on: November 23, 2003, 06:24:19 pm »
  I was starting to think this was hopeless. I am also working on a side project for the Almighty Nanner.

  Korah is gone, he removed himself from the Dynaverse Egroup and moved on to who knows what. It happens to every good host at some point, they go nuts or take a break.


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #75 on: December 06, 2003, 08:20:02 pm »
Sounds like we're on the same project..  Nanner had asked me for a hand a while back as well..

The biggest problem that I have with SFC 3 conversions is always the spec'ing.. I can HP/DP a ship, I can add damage textures, I can generate all the various extra textures, recache and glow the ships.  But the specs always just befuddle me (to date).

Sorry about the late replies as well.. I hardly ever come into the General Forums.. (usually have no interest in it).


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #76 on: February 08, 2004, 01:31:09 am »
I can help.  Granted I am new here, but I have a flare for spec'n and for that matter doin' HPs and to DPs (to some extent).  I also can turn over SFC1 and SFC2 models into SFC3 models rather quick and efficiently - and I have a LOT of free time to boot!  

Personally I would like to see it as canon as possible, and for that I understand the need to add FASA ships or Fed ships from the 'original' TOS Technical Manual.  I don't see a super huge problem with it, but how about finding someone or a way to integrate more <i>Enterprise</i> Era ships into it?  It would beef up the powers a bit, definately add more canon Klink ships to the pool, not to mention the Romulans, Vulcans and Andorians - there are a great number of canon profiles of many of those ships, I would love seeing them, I however cannot grasp the modelling aspect of SFC.  

As far as additional ships to add that I have not seen listed might be the Aurora, the grain freighter from TAS, the SS Ariel from TAS, and the SS Bonaventure.

Anyway, I have the time and willingness to help and would love to see this mod.  So feel free to email me via email at or via PM or this thread.  



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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #77 on: February 08, 2004, 03:00:38 am »
BTW, for the most complete online FASA information I have seen...

Check here: Star Ship Tactical Combat Simulator

Not sure if it was mentioned or not... just finally got around to looking at this thread..... and didn't go thru all the posts.

I may actually load up SFCIII and give this a try if you guys make it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by TOCXOBearslayer »


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #78 on: February 08, 2004, 03:05:14 pm »
  I have it on a long to do list. But I did collect all the ship models required. Just need to do some SFC2 to 3 conversions and trhe rest is easier... if only I could figure out how to finish the audio project for Nanner, fix the scratches on my 2001 Corolla, replace the pads on my Buick, glad to get 3 days off (wahoo).


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #79 on: February 08, 2004, 07:48:38 pm »

  I have it on a long to do list. But I did collect all the ship models required. Just need to do some SFC2 to 3 conversions and trhe rest is easier... ...

If you need help converting them, feel free to send them my way!  

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #80 on: February 10, 2004, 06:19:22 pm »

  The First Federation was a giant sphere (yes, I'm home early).  

Khaliban has made the TOS First Federation ship, I am using his TMP version of his Fesarius, LOL.

Great to hear from you again Captain KoraH!




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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #81 on: March 04, 2004, 03:17:15 pm »
I hope you guys get time to finish this as  I want a TOS version of SFC3.  The game is best suited for that era with its limited race slots.    The biggest problem I see,  is the limited canon ships for Roms and Klinks. I have seen TOS OP mods that basically use the same ship for all 5 ship classes.   I was wondering if anyone  might be interested in some designs that would be an attempt to make TOS versions out of later era canon ROM ships.  In other words,  take the TNG era Talon class and dumb it down so to speak , so the lines fit into TOS and then make the textures match TOS era as well.   This, while not true canon would add more variety and still have a TOS feel.  

If there is interest in this idea,  I could work on a couple Rom ships.    Even if these non-canon design idea turns you off, perhaps there couls be a few texture varients to the ROM BOP.   As I recall in the series it wass silver, why not have a  green varient to represent a later refit.  Or a black/silver one for stealth mode.  Again just for some variety cause the ROM BOP encounter would get boring if its always the same.



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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #82 on: March 05, 2004, 02:41:44 pm »
Would it be possible to just release the mod as it stands so far. If the sounds are done and some speccing,   we all could add in are own models.  I know real life tends to limit time for projects and sometimes these  mods never get done.   We all have our own prefernces regarding ships,  so most of us just need sound and TOS specs.  

Regarding specing. I was wondering what you use for reference?  How do you determine how many HP's the TOS ships have.
It might be  save time to lower the ship mass for weapon load outs instead of changing all the hard point info.  That way, even if the Fed CA has more HP's then it should,  it wouldn't be able to fill them cause of the lowered mass limit.  So the weapon loadouts would reflect TOS era but you would have more flexibility  for which arc you equip them on.    


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #83 on: March 07, 2004, 09:00:37 am »
I believe I have every canon or semi-canon ship that was made on file from the Enterprise-series thru TOS + TAS if anything is still missing.


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #84 on: March 17, 2004, 03:22:23 am »


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #85 on: March 17, 2004, 03:25:42 am »


  The First Federation was a giant sphere (yes, I'm home early).  

Khaliban has made the TOS First Federation ship, I am using his TMP version of his Fesarius, LOL.

Great to hear from you again Captain KoraH!



Funny I had no idea what you were talking about here. Then 2 days ago I saw episode3 season 1.   The fesarius. Kinda like a TOS Borg ship. SO i made 1 of my own. 7800 polies    Ahh but its fun and makes a good monster.


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #86 on: March 17, 2004, 03:50:30 am »

   Okay, no TOS Borg ships (would be cardboard box due to budget )

    Now we just need some nice monsters like, the doomsday machine, cystaline entity maybe (I know TNG). And of course, a giant ameba, maybe the Nomad probe.

    I've got quite a few TOS ships already to convert over. I need to look at Nannerslug's mod, but I haven't ran accross it yet. I'll download it tonight when I get back and mess with it.

  We need to compile a wishlist and I will try to put it together. I am having trouble with some models, like old transport ships, and space station K-7. The links to them are dead and I misplaced those models  

Giant ameba could be similated using just various glows. Granted you need a few polies for hard points. Those could just be a few boxes scaled so small they won't be seen. Obviously it wouldn't show damage but you could fly right though it I think.

The Fesaius was brought up. I couldn't find the 1st post but saw it quoted. I see that as a monster type.  

