One aspect this game is missing is a comprehensive guide to how to correctly set up server settings for specific map sizes, AI productions, player numbers, AI ratings, promotion levels, server turn rates, saves, etc ...
This is a trial an error for many setting up a Dyna and can lead to fatal server errors for the novice and even the experienced D3 admin for SFC3. bad server settings lead to unhappy players and crashes.
Rumor has it that the BETA server kit WON'T be getting a work over when the new patch is released soon. This news makes it even more critical to come up with a "brain trust" to reccommend server settings and hash out what has worked and what doesn't.
I know GOCSolrac is a wealth of knowledge here, as are server admins for GFL ... We had talked at one time about getting together a group to hash out these issues we have discovered and pass them on to the SFC3 community.
This game comes alive in a Dyna ... It's by helping our fellow players that will keep a solid base. The game is still being sold, and new players enter each day.
A comprehensive, downloadable guide for admins is needed.
Capt. KoraH has offered his services, and I hope to get Pelican, GFL Dyna admins, perhaps Wiz and some knowledgeable folks together to create this guide.
Some information may be taken from the Yahoo group, but it needs to be condensed into perhaps a Word document that can be downloaded or perhaps passed on with the game when the new patch comes out.
I would like to have support from Taldren and Activision on this, so David Ferrell or any ex-Taldren or Activision folks would be appreciated.
I will offer the BOTAKnights TeamSpeak for weekly meetings. I think in three or four meetings this can be compiled with perhaps a half dozen experianced Dyna admins.
Ideas? Thoughts?
Write me @ or come to the BK TS system
Let's get this going.
Founder and council member,
Brotherhood of Trans-Atlantic Knights
(Cross-posted in Dynaverse 3 experiances for a reason)