Topic: Page 3 of the registry project is done!  (Read 897 times)

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Captain Ron

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Page 3 of the registry project is done!
« on: October 20, 2003, 01:49:24 am »
Well the third page is up and this one is the last one I was planning on doing for the Federation Fleet I did. This one is again for the Conititution style saucer I have been using and I also added some (10) impulse engines from the other ships i have around plus ones from P81s (orginals) , Atrahasis (topica) in the file. So now you can mix Registries and replace that blue Impulse Engine I use that everyone seems to hate!

In the file are registries:
1764  Defiant
1895  Endeavour
1672  Exeter
1647  Farragut
1657  Potemkin
1371  Republic
1837  Lantree
and the 10 impulse Engines


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Re: Page 3 of the registry project is done!
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2003, 03:03:01 am »
Hmm people hate blue impulse engines?

Captain Ron

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Re: Page 3 of the registry project is done!
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2003, 03:59:22 am »

I got a few of those in PMs they would got like this:

Nice ship!
BTW can you can the colour of the impulse engines the blue just doesn't look right, also which site are they at/

Seemed to be the way it was going. My usual answer was sure the colour is easy to change I would change it to pink and send the *.bmp to them by E-mail. They wanted it changed but never said to what, so I picked a colour and then felt better.

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: Page 3 of the registry project is done!
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2003, 05:45:51 am »


I got a few of those in PMs they would got like this:

Nice ship!
BTW can you can the colour of the impulse engines the blue just doesn't look right, also which site are they at/

Seemed to be the way it was going. My usual answer was sure the colour is easy to change I would change it to pink and send the *.bmp to them by E-mail. They wanted it changed but never said to what, so I picked a colour and then felt better.  


Seriously, I applaud your efforts this is a needed service.

Thank you for sharing these.