Topic: String File Help Request  (Read 2330 times)

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Klingon Fanatic

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String File Help Request
« on: October 15, 2003, 10:39:19 am »
OK, I Know this is supposed to be simple but man, I just don?t seem to get it. I open notepad and try to edit the race names and I then go in game after my editing and nothing changes.

Here?s what I?m looking for a Race Selection screen that has the following:

OrionOrion = Tholian
OrionSyndicate = Mirror [Universe Imperials]
OrionCamboro = LDR
OrionWyldeFire = Andromedan
OrionTigerHeart = WYN
OrionBeastRaiders = Leigons

Also is there some trick to getting the ShipNames String to match what?s in the shiplist?

Here?s what I?ve done so far using the stock ShipNames string from the latest OP patch:


1.   Copied ALL the Feds from the ShipNames string file
2.   Paste into a blank notepad document
3.   Changed  the F- designation to S- [Federation to Syndicate]
4.   Went to ShipNames string file and ripped out ALL Syndicate ship names
5.   Pasted the new Syndicate Ship names into the ShipNames string
6.   IN GAME the ship designations appear to be fine and the loadout?s appear BUT no ship schematic appears on the selection screen. In battle an appropriate Fed ship Icon does appear.


7.   Copied ALL the LDR from the ShipNames string file
8.   Paste into a blank notepad document
9.   Changed  the L- designation to C- [LDR to Camboro]
10.   Went to ShipNames string file and ripped out ALL Camboro ship names
11.   Pasted the new Camboro Ship names into the ShipNames string
12.   IN GAME the ship designations appear to be fine and the loadout?s appear BUT no ship schematic appears on the selection screen. In battle an appropriate LDR ship Icon does appear.
13.   C-CA2 and a few other Camboro designations STILL appear after I removed it and I  have combed the ShipNames String a dozen times and the game crashes when I select one of these ?non-existant? ships.

What am I doing wrong?

Please send a Race Selection string to:

Thanks in advance.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Klingon Fanatic »

Rod O'neal

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Re: String File Help Request
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2003, 01:31:34 pm »
The races are listed in 3 spots in the strings file. There's "RaceName"and RaceNamePlural" directly below it, and further down there's "RaceEmpires". I'm not an expert on strings editing, Chris Jones helped me out with doing what you are trying yo do, but I believe that you need to change the listing in all three places. At least that's what I have done. The other thing you want to do is edit the .mct files in the scripts/campaign folder. Open up the Camboro's .mct file and edit the 1st line to change the title that appears for selecting campaigns.

The ship schematics aren't universal. The Fed schematics only work for the Fed ship selection screen. If you use a fed UI in a pirate slot it doesn't show up. As you noted though, the game play is fine. I had asked once if once if there was someway to make them universal, like the ship schematics that start with "X" are, but was told that it was in the .Q3 file. I even requested for it to be changed in a patch. Magnum Man said that they don't even get access to the Q3 file during patching. (I belive it was Mag that told me that. It was a while ago, so I'm working from old memories. ) It's strange that's the only screen that it doesn't show up in, but since it's not required in the stock game, it can't be called a bug. It still would be nice for it to work though.

As far as the C-CA2 still showing up as an available ship, got me there? Is that the default heavy cruiser that shows up for the "hostile skirmish" script? If that's the case then the script itself might be calling it up and the script would need to be edited.

I hope this helps, some.    

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: String File Help Request
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2003, 07:27:05 pm »
No luck changing the strings still.


That's a good theory on the C-CA2 problem. Makes sense to me.

Thanks for your help.



Rod O'neal

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Re: String File Help Request
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2003, 11:21:40 pm »
There's 2 places in the aastrings file where the races are listed. I wish that I could tell you for certain that's the problem. It's worth trying though. I have A couple of races changed for something that I'm trying with EAW at the moment and the race names are changed here as well. Like I said earlier CJ started the editing for me to get it started. I don't remember exactly what he edited and what I've edited myself since. If I do manage to get the races to "completely" switch in every aspect, I'll be sure to let you see what I've done, since that's basically what you're trying to do here as well.

This section is about 30 or 40 percent done the file.

||~F:Arial8~Orion Pirate

||~F:Arial8~Orion Pirate

This is about 90% down near the end.

|csu_PersCamp|~F:Arial14~Personal Campaign Setup
||~F:Arial9:Y:-3~Orion Pirate

As you might be able to tell, I'm trying to replace the Roms and Gorn with the LDR and WYN. I've got quite a bit of it working, but it's not good enough yet to be worth releasing.


Klingon Fanatic

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Re: String File Help Request
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2003, 07:29:20 am »

Thanks for your help. I?ll try to do this tonight when I get home.

So where are the Gorn and Romulans in you EAW shiplist? In SFC3, I once added the Gorn to the Romulans, lol. I haven?t played that since the beta patch?. I digress.

I?d be interested in seeing how your project turns out, especially if you convert it to OP. It just may be the grand unified shiplist I?ve been looking for.



James Formo

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Re: String File Help Request
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2003, 05:51:54 am »
If your talking about changing the race names in the library it can't be done. Hard coded. The race names in the strings will change the races in skirkish selection and the news.

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: String File Help Request
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2003, 06:30:46 pm »
I got it! Finally, lol.
 The answer to my question was in the aastring file.

Around half way down:

||~F:Arial8~Orion Cartel

||~F:Arial8~Orion Cartel

Those are my personal changes.

Anybody experiment with say replacing the Federation stuff with Tholian or Andromedan to see if it works? I hypothesize this stuff is hard coded so I don't expect any success.

Thanks everyone for all the help.