I made 3 posts in a row  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by red_green »


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #87 on: March 24, 2004, 02:27:48 am »
Looks like this has been abandoned. Well I won't let it die. I am starting a TOS mod of my own. Building all the ships from scratch. It may take me a year. I have meshed out all the Romulans. I have 7 ships and a shuttle plus a star base. Hope to have these done in a couple weeks. Then on to Feds. Since it takes a while, I will release each race as a ship pack. Rather then holding them hostage on my hard drive for 6 months. I may have to use other peoples KLinks just to save me a month or 2.  I won't say anymore cause a project like this is huge for 1 person and thereful often falls by the wayside. But at the very least I will get the Rom ships out.  Would be cool if Korah returns with his sound mod.  I think if we get more people we could start releasing the mod in packets. That way there would be a sign of progress and 56ker's like me like smaller files anyway. We could have a Sound mod pack,  Texture packRommie  ship pack, Fed  ship pack, Klink ship Pak, Other race pack(Orions, Fasarius, monsters),  then the Final Pack would be specs.  Then once all complete zip them all together for DSL cable modem users.
That way even if the entire mod never gets complete, at least something has gotten contributed to the community. If we get enough people, we could each do a catagory. I would actually prefer to stick to Romulans. I am doing FASA TOS designs.
There are still a couple I would like to do, or else just have a few texture varients to the ones I am already completing. I am pretty sure there are enough feds and Klinks already done. We would just have to agree on how to spec them so play is balanced

The Rommie ship pack wont have special specs, it will just have ones copied and pasted from stock ships. If I get all 3 races done, then I will spec them all for TOS. Which is a best guess scenario, as info for loadouts is sketchy for Roms and Klinks TOS era.   What I might do is just reduce shield strength and weapon damage by a percentage across the board. This way I wouldn't have to replace each ship which would get rather daunting. I couls instead just edit the files pertaining to weapons and shields.  This would also reduce the time for play testing as the game balance should remain close to the original.

Please post if anyone is still interested.


Captain KoraH

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The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #88 on: October 22, 2003, 02:44:10 pm »
I think I've got the perfect collaboratory project for us to work on. I was going to make a TOS mod for SFC3, but I have decided that such a project might be something we could all do together. I already have been working on a TOS sounds mod, and weapon textures.

Here is my suggestion:

I propose we keep it simple and just do one ship per class, keeping the big 3 original races. I feel that we should just make the mod to not use the Borg, but if you guys want to do this project and you feel we should change them into something else, maybe space monsters or something, that would be cool too. What say you guys?  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Captain KoraH »


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Re: Hailing Chris Jones, ThePelican and Nannerslug
« Reply #89 on: October 22, 2003, 10:14:40 pm »

   I was working on that too. I've been collecting models and messing around. So far it seems some models need some conversions to SFC3 from SFC2. I was reinstalling my modeling tools and studying up on them.


James Formo

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Re: Hailing Chris Jones, ThePelican and Nannerslug
« Reply #90 on: October 22, 2003, 10:31:33 pm »
lol I wanted to do this as well. Only it would take me 6-8 months      I was planning on using the Borg slot as the mirror verse.  Combining Mirror Feds and Klinks in there  But seeing as its being covered I guess I just put my feet up and wait for the release

Dang nabbit since all bases appear covered I may have to do a non trek Mod.   I can get a few TOS ships done if you need em though.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by James Formo »

Captain KoraH

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Re: Hailing Chris Jones, ThePelican and Nannerslug
« Reply #91 on: October 22, 2003, 10:46:04 pm »
Ok, this is what  I've got: A TOS sound mod for SFC3, complete with Romulan, Klingon and Federation sound files and music. I'm really happy with how it turned out. But when I got to the part where I get the ships, I realized I don't have ANY TOS ships!

I think this should be a first class project, only the very best ship models will do. I think it's perfectly fine for anyone who wants to be a part of the "SFC3 Community TOS mod" to pitch in.

I got the music and sounds, who will gather up the best TOS ships?



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Re: Hailing Chris Jones, ThePelican and Nannerslug
« Reply #92 on: October 22, 2003, 11:34:22 pm »
   I am already gathering ships and installing the software to modify them for SFC3. There are plenty of GREAT SFC2 TOS ships, they just need to be updated and credit given where due.



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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #93 on: October 23, 2003, 12:19:17 am »
My mod was going to be Pretos...


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #94 on: October 23, 2003, 02:10:46 am »

Have you visited Ghost's site

perhaps you could get permission off him for model use, he has EVERYTHING!
Trouble is he left after 'the modders civil war'  

Captain KoraH

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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #95 on: October 23, 2003, 02:41:18 am »
I think we should put Towelie in charge of the ship models for the mod. I'll just keep my involvement limited to the sounds. Whoever does the stats I think they should be very stock-ish and not overboard, so they appeal to the widest variety of players. Any takers?


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #96 on: October 23, 2003, 08:55:52 am »
I think this a great idea!  I even like the use of the Borg slots for Monsters - the DDM could use a work out.....


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #97 on: October 23, 2003, 10:31:28 am »

  I've got some pretty high polly ships. This will be fun! I've been collecting these for years. I'm going to get my web space activated so I can post in game pictures of them.
   I assume most people can handle these high polygon models, including battleships. Although I want to try and improve some break models.
   Should we do monsters for Borg or just replace them? Oh well, I'll think about it at work. My hours are getting freed so I only got a 6 hour shift today.

   I got 3D Studio Max 5 reinstalled (thanks to my unlce who helped sponser the package). So I'm ready to start some conversions and work on damage textures.  


  • Guest
Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #98 on: October 23, 2003, 11:13:48 am »
korah.. check my mod out.. many of those TOS vessels are there.


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #99 on: October 23, 2003, 01:34:42 pm »
Nanner, I assume this is supposed to be Total TOS...

Captain KoraH

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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #100 on: October 23, 2003, 01:43:36 pm »
ActiveX has a point. There are not enough Romulan and Klingon TOS ships out there. Perhaps we need to include FASA TOS ships to fill the ranks. I think retexturing all the Klingons and Roms to look like the TOS Warbird and D-7 would make it really feel like a professional mod. I just finished the TOS sounds mod last night. I actually impressed myself with this one, and that's a hard thing to do  

Also, I think I'll continue to stress that I think this should be a straight TOS mod. All races should use the same photon torpedo, with the exception of the Romulans who should use plasma. The Klingons and Roms should both use the R-Disruptor, as nothing like the Klink one existed in TOS. The Q-torp, K-Torp, Myotronic and  Pulse Phaser should not be available. But, for purely gameplay reasons, I suggest we leave the tachyon beam in the game.  


