Topic: Reman Warbird Concept  (Read 4026 times)

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Re: Reman Warbird Concept
« Reply #20 on: October 25, 2003, 03:29:12 am »

Well I can see where the nay-sayers are coming from, the reman ship and this extrapolation are quite a departure from standard Trek fare. But since when do we have to make everything to trek standards? What if this ship was released as a totally new race instead of Remans? Would those few who hate it still hate it as much? I don't agree with the statement that the ship is ugly, and I certainly think that anyone who brings logic into a discussion of Trek ships is a lunatic! I ask you, is mounting the warp engines of the USS Enterprise on long, thin, vulnerable pylons any more logical than the spikes on the Reman ship? How about the Oberth and it's totally innacessible lower hull? How about the USS Voyager moving it's warp nacelles around? Why not just mount them in the right postiion! And if that Voyager thing worked, why don't all Fed ships have it? I don't see the Sovy moving it's warp engines... My point is that logic has no place in the realm of Trek ships, and to say that this ship is illogical because it doesn't look right for some reason is just plain silly. I personally think it's very stylish and I hope WZ45 makes it look similar to the Scimitar color wise so it can be used as a Reman ship.  

i don't like this Scimitar and Valdore designs because those don't look good to me and wouldn't like them if those are ships of new ST races and i don't like the JemHadar and Sona ships and they are from new races and the most of the new Enterprise ships look not good, i only like those Vulkan ships  

Captain KoraH

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Re: Reman Warbird Concept
« Reply #21 on: October 25, 2003, 08:38:22 am »
To each his own Terradyhne. Thanks for sharing your opinion with us. I really love some of your work  


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Re: Reman Warbird Concept
« Reply #22 on: October 25, 2003, 10:59:33 am »
BADASS!!!!! Now that would make the pucker power overload.



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Re: Reman Warbird Concept
« Reply #23 on: October 26, 2003, 02:11:52 am »

there aren't nearly as many Romulan ships as there are Klingon, much less Federation... it seems to me that the Romulan Star Empire isn't the richest, but that they embrace progress, new ideas, as much as the Federation.
...please consider building this, or any of the other Romulan ship designs in your other thread.... they are all good designs... find a few you're partial to and build them..... yourself. I do not wish personally wish to wait another five months for one of your designs to come out... 'course, I say this sitting here with no modelling skills, nor designs either.  


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Re: Reman Warbird Concept
« Reply #24 on: October 26, 2003, 06:02:44 am »

there aren't nearly as many Romulan ships as there are Klingon, much less Federation... it seems to me that the Romulan Star Empire isn't the richest, but that they embrace progress, new ideas, as much as the Federation.

If you played SFB, you'd find this statement funny. (It took the Roms over a hundred years to get off their asses to design and build a fleet on par with the more modern fleets of the Federation and Gorns. They were so slow in doing this they had to use purchased Klingon ships to get by!)

Sorry, just a little digression there.


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Re: Reman Warbird Concept
« Reply #25 on: October 26, 2003, 11:19:51 am »
I have played SFB, Desty Nova... that's entirely true, too... good point.
Actully what made me say tht is from what I have observed in the flicks and shows.... I get my 'canon' confused a bit....

 still, not that I do not love them nasty Klinks or goodie-goodie Feddies, as I do, but I sure would like some more Rom ships nonetheless- they are seemingly asthetically-driven folks.  


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Re: Reman Warbird Concept
« Reply #26 on: October 26, 2003, 03:43:44 pm »
True, true.


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Re: Reman Warbird Concept
« Reply #27 on: October 29, 2003, 08:53:04 am »


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Re: Reman Warbird Concept
« Reply #28 on: October 29, 2003, 04:12:37 pm »


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Re: Reman Warbird Concept
« Reply #29 on: October 29, 2003, 04:35:17 pm »
This looks great.  I was looking for Reman designs to give me an idea for...nah...I said too much.