I'm not one of those that are constantly bashing on the forums about the patch ( altough if thoughts and mental curses count, taldren staff might find themselves facing the bubonic plague or the ebola virus considering what i have wished for them sometimes)..
Nevertheless, i noticed that this thread starter has a very limited number of posts ( 1 ?), and so It might be someone that got the game very recently and simply wants to know when a patch is going to be released to fix some particular nasty bug that he encountered or something like that.
so, lets be a bit less mean .
There are people out there ( like some of my friends) that simply can't understand how a game that is on the market since November, with a considerable number of bugs and a considerable high price for my country standard ( 57.5 euros when most other games go for around 40 ) , hasn't been at least patched once yet .
I want to make clear that this is not a flame directed to taldren or even Activision, and that I feel that writting stuff to try to get the patch sooner, like many have done before, is completly irrelevant to the final outcome. But, at the same time, it is with some regret that i see many of my close friends either disconnecting themselves from the game simply as a result of many multiplayer bugs; or asking me, that told them to buy the game, where is the patch /when we get a patch.