Topic: Anyone have a Radeon 9600 PRO?  (Read 5527 times)

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Re: Anyone have a Radeon 9600 PRO?
« Reply #40 on: November 03, 2003, 05:10:52 pm »
  Well folks it  keeps getting better and better.... I did the inf update and it crashed... Also tried updating the BIOS and got this wonderful little error:

Cannot detect ASUS BIOS
On OK. Installation aborted.

So now it appears the Bios can't detect the motherboard now SIGH.   Going to take a break and look at a new motherboard I can't afford now.... Any one knows a good MB for a Celeron 2.60Ghz chip and a Zalman flower CPU cooler I can buy?



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Re: Anyone have a Radeon 9600 PRO?
« Reply #41 on: November 03, 2003, 05:13:15 pm »


You're being able to play at all with DX9 is a miracle.

Actually ToastyO that is a good point, but that doesn't explain Elite Force II doing the same thing.  Unless Elite Force II also requires a DirectX 9 patch.  Korus install the SFC III DirectX 9 patch if you haven't already and see what happens.  If that fixes the issue with SFC III then it could really help narrow things down a bit.  Good Catch ToastyO.  

Oh my, I must be confused. I thought the game was a couple weeks away.

Never the less, SFC was released shortly before (like days before) the release of DX9 thus the reason for the patch.

If he has the EFII-demo, welp, a demo can be as buggy as any game and we could be seeing the result of two seperate issues. We won't know uintil we get at least one of these games working.



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Re: Anyone have a Radeon 9600 PRO?
« Reply #42 on: November 03, 2003, 09:11:41 pm »
Wow! Toasty, I don't know what is up with that site, but EFII was released a few months ago. Yet another sign of Activision's wonderful support for Trek games.  


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Re: Anyone have a Radeon 9600 PRO?
« Reply #43 on: November 03, 2003, 09:49:54 pm »

  Right now SFC 3 and ST: EF 2 are crashing on my sytems after 4 mins of gameplay...  Here are my specs:

ASUS P4800 Deluxe
2.60ghz Celeron
512 MB DDR Ram
Radeon 9600 PRO
25GB Quatum Fireball HD
Windows 98SE
Audigy 2 sound card
500 PSU

I'm currently using the latest Direct X but my drivers are Cataylyst 3.7... 3.8 causes my games to crash faster than 4 mins...  I won't be getting my new OS and HD until X-mas....  I want to have a stable system to play SFC III  again and Elite Forces II dagnab it... Anyone have any ideas? I'm tired of reformatting and trying different cat drivers...


Try this... simple trouble shooting...

First, make sure you are running DirectX 9.0b

Direct DL link here :

then on a clean fresh install of SFC 3, either patch with the Beta Patch, or use the SFC 3 DirectX 9 patch.. 1 or the other, not both or it will corrupt game.

Beta patch or the SFC 3 DirectX 9 fix can be found on my site at

next.. downgrade your Vid Card drivers to one of the following known to operate SFC 3 and Elite Force II

these drivers are the Catalist 3.6, Catalist 2.6, or Catalist 2.3

Lower your screen resolution to 800x600 at 16 bit color..

Find your SFC3setup.exe and match game resolution to what your screen is at...

try game

if game works properly, increase resolution to a higher setting in both your game and for your monitor.. keep color at 16 bit

once you reach your max playable resolution, then increase color to 24 bit then 32 bit... go back to the color resolution that worked the best...

Hope this helps..
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Pestalence »


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Re: Anyone have a Radeon 9600 PRO?
« Reply #44 on: November 04, 2003, 12:19:24 am »

Well folks it  keeps getting better and better.... I did the inf update and it crashed... Also tried updating the BIOS and got this wonderful little error:

Cannot detect ASUS BIOS
On OK. Installation aborted.

