REGARDING SFC2OP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok its kinda hard to explain so Im going to break it down, in the sound file, some sounds effects get 2 options such as yellow alert, or red alert voices, each of this has to options to choose from or two voices to choose from, to give it variety, here are two line from the sounds txt
wave kVoice_RedAlert_Fed_1 1FGEN01_a.wav
wave kVoice_RedAlert_Fed_2 1FGEN03_a.wav
As you see there two options that the game gets to choose, so you dont here the same boring sound over and over, in every mission lol, but what im asking is can you add more options such as 3 or 4 maybe, maybe, kirk, sisko, picard, and janeways voice saying red alert, but in every mission you hear anyone, not just the 2 there, can it be done
adam out