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #101 on: October 23, 2003, 01:48:33 pm »
Maybe the Tachyon Beam should be moved to deflector dishes as a special weapon...

Any way to do that without gimping the user?


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #102 on: October 23, 2003, 02:00:19 pm »
Interesting Idea. I particularly like the Borg/ Monster replacement ... but why not include all the "Hostile Guest Aliens" into the mix as well ( i.e. Kahn, Mirror Universe, Gorn, Tholians, Orions, Kzinti - animated series, etc.).

Actually, this gives me an idea. If you took a simple cube, tipped it to the side a little, Added a colorful texture-completely light mapped all over, then added a glow around the whole thing, ... wouldn't that look alot like the First Federation craft, and a few other TOS "Bad guy-of-the-week"?

Now if I could just figure out how the heck to add a space ameoba ...

Food for thought.



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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #103 on: October 23, 2003, 02:05:02 pm »
active - you missed my point.. korah was looking for models.. my mod has a good number of models.. not enough for all races, but it has a lot of tos stuff to at least begin with.


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #104 on: October 23, 2003, 03:11:25 pm »
Oh yes, the models...hehe...


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #105 on: October 23, 2003, 03:15:16 pm »
It's called OP, early era    


  • Guest
Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #106 on: October 23, 2003, 04:08:30 pm »

  The First Federation was a giant sphere (yes, I'm home early).


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #107 on: October 23, 2003, 04:31:13 pm »

   Do not worry about lack of ships, I will do my best to help and we might get some help from those who dwell in the model forums.
   TOS ships are pretty basic in design for non fed races (low budget for them, heheh).

   Let me compile these together and see what I am missing.


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread *DELETED*
« Reply #108 on: October 23, 2003, 08:16:43 pm »
Post deleted by Khalee


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #109 on: October 23, 2003, 09:12:52 pm »

   I'm still wondering about the Borg. Of course we're going to use Roms and Klinks, but what to do about the Borg (besides changing my LONG overdue avatar)?

Captain KoraH

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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #110 on: October 23, 2003, 11:05:04 pm »
Here are my reasons for wanting the Borg to be monsters and not ships:

In SFC3...
1. Any race placed in the Borg slot will not bank when they turn.
2. Anything in the Borg slot will regenerate it's hull, like the Borg. This seems to work nicely for monsters, not so nice for Gorn or Mirak ships.

There are a lot of other reasons that relate soley to human played ships in races that replace the Borg, like not paying for repairs and such, but I think whatever we do with the 4th race it should be made non-playable regardless. Actually, I think it may be the best idea to make ONLY the Federation playable. I could do a lot more with the Fed music then...


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #111 on: October 24, 2003, 09:57:35 am »

   Okay, no TOS Borg ships (would be cardboard box due to budget )

    Now we just need some nice monsters like, the doomsday machine, cystaline entity maybe (I know TNG). And of course, a giant ameba, maybe the Nomad probe.

    I've got quite a few TOS ships already to convert over. I need to look at Nannerslug's mod, but I haven't ran accross it yet. I'll download it tonight when I get back and mess with it.

  We need to compile a wishlist and I will try to put it together. I am having trouble with some models, like old transport ships, and space station K-7. The links to them are dead and I misplaced those models


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #112 on: October 24, 2003, 10:15:04 am »
you can get my mod at

Captain KoraH

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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #113 on: October 24, 2003, 12:48:52 pm »
Towelie, try posting on the model forums, there are some guys there that have a collection of everything lol!


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #114 on: October 24, 2003, 02:11:07 pm »
I'm not a modder, rather an avid fan and user of some of the SFC mods ... but I'd like to definitely see this TOS mod being discussed! I urge the talented modders out there to collaborate and blow us away with the ultimate TOS mod!



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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #115 on: October 24, 2003, 06:46:20 pm »

  They need a sticky thread over there that can be updated to keep current links to there collections. I've posted our request. I know we're going to get some great ships. They make ships far better than in the game. But of course that's because they use high polygon models that some of the lower end users cannot use due to lack of hardware.

  TOS ships definitely have a nice classic style. Back when I was still doing NZ-OP, I wanted to do a TOS, TMP and TNG style campaign since it uses different eras. But back then, I figured nobody would use it since broadband wasn't as common as it is today. Plus, I think Chris did one of those before or something similiar and not enough people played it (loosers didn't know what they're missing) (J/K).    

Captain KoraH

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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #116 on: October 25, 2003, 05:57:31 am »
Now wee need to settle on some nice space monsters for the Borg slot. We don't need many, maybe 5 different ones. We can replicate the same monsters in the specs and just make the models bigger or smaller, and change the colors of the textures a bit to simulate "similar species" or something. Anybody know how many space aliens the Enterprise encountered?


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #117 on: October 25, 2003, 11:23:30 am »
If I may make a suggestion and It's only that, How about using the Borg Role for the Furies, from the novels. I've wanted to Fight against them for along time, and the concerns you had about Regeneration would fit that race Perfect. Of course they are not cannon, But a fascinating Race to want to Play.

Of course some new models would have to made for there ships, but I'll happily send a copy of the books to towlie If he has the time.



  • Guest
Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #118 on: October 25, 2003, 06:08:20 pm »

If I may make a suggestion and It's only that, How about using the Borg Role for the Furies, from the novels. I've wanted to Fight against them for along time, and the concerns you had about Regeneration would fit that race Perfect. Of course they are not cannon, But a fascinating Race to want to Play.

Of course some new models would have to made for there ships, but I'll happily send a copy of the books to towlie If he has the time.


   I haven't made any from scratch models, only messed around with them. I need more studying and practicing to do my own models. But I do have the best tools to create them.
   I am still trying to find all my old TOS models. I've lost a couple either on a backup CD or just misplaced. I can convert them from SFC3 to SFC3 no problem and create damage textures and lighting.

   Something I was wondering about. Should we enhance some models SLIGHTLY so they don't look too low budget or boxy? Some of the Klingon and Romulan ships are a little simple and not too much flare. I was thinking maybe some slight enhancing here and there while maintaining the TOS look and feel.

« Last Edit: October 25, 2003, 06:20:27 pm by Towelie »


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #119 on: October 25, 2003, 06:19:11 pm »
I love the Invasion series...

Captain KoraH

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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #120 on: October 25, 2003, 06:28:40 pm »
Yeah Towelie, I think that some really nice clean TOS ships would be perfect. What I think we should strive for is for all the ships of each race to use the same colors. And, of course the best models we can find.  


