Topic: Desty Nova: A note on your Fed BCH  (Read 1078 times)

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Desty Nova: A note on your Fed BCH
« on: October 21, 2003, 12:48:54 pm »
First, let me say, as a fan of SFB, your work has been quite refreshing.  Thanks for your efforts.  Btw, I have some Hydran friends that are hoping you get to them soon, heheh...

As to the Fed BCH, I noticed that you had made the lower heavy weapon launchers red, ie Photon tubes.  Historically, these launchers on the Bismark, a BCF, would have been the Plasma-F launchers, ie green.  I made this change to the texture for my personal use, just thought I would pass along the suggestion.

One reason I bring this up is that Firesoul's new OP+ 3.1 mod has a number of new model folder slots, including seperate folders for all of the Federation BC's.  And that is freakin' awsome, as I can put all the excellent TMP Bc's that Rogue NineCH made for me to good use. Of course, for those TOS moods, here's to hoping to see the Kirov (BCG, lower wpns drones), the New Jersey (BCJ, lower wpns photons), and the Shangri-La (BCV, lower wpns drones, but of course the front of the secondary hull is CVS-style...but I digress...).  Of course, I'd rather see my Hydran buddies get some ships first.

Again, great stuff, looking forward to all of your future work.

-Wanderer, model whore and collector since '01.  


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Re: Desty Nova: A note on your Fed BCH
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2003, 06:27:02 pm »
Thanks Wanderer. I realize the Bismarck has two Plasma F's in that space, but I figured red could represent Photons, Drones, or Plasmas. After I finish the main fleets for every race though, I'll be going back and doing more specilaized variants, the BCV and CVS being high on my list. I'll probably do individualized BCH's as well.  

As for your Hydran buddies....let's just say they won't have to wait much longer.

Anyway, thank you very much for your interest and sharing my work with your friends.


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Re: Desty Nova: A note on your Fed BCH
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2003, 06:44:58 pm »
Oh BTW, I'll have several new releases soon. Romulan KR series ships, Fed Battleship, Old Light Cruiser, Police Cutter, and Fast Patrol Ship.