So now it appears the Bios can't detect the motherboard now SIGH.   Going to take a break and look at a new motherboard I can't afford now.... Any one knows a good MB for a Celeron 2.60Ghz chip and a Zalman flower CPU cooler I can buy?


Damn, sorry to hear that Korus.  Before you use that motherboard as a door stop try putting the Asus CD into your CD drive and boot up the system.  Your system should be like mine and have "Recovering the BIOS with CrashFree BIOS 2".  Your motherboard is different from mine so check your user guide.  If that doesn't work then try the "EZ Flash" by putting a copy of the Bios " .ROM" on a floppy disk (I would use a system disk) and boot the system.  Then boot the system and press the ALT+F2 during the Power-On Self tests (POST).  If that does not work I would call Asus and RMA the motherboard.  If they give you any hassle about the Bios failing, remind Asus that these boards are supposed to be able to recover from a Bios crash (IE Recovering the BIOS with CrashFree BIOS).  At most you should only be responsible for the shipping and handling.  Hope this helps.


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Re: Anyone have a Radeon 9600 PRO?
« Reply #45 on: November 04, 2003, 12:32:48 am »

Wow! Toasty, I don't know what is up with that site, but EFII was released a few months ago. Yet another sign of Activision's wonderful support for Trek games.

Oh boy, for a minute there I thought I was losing my mind.  I was in best buy yesterday and I all most picked up that game.  Then I see that web site that ToastyO linked and I started thinking, "what in the world was I looking at".  Luckily Activision is not programming the SFC III patch them selves.  Activision might release it and forget to tell us about it, or they might wait for some stupid timer to run out.

* Activision rep.*

Only -12 years, 7 months, 13 days, 19 hours, 41 minutes, and 3 seconds until the release of the SFC III patch!!!

* /   Activision rep.*

Edit:  Also if you look closely at the time on that Elite Force II web site.  You will see a minus ( - ) sign in front of the days.  Meaning that the game was release 13 days 20 hours and 57 minutes ago (at the time of this writing).  The thing is you can barely see that minus sign, Activision should have had a redesigned site ready at release time.  Or at least that web site should have just been taken down right after release.  For Activision to just put a minus sign in the web site would only confuse potential customers and just plain lazy.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Javora »


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Re: Anyone have a Radeon 9600 PRO?
« Reply #46 on: November 04, 2003, 10:15:15 am »
  Just wanted to let you folks know I'm throwing in the towel and shipping this puppy to a computer shop... It's either that or start shopping for a new MB either way its going to cost me $$$$ to get this rig fixed... SIGH    Thanks for all your help guys! Thank you!



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Re: Anyone have a Radeon 9600 PRO?
« Reply #47 on: November 05, 2003, 10:56:19 am »
I have a Radeon 9600 XT with 256 MB RAM.  I have the beta patch installed, the Catalyst v3.8 drivers.  I have a Barton 3200+  on an ASUS A7N8X deluxe v1.07 motherboard.  I have 1.0 gb RAM.

SFC3 works just fine.



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Re: Anyone have a Radeon 9600 PRO?
« Reply #48 on: November 05, 2003, 11:32:23 am »

I have a Radeon 9600 XT with 256 MB RAM.  I have the beta patch installed, the Catalyst v3.8 drivers.  I have a Barton 3200+  on an ASUS A7N8X deluxe v1.07 motherboard.  I have 1.0 gb RAM.

SFC3 works just fine.


hehehe, that is basically the system I am in the process of building, although I have yet to decided whether or not to use the Nvidia 5700 instead of the ATI 9600.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Kroma_BaSyl »


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Re: Anyone have a Radeon 9600 PRO?
« Reply #49 on: November 06, 2003, 11:09:08 am »
I would say it's a matter of preference for the video cards, though the ATI drivers may have overtaken the nVidia ones quite recently.

There are also some modded drivers out there that are cool.

Of course the best part is having the Barton 3200+ being 400 FSB now to match the mobo from ASUS.  With the right RAM it should scream!