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #121 on: October 25, 2003, 07:05:10 pm »

Yeah Towelie, I think that some really nice clean TOS ships would be perfect. What I think we should strive for is for all the ships of each race to use the same colors. And, of course the best models we can find.  

   The best, I assume you mean we don't have to use the low poly models for the low end users? Because I got some high poly TOS ships. Have you seen the Mars class battleship? I will post some pictures of it later tonight. But it is an  incredible battleship done in TOS style with four nacelles. I forgot the orginal creator, I've got the name on file somewhere, I think it was either Wicked Zombie or Moonraker. I will post their name when I post the image. It's made for SFC2 but will be easy to upgrade for SFC3.    

Captain KoraH

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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #122 on: October 25, 2003, 09:16:21 pm »
Yes I think this should be the 100% best stuff we can get all the way. I want people to say "Damn!" when they play it!


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #123 on: October 25, 2003, 10:48:02 pm »

Hi all,
KoraH and I talked, and I have reserved and will build the site to host the mod and provide additional cool stuff to people who are interested.

We'll stick the site on a dedicated server and, of course, it will be completely free, with no ads/spam/pops/crap. Any thoughts/requests?



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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #124 on: October 26, 2003, 05:44:43 am »
take your medication you are way way to generous to be in good mental health :P
Thank you alot Sgnh Dubh we all owe you big time


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #125 on: October 29, 2003, 06:05:19 pm »
  GREAT news. I think I have just about every TOS style ship for all races. Most of them are SFC2 so some converting is required.
   I've got starbases, space stations, outposts, frieghters, shuttles, two monsters including the Doomsday machine. I think I did an overkill, so I will be reviewing the models and start learning how to convert them. But we have the models I think, just got to check them out and see if they'll be acceptable and which ones will be best.


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #126 on: October 29, 2003, 07:40:10 pm »

   Okay, it's going to be quite a job of converting these ships. I can do it, but I got to practice at it now that I have these simple instructions ...


 Greetings, if you're reading this, chances are that you're looking at this document in hopes of learning the (currently) semi-mystical and definitely arcane art of converting a ship from one version of Starfleet Command to another.


Good news!  It's not as difficult as you think!  Unfortunately though, you'll need a program like 3dsMax, Milkshape, Lightwave, or some other modelling program that can read in a ship file.


Now that you have that (grin), let's begin.



·      The first thing that you need to know about converting a ship is how to get the ship into the format that your modelling program will handle.  .3ds is a very common file format that is widely supported, and is .LWO (Lightwave).  The Milkshape format (.MS3D) is not as widely used, and there's only a few programs that can read and write to its format, Milkshape being one of them.  However, Milkshape is also easy to use, has a similar interface to 3ds Studio Max, and is $20 or so to register.  A lot cheaper than the $3500 or so for 3dsMax.  Also, Milkshape has plugins written for it (by chrisofborg of assimilation software) that allows import and export of the SFC .MOD ship format.  All in all, a good deal.


I am going to use 3dsMax as the basis for the conversion process because that's what I use.  (Helps to get a several thousand dollar program at an auction sale for $25 or so).  


SFC 2 to SFC 3

I'm going to start here because, frankly.. this is where most of you will be starting.  With the opposite conversion (SFC3 to SFC2) being next.  To convert a ship from SFC 2 to SFC 3 involves a bit of work, namely access to a graphics program like Paint Shop Pro, Adobe Photoshop, or similar to start.  Then access to a modelling program that can weld vertices and replace dummpy points.  This is why I'm suggesting 3dsMax for this work, it can do all of this (except the graphics program stuff).  And downloading and installing the Taldren model plugins for your version of 3dsMax (or the assimilation software plugins for Milkshape with that program.)  Okay, let's start!


·      Open your model in your modelling program, and delete all the hardpoints/damage points in your ship.  Leave just the mesh itself.  Then if you can import a similarly configured ship from SFC 3 into the same space without replacing everything, do so.  Delete that ship's mesh, leaving only its hardpoints and damagepoints.  This is the easiest way to get these setup.. the hp/dp naming conventions change between SFC 2 and SFC 3.  Now, change the selection setups so that you can select all the vertices in the model.  Select them all and then weld them using a maximum of 0.1 (if you can).  You're now done all the meshwork for your main model... do a similar process for your break mod, selecting all vertices in each piece and welding them all seperately..


·      Now, open up your graphics program and load up a main ships texture.  This will become a damage texture.. one that will be revealed when the ship takes damage.  I like to start on the saucer top, but that's just me.  Now, here's where you get creative.. trash the surface of the texture.  Go for the "Dawn of the Living Dead" look here, but remember that you'll want to probably duplicate what you're doing on the illumination texture, so remember what you do and how you do it.  When you're done the first texture, save it as the same filename with the following change:  add a D right before the .bmp extension.

                        ie: saucertop.bmp   will be saved as    saucertopD.bmp


·      Now for the illumination texture.. this is the lit part of the ship that will "glow" when that part of the ship is dark and it takes damage.  Again, load the illumination texture for your first texture and do the same kind of work on this one, using a light color like light grey, white, yellow/orange (whathaveyou).. something to indicate a hot area of the ship, or interior damage taking lighting, etc.  It's named in the same fashion as the normal damage texture.

                        ie: saucertop_i.bmp   will be saved as    saucertop_iD.bmp


·      Now that your damage textures are done, and your mesh work is done.. you're almost done.  Your ship could be dropped right into SFC 3 if you replace a stock ship, and it will now show up.  It'll be dark.. and it may look waxy.. but it'll be there. There's a few more things to do, two of which I know how to do, one of which I don't know all of.  (Sorry).  The first thing is relatively simple.. generate the picture files that will show up in the library, tactical, and beauty shot areas.  You can actually do this with Print Screen, a program that can crop and resize the cropped area, and Taldren's Modviewer of all things.. or you can render your picture directly from your modelling program.  The important thing here is the picture sizes, and picture names which are as follows:



                        dimensions:     304x241

                        filename is:      *_BS.bmp



                        dimensions:     141x157

                        filename is:      *_TI.bmp



                        dimensions:     598x365

                        filename is:      *_VL.bmp


·      Next, you need the SFC 3 modeltools from Taldren, these will allow you to "glow" your ship, plus recache your information to size your ship properly and generate the .X files that it needs.  I'm not going to go too indepth with the glowtools, there's help files inside the program.  The one trick that I've found to generate new glowfiles is to copy an old one into your ship directory with the same filename as your ship (ie: for a ship named fca.mod) and then clear all glow groups and start glowing your ship.  Just seems to work better for me.  When you're done glowing the ship, save attributes and recache.

