The Sci-fi Bashfest mod for OP includes 4 BattleStar Galactica models.
Darkness1- I remember never sent me those models, lol!
Send them, as i am working on Sci-fi Bashfest SFC3 which will be much better than the OP one as it will include UI's and hardpoint layouts as well as more starwars-ish weapons
I could use those models...send them over!
Dreadnought if you have SFC OP you can download sci-fi bashfest from Chris Jones' site. If you have SFC2, the OP models are compatible with SFC2 but the specs will not be, so you can download it for the models. Sci-fi Bashfest has Star Wars and BattleStar Galactica, and originally would have had Babylon 5 but the guy who was doing B5 had a HD crash. Theres only one problem with SFC OP- you'll need to have Chris Jones' TNG mod first. So if you don't have it...its gonna be a long download.