Topic: Hmm SFC3 ships hard to find, lots of dead links  (Read 1132 times)

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Hmm SFC3 ships hard to find, lots of dead links
« on: October 19, 2003, 01:20:03 am »

   Okay, where are all the really cool SFC3 ships hiding? I know there are plenty out there, such as some from the SFC3 modeling contest few months back. I've been going through alot of web sites and dead links and only found a couple so far.  


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Re: Hmm SFC3 ships hard to find, lots of dead links
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2003, 01:23:39 am »
check out sfu or


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Re: Hmm SFC3 ships hard to find, lots of dead links
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2003, 01:29:54 am »
also, probably has a links section. You should check it out. Obviously if you have an SFC3 site you should submit your link, they make for a handy mod site directory. Even has a rating system for conetent.

BTW, What exactly is the difference between the SFC2 vessels, and the SFC3, aside from them using jpg instead of bmp for texture?

James Formo

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Re: Hmm SFC3 ships hard to find, lots of dead links
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2003, 03:53:41 am »

also, probably has a links section. You should check it out. Obviously if you have an SFC3 site you should submit your link, they make for a handy mod site directory. Even has a rating system for conetent.

BTW, What exactly is the difference between the SFC2 vessels, and the SFC3, aside from them using jpg instead of bmp for texture?  

The biggest difference I guess is the hardpoints are all backwards. So the heavy in SFC2 are the primary in SFC3. So they need to be re-hardpointed. Of course they still will work regardless.  The other stuff is window dressing for the visual library. Then they have a different file for loadouts.  SFC3 also has dynamic LOD's instead of seperate models for LOD.
But many ships won't utilize it because you have to be careful with mapping the textures for it. SFC3 also has Luminosity which adds shine to the ship and can be adjusted, though most are just left at default. The glows got a bad rap because they were abused so bad. They can add to a ship just a bit if the alpha set at 50-150 instead of the default 255.

So an SFC2 ship can be dumped into SFC3 but you wouldn't see the benefits of the game engine unless its customized for SFC3.  

Oh forgot- the damage  maps has to be done seperately for each ship. Unlike SFC2 that used the same set of damage maps for all ships.  So to do a decent conversion is about 2 hour job or so. Maybe more if you want to update the break model.


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Re: Hmm SFC3 ships hard to find, lots of dead links
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2003, 07:19:45 am »
speaking of jpg textures, did they ever explain that? I would seem to me that you'd want bmp for the better resolution?


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Re: Hmm SFC3 ships hard to find, lots of dead links
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2003, 09:47:41 am »
Heh, I don't know where you got that from but the ships use bitmaps for textures and library files, they always have.

And to simplify what was said above, the only major difference to the models themselves are the bass-ackwards hardpoints. Everything else can be added or modified without altering the model directly.


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Re: Hmm SFC3 ships hard to find, lots of dead links
« Reply #6 on: October 19, 2003, 10:48:50 am »
I have one SFC3 model at my site, a Cheyenne Class. The texturing and hp and such was done by fact, all I did was build