·      The last thing to do is generate string files, and I can't help you here because I've never done them... however, your library descriptions are also done now and they're named shipname.txt and shipname R.txt with the classname at the end of one of these.  Grab a SFC 3 ship for examples of everything here... it'll be a learning experience for you.  After all this, you should be ready to fly in SFC 3!


   There's a little more to it that just that for each ship. I will get started on this. We now have all the pieces, just got to put them together. Of course if there's anyway to get some help on this project, that would be great. Right now I got to sort out all the models and decide what to use and convert over.  


  • Guest
Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #127 on: October 29, 2003, 09:10:08 pm »

  The First Federation was a giant sphere (yes, I'm home early).  

Yeah, you're right. The Fesarius was a huge spherical ship. It was the First Federation Marker buoys that were cubes.



Captain KoraH

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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #128 on: October 29, 2003, 09:36:57 pm »
I've got a lot of experience converting SFC2 ships to SFC3. If you need any help or assistance please let me know.

We've got ships, we've got sounds, we've even got a home page. Now all we need are some custom missions!


  • Guest
Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #129 on: October 29, 2003, 09:48:23 pm »


  The First Federation was a giant sphere (yes, I'm home early).  

Yeah, you're right. The Fesarius was a huge spherical ship. It was the First Federation Marker buoys that were cubes.



   I just realized what you were trying to do when I read about your animated textures. Your right though. Now if only we could get some animated textures in SFC3. I think this was something that nobody really thought about untill now. Animated textures would make it so much more interesting, especially when it comes to damage textures.


  • Guest
Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #130 on: October 29, 2003, 09:52:24 pm »

   Good to hear, I will be reviewing these and getting some practice at it. I think I got too many ships now. I even got battleships for all, if needed.

   On average, how long did it take for you to convert a model over? I am about to find out.


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #131 on: November 01, 2003, 07:26:58 pm »

Captain KoraH

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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #132 on: November 01, 2003, 08:23:05 pm »
Once I set up my "assembly line" for ship conversion, I could do 9 ships a day incluing everything. That included:

1. Eliminate all LOD models.
2. Check the model for hardpoint locations.
3. Check the model for damage point naming (SFC1 used different names) and locations.
4. Check the model size compared to other TNZ models.
5. Use 3DMax to render the TI, VL and BS images of the ship.
6. Make lightmaps if necessary.
7. Make Damage textures.
8. Check break model for stray vertexes that will crash SFC3.
9. Delete all LOD textures.
10. Change all textures to 256 size and 8 bit color depth.
11. Create a .gf file, use the D'Daridex hardpoint tool to arrange the hardpoints.
12. Write a text description for the ship.
13. Import the ship model into the Taldren attribute editor and add the glows.
14. Add anything to the readme file that needs to be said about the conversion to SFC3.
15. Write a Shipnames.txt entry for the ship names.
16. Develop the DefaultCore.txt entry for the ships stats, making sure to assign the weapon arcs
      to the right hardpoints.
17. Write a DefaultLoadOut.txt entry based on the DefaultCore.txt entry, and adding a variant or two of
      loadout for the AI to use.
18. Run all the models through the Taldren recacher.

That's about all. Doing 9or 10 ships will easily take up an 8 hour day if you're careful and do it right.



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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #133 on: November 01, 2003, 08:48:14 pm »

  OUCH. Just when I thought I had the ships, I found even better ships. My schedule's been crazy last few days with Holloween and THE PARTY.
   Since you have experience, I can send you the ships or I'll still convert them if you have other projects. I'll do whatever I can to help. I've got probably 30-50 megs in models and still got to evaluate which ones are worthy. There are so many collections of ships scattered everywhere. I keep finding more.

    BTW, heard about the, "meltdown". I've been there before and had to take a break from it. It took me a while but I've almost recovered from it. You cannot please all the players all the time. Not possible. Plus, most complaints you get are bogus complaints and you don't hear from the people that are happy because they'll be playing not complaining.

   Good luck and I'll keep you updated. I'll be getting some more time now that the holiday is over.  

Captain KoraH

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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #134 on: November 02, 2003, 01:38:01 pm »
Well I wanted this to be a "community project" but it looks like the SFC3 modding community ain't going for it. Not sure why exactly. I've made the sounds, Towelie chose some great ships, now someone is needed to do the conversions. Is the SFC3 comunity really so small?


  • Guest
Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #135 on: November 02, 2003, 01:46:20 pm »
I've got some models I did way back that I can convert but they are SFB conversions and not that detailed  


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #136 on: November 02, 2003, 08:35:48 pm »
Well, the site is up.

We'll be putting forums together at retrotrek to help organize our progress.



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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #137 on: November 02, 2003, 08:42:12 pm »
Lol, I like the fact that the only so far working link is donate.


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #138 on: November 02, 2003, 09:45:59 pm »

Heh....yeah, well, that's the ONE thing I can code *really* fast.

We really need art, script, test, etc people to assemble what we have and start putting a mod and a server together!


  • Guest
Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #139 on: November 02, 2003, 11:34:19 pm »

   I've stopped collecting models, I've got too many. I counted over 30 Klingon models alone  

   Like I said, I kept finding better models. I ended up getting the best ones from Fleetdock 13. But we got to make sure to ask before using them publicly and be sure to give credit where it's due depending on what ships we settle with.
   I got some pre-tos and pre-tmp ships also. I figured some pre-tos stuff would be nice (sort of like having the Excelsior in TNG era) with a few upgrades (such as shields if the NX class is used).

   Bedtime for me, I'm starting to get weird. This mod is going through even if I have to do most of it myself  

Captain KoraH

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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #140 on: November 03, 2003, 12:19:32 am »
Well I'll pitch in more of my own time if needed, the idea of a really good TOS mod is too good to pass up. I only wish more people were interested in helping.

Towelie, if you can zip up the ships you've got, and post a link for me to download them, I'll select some to go into the mod and ask for permissions, then start the conversions.  


  • Guest
Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #141 on: November 03, 2003, 03:37:10 am »
what is the fourth race going to be? Gorn  


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #142 on: November 03, 2003, 12:59:16 pm »
Actually, if the 4th race could be a menagerie, that would be cool. For instance, a Gorn ship or two (true to the one encountered by 1701), a planet killer, a mirror universe Enterprise or some Fed ships taken over by the M5 computer, a tholian, an organian (bright ball of light, as strong as a cube), mudd's pirate cruiser, Cireno Jones' cruiser (with TRIBBLES AS CARGO) , lazarus' ship from the alternative factor, an energy cloud like in Metamorphosis, an actual model of the Nomad probe(?),  in The Immunity Syndrome an enormous space-dwelling amoeba, Khan's Botnay Bay, and ... this would be SO kitch--- a huge hand of apollo that locks you into a non-repellable tractor beam and crushes your hull  

Also, all the Fed bases look like space station K7, and we should have one mission where the player's ship takes damage from a computer-generated war, as in A Taste of Armageddon.

