This is an ongoing project that began in Spring 2003 - was dropped for a while - and has been rekindled by recent inquiries into my EAW Multi-Era Mod. My thoughts are to 'paste' the EAW shiplist into OP, keeping the 2550 Pirate Cartels as they are, or perhaps give them a few 'upgrades', and make 'adjustments' to the shiplist to 'upgrade' it to OP capabilities. Indigo Falcon e-mailed me the repaired EAW Multi-Era shiplist and said this:
The only changes from the
original are elimination of some model references and corrections to others,
and now I have a very stable game. I hope that others find it useful. I have
enjoyed the Mult-Era mod very much. Thank you for making it available to the
The corrected EAW Multi-Era shiplist can be found on my site now under Projects-SFC2-Multi.
Indigo Falcon adjusted the EAW Multi-Era on his own, as I had moved on to OP and SFC3. I thank him for that.
Race selection screen for OP Multi-Era
This is a cut from the Multi-Era aastrings.txt that shows what's what with the races.
||~F:Arial8~Federation/Maquis (sorta fit together)
||~F:Arial8~Lyran/Dominion (How about these two for allies?)
||~F:Arial8~Hydran/Breen (or these two)
||~F:Arial8~Gorn/Borg (Interesting alliance here..)
||~F:Arial8~Mirak/Cardassian (The Maquis will have their hands full here)
Cartels as per 2550.
These eras of canon Trek - TOS, TMP, TNG - plus the original OP races. NEAT HUH?
This will give me a chance to use the new Nemesis Sovereign as the Fed's new TNG era bad boy in a new MOD release.

No timetable for release as I have a several projects ongoing, and will be doing paid work on BC2 quite soon, but I want to have some fun with this when I can.