There is precedent for a Daedelus-class ship to show up (A Piece of the Action).


Captain KoraH

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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #143 on: November 03, 2003, 02:16:15 pm »
Unfortunately they never showed the Gorn ship in "Arena". I think all the other various monsters and stuff you mentioned would make great mission based enemies, but not so great as a set race. Having the Borg be replaced by just space monsters would be fine, and all those "non-alligned" ships you mention can be thrown in as Rakellians, Pirates or what have you.

Has anyone given any thought to making a defined story arc with the missions? We could make a single player story campaign with new missions. Maybe Pelican would like to contribute to the project in that respect?


  • Guest
Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #144 on: November 03, 2003, 05:11:56 pm »

Unfortunately they never showed the Gorn ship in "Arena".

No, but they described it as being equal to the Enterprise, but a bit faster, IIRC. Sounds like a Gorn CA?


Has anyone given any thought to making a defined story arc with the missions? We could make a single player story campaign with new missions. Maybe Pelican would like to contribute to the project in that respect?  

Yeah. I'd love to see a campaign around the last missions of the Daedelus-class ships, and the launching of the very first Constitution Class ships. Think about what the Constitution brought compared to the previous ships in the fleet! And there could be corresponding arcs around how the Romulans must recover from the first earth-romulan war, and fly sub-light only ships until they have to complete a "steal fed warp technology" mission -- which then opens the yard to warp ships. Meanwhile the Klink arc could deal with the winding-down of hostilities between Roms and Klinks, and crafting a truce that leads to shared technology which opens cloaking to the Klingons when a Klink player completes a key mission.

Actually, I think a player-flown "petting zoo" of ships would be killer...think of it---Taking a squadron of D7's and BOPs against player-piloted PlanetKillers and Giant Aomebas?  WOOT


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #145 on: November 03, 2003, 07:40:02 pm »

  Okay, I'll take care of that. I just now got home and am off all day tommarow. Do you want me to dump the pre-tos ships or should I compress them all? And where should I send them, there are quite a few megabytes? My webspace will only allow 10 megabytes  


  • Guest
Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #146 on: November 03, 2003, 09:34:21 pm »

I would keep the pre-tos ships that might have flown right before the Constitution-classes "changed the landscape."  I think it would be cool to move from one of those types of ships to the (relative) powerhouses we see on 02.

Captain KoraH

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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #147 on: November 03, 2003, 10:11:59 pm »
Yeah lets keep the pre-TOS ships until we see what we've got and start weeding the list down to just a few ships per class. I think we need to try to reach parity between the playable races as far as numbers of flyable ships goes. I guess if you could break it all down into 10mb chunks I could start downloading them one per day until I got it all. PM me with the URL.  


  • Guest
Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #148 on: November 03, 2003, 10:52:49 pm »
 Uploading right now.

  A mission script that would be great since I got the model for it... ...the Kobayashimaru scenerio! There are so many great models out there.

   A few things I got (might of mentioned some earlier). Space station K-7, Doomsday machine, the Kobayashimaru, a few interesting pre-tos ships. I think the NX class would be a great starter ship with some TOS era upgrades (like SHIELDS). The Klingons and Romulans also have some nice pre-tos and tos era ships.  


  • Guest
Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #149 on: November 05, 2003, 09:48:17 pm »
  Well, I wonder if I should upload the next batch of ships. Maybe tommarow. Oh yea, BUMP. This project is STILL GOING AHEAD!


  • Guest
Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #150 on: November 05, 2003, 11:18:01 pm »


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #151 on: November 05, 2003, 11:24:20 pm »
hey, the NX-01 had shields in tonights episode, courtesy of General Shran. Twenty years or so after the Xindi got Earth.  Of course, it didnt do them a whole lotta good, the Xindi tracked them down and killed them, not that it would have mattered, the last remenants of Humanity were on Ceti Alpha V.

"You Lie! on Ceti Alpha V there was life! A fair chance!"

*sigh* "Ceti Alpha VI exploded, six months after we were left here, the shock shifted the orbit of this planet, and everything was laid to waste.   Admiral Kirk, never bothered to check on our progress.  It was only the fact of my Genetically Engineered intellect that allowed us to survive."

Khan and Chekov, ST: II TWOK, Ceti Alpha V.  


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #152 on: November 06, 2003, 12:03:18 am »




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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #153 on: November 06, 2003, 06:44:03 pm »
Hey Dubh...
When you need testers, let me know!  
I'll even play nice and stop smiting people over at BC...
(well, maybe not, but I can say I would!)


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #154 on: November 06, 2003, 09:54:32 pm »
Actually, I have a pre-TOS ship that might be of interest.. a long time ago, I got permission to work on and redo p81's NX-01 from Raven for a TOS refit.. (without changing the mesh too much).  The fun thing about this puppy is that it was, (and still is on its registries) the NCC-01.  If you want to have some fun, I'll work on converting that over to SFC 3.. and we can all hear the howls of protest together.  

When it was released, it also had Halloween and Christmas textures as well.. but those may not be needed for the mod.  (grin)


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #155 on: November 06, 2003, 10:27:52 pm »
  Yes, that would be a nice little bonus to put in. I feel bad though, the feds get all the cool ships AGAIN. No matter, I will fly Klingon and watch them BURN!


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #156 on: November 07, 2003, 12:16:13 am »
yeah baby we'll need testers.

now everyone start shouting, "go towelie, go towelie"  



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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #157 on: November 10, 2003, 01:17:58 am »
  Don't want to see this thread get stale.

  Current status report...

   We lost our project leader Korah, so we have to do what we can. I have collected ships and was starting a review and conversion process for SFC3. I have no experience in converting and little time. But given the current situation, I am going to have to learn it all. Perhaps some assistance in this will arise after I get the models sorted so we know what to convert and what to dump from the project.



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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #158 on: November 11, 2003, 10:02:35 am »
Towelie, I got a ping from someone with some modding experience. I'll PM you his contact info.


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #159 on: November 11, 2003, 10:03:01 am »
Also forums are up thanks to Cueball!



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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #160 on: November 11, 2003, 10:22:44 am »
  That's good to hear. I finally got another day off and I am swamped with errands and little chores around the house. I wish I had the time to do this.


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #161 on: November 23, 2003, 02:20:20 pm »
Towlie, is Korah totally and completely gone?  Just asking because I'd sent hime some email a couple of weeks back and haven't seen a reply at all.  But for what it's worth, I've got three SFC 3 Connie conversions happening right now that I'll gladly send your way once I've helped finish off Nanner's scaling problems with his mod and complete the two TNG ships for it.  

And if you need, I can write up a more detailed tutorial on how to convert a ship to SFC 3 than what I'd done originally seeing I now have a bit more experience in converting stuff than when I first wrote it...
« Last Edit: November 23, 2003, 02:26:56 pm by atheorhaven »


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #162 on: November 23, 2003, 06:24:19 pm »
  I was starting to think this was hopeless. I am also working on a side project for the Almighty Nanner.

  Korah is gone, he removed himself from the Dynaverse Egroup and moved on to who knows what. It happens to every good host at some point, they go nuts or take a break.


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #163 on: December 06, 2003, 08:20:02 pm »
Sounds like we're on the same project..  Nanner had asked me for a hand a while back as well..

The biggest problem that I have with SFC 3 conversions is always the spec'ing.. I can HP/DP a ship, I can add damage textures, I can generate all the various extra textures, recache and glow the ships.  But the specs always just befuddle me (to date).

Sorry about the late replies as well.. I hardly ever come into the General Forums.. (usually have no interest in it).


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #164 on: February 08, 2004, 01:31:09 am »
I can help.  Granted I am new here, but I have a flare for spec'n and for that matter doin' HPs and to DPs (to some extent).  I also can turn over SFC1 and SFC2 models into SFC3 models rather quick and efficiently - and I have a LOT of free time to boot!  

Personally I would like to see it as canon as possible, and for that I understand the need to add FASA ships or Fed ships from the 'original' TOS Technical Manual.  I don't see a super huge problem with it, but how about finding someone or a way to integrate more <i>Enterprise</i> Era ships into it?  It would beef up the powers a bit, definately add more canon Klink ships to the pool, not to mention the Romulans, Vulcans and Andorians - there are a great number of canon profiles of many of those ships, I would love seeing them, I however cannot grasp the modelling aspect of SFC.  

As far as additional ships to add that I have not seen listed might be the Aurora, the grain freighter from TAS, the SS Ariel from TAS, and the SS Bonaventure.

Anyway, I have the time and willingness to help and would love to see this mod.  So feel free to email me via email at or via PM or this thread.  



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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #165 on: February 08, 2004, 03:00:38 am »
BTW, for the most complete online FASA information I have seen...

Check here: Star Ship Tactical Combat Simulator

Not sure if it was mentioned or not... just finally got around to looking at this thread..... and didn't go thru all the posts.

I may actually load up SFCIII and give this a try if you guys make it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by TOCXOBearslayer »


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #166 on: February 08, 2004, 03:05:14 pm »
  I have it on a long to do list. But I did collect all the ship models required. Just need to do some SFC2 to 3 conversions and trhe rest is easier... if only I could figure out how to finish the audio project for Nanner, fix the scratches on my 2001 Corolla, replace the pads on my Buick, glad to get 3 days off (wahoo).


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #167 on: February 08, 2004, 07:48:38 pm »

  I have it on a long to do list. But I did collect all the ship models required. Just need to do some SFC2 to 3 conversions and trhe rest is easier... ...

If you need help converting them, feel free to send them my way!  

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #168 on: February 10, 2004, 06:19:22 pm »

  The First Federation was a giant sphere (yes, I'm home early).  

Khaliban has made the TOS First Federation ship, I am using his TMP version of his Fesarius, LOL.

Great to hear from you again Captain KoraH!




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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #169 on: March 04, 2004, 03:17:15 pm »
I hope you guys get time to finish this as  I want a TOS version of SFC3.  The game is best suited for that era with its limited race slots.    The biggest problem I see,  is the limited canon ships for Roms and Klinks. I have seen TOS OP mods that basically use the same ship for all 5 ship classes.   I was wondering if anyone  might be interested in some designs that would be an attempt to make TOS versions out of later era canon ROM ships.  In other words,  take the TNG era Talon class and dumb it down so to speak , so the lines fit into TOS and then make the textures match TOS era as well.   This, while not true canon would add more variety and still have a TOS feel.  

If there is interest in this idea,  I could work on a couple Rom ships.    Even if these non-canon design idea turns you off, perhaps there couls be a few texture varients to the ROM BOP.   As I recall in the series it wass silver, why not have a  green varient to represent a later refit.  Or a black/silver one for stealth mode.  Again just for some variety cause the ROM BOP encounter would get boring if its always the same.



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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #170 on: March 05, 2004, 02:41:44 pm »
Would it be possible to just release the mod as it stands so far. If the sounds are done and some speccing,   we all could add in are own models.  I know real life tends to limit time for projects and sometimes these  mods never get done.   We all have our own prefernces regarding ships,  so most of us just need sound and TOS specs.  

Regarding specing. I was wondering what you use for reference?  How do you determine how many HP's the TOS ships have.
It might be  save time to lower the ship mass for weapon load outs instead of changing all the hard point info.  That way, even if the Fed CA has more HP's then it should,  it wouldn't be able to fill them cause of the lowered mass limit.  So the weapon loadouts would reflect TOS era but you would have more flexibility  for which arc you equip them on.    


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #171 on: March 07, 2004, 09:00:37 am »
I believe I have every canon or semi-canon ship that was made on file from the Enterprise-series thru TOS + TAS if anything is still missing.


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #172 on: March 17, 2004, 03:22:23 am »


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #173 on: March 17, 2004, 03:25:42 am »


  The First Federation was a giant sphere (yes, I'm home early).  

Khaliban has made the TOS First Federation ship, I am using his TMP version of his Fesarius, LOL.

Great to hear from you again Captain KoraH!



Funny I had no idea what you were talking about here. Then 2 days ago I saw episode3 season 1.   The fesarius. Kinda like a TOS Borg ship. SO i made 1 of my own. 7800 polies    Ahh but its fun and makes a good monster.


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #174 on: March 17, 2004, 03:50:30 am »

   Okay, no TOS Borg ships (would be cardboard box due to budget )

    Now we just need some nice monsters like, the doomsday machine, cystaline entity maybe (I know TNG). And of course, a giant ameba, maybe the Nomad probe.

    I've got quite a few TOS ships already to convert over. I need to look at Nannerslug's mod, but I haven't ran accross it yet. I'll download it tonight when I get back and mess with it.

  We need to compile a wishlist and I will try to put it together. I am having trouble with some models, like old transport ships, and space station K-7. The links to them are dead and I misplaced those models  

Giant ameba could be similated using just various glows. Granted you need a few polies for hard points. Those could just be a few boxes scaled so small they won't be seen. Obviously it wouldn't show damage but you could fly right though it I think.

The Fesaius was brought up. I couldn't find the 1st post but saw it quoted. I see that as a monster type.  

I made 3 posts in a row  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by red_green »


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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #175 on: March 24, 2004, 02:27:48 am »
Looks like this has been abandoned. Well I won't let it die. I am starting a TOS mod of my own. Building all the ships from scratch. It may take me a year. I have meshed out all the Romulans. I have 7 ships and a shuttle plus a star base. Hope to have these done in a couple weeks. Then on to Feds. Since it takes a while, I will release each race as a ship pack. Rather then holding them hostage on my hard drive for 6 months. I may have to use other peoples KLinks just to save me a month or 2.  I won't say anymore cause a project like this is huge for 1 person and thereful often falls by the wayside. But at the very least I will get the Rom ships out.  Would be cool if Korah returns with his sound mod.  I think if we get more people we could start releasing the mod in packets. That way there would be a sign of progress and 56ker's like me like smaller files anyway. We could have a Sound mod pack,  Texture packRommie  ship pack, Fed  ship pack, Klink ship Pak, Other race pack(Orions, Fasarius, monsters),  then the Final Pack would be specs.  Then once all complete zip them all together for DSL cable modem users.
That way even if the entire mod never gets complete, at least something has gotten contributed to the community. If we get enough people, we could each do a catagory. I would actually prefer to stick to Romulans. I am doing FASA TOS designs.
There are still a couple I would like to do, or else just have a few texture varients to the ones I am already completing. I am pretty sure there are enough feds and Klinks already done. We would just have to agree on how to spec them so play is balanced

The Rommie ship pack wont have special specs, it will just have ones copied and pasted from stock ships. If I get all 3 races done, then I will spec them all for TOS. Which is a best guess scenario, as info for loadouts is sketchy for Roms and Klinks TOS era.   What I might do is just reduce shield strength and weapon damage by a percentage across the board. This way I wouldn't have to replace each ship which would get rather daunting. I couls instead just edit the files pertaining to weapons and shields.  This would also reduce the time for play testing as the game balance should remain close to the original.

Please post if anyone is still interested.


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Re: The \
« Reply #176 on: November 16, 2004, 10:49:47 am »
I'm interested in breathing new life into this mod idea.  I have converted most of Lord Schtupp's Tos Federation Ships from SFC2 to SFC3.  While I was doing this, I was thinking what a great idea it would be to make a TOS mod, figured somebody else has probably thought of it a while back, and decided to find out if such a mod existed.  If anybody else is still interested, please email me at so we can put together a new team.  I've gotten really good at converting ships to SFC3 and have access to 3ds max and photoshop.  Beyond that, I don't have much experience.

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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #177 on: November 16, 2004, 03:54:52 pm »
Just to get the title back... Wasn't sure what "Re: The \ " meant...

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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #178 on: November 16, 2004, 07:39:10 pm »
Thanks.  I didn't pay attention to the subject line when I replied.  Anyway, I started asking around about a TOS mod at the sfc3files forum and it turns out that they  already have a TOS mod there available for download.  Here is the link

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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #179 on: November 20, 2004, 03:02:22 pm »
Thanks.  I didn't pay attention to the subject line when I replied.  Anyway, I started asking around about a TOS mod at the sfc3files forum and it turns out that they  already have a TOS mod there available for download.  Here is the link

Even so I'd like to do another TOS mod. IN fact I wanted to do one for a long time, but as you see I had 5 posts in a row a while back but no one was interested then. I ended up doing a TNG mod with SFB races called Rise of KIngdoms. The latest version of which was to be uploaded to the now defunt STCD site.

I'd like to get involved in a TOS mod but not where I am the only one working on it like I was for the KIngdoms mod. IN fact to to having less time to devote to modding, I would only be able to contribute ship models. Perhaps if permission is obtained from the person that did that TOS (mod from the link in the previous post) we could expand on his mod. I have half a dozen TOS Rom ships near completion that could beef up the Romulan shipyard.

Another possiblity is converted my KingdomsII mod to TOS. The main thing would be swamping sounds and textures out. This is time consuming, which is why I'd rather expand the already existing TOS mod. Oh and I have a big problem with modding. I have a modem so its hard to share big files and such.

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Re: The \
« Reply #180 on: November 25, 2004, 09:09:34 pm »
Were you going to run that on the dynaverse 3? Or was it going to be single player only?
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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #181 on: November 25, 2004, 09:45:57 pm »

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« Reply #182 on: November 26, 2004, 12:54:15 pm »
I dunno if this has been meantioned yet or not, but there are already TOS mods in progress. The Alternate Universe mod team will be releasing one soon. It's almost finished now, final testing is in progress. An official announcement will be made when the final version is ready to go
I am Victory, and I approved this message

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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #183 on: November 26, 2004, 01:42:16 pm »
okay, so can someone explain why the subject line keeps losing all the text?

And thank you Bonk for fixing it after my post. I didn't catch it when I replied before
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Re: The \
« Reply #184 on: November 26, 2004, 02:49:54 pm »
Were you going to run that on the dynaverse 3? Or was it going to be single player only?

Is this question about Rise of KIngdoms II? If so, that mod is currently single player only. Thats because I appear to have a software conflict with my IP provider software and SFC3. If I run both at once my computer locks up big time. This happens with the stock game or any of the patched versions. Worse than a CTD, I can only do a cold reboot. If someone wanted to set up the KIngdoms mod for the Dyna, they have my permission. That mod is now available and the link is posted in the models forum.

btw I am glad to see another TOS in the works and coming out shortly.

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Re: The "SFC3 Community TOS Mod" project thread
« Reply #185 on: November 26, 2004, 03:37:00 pm »
okay, so can someone explain why the subject line keeps losing all the text?

And thank you Bonk for fixing it after my post. I didn't catch it when I replied before

Not sure, maybe cuz the thread was not started on this forum? Or maybe people just keep replying to the post without the subject instead of later posts with the subject corrected?

Anyhoo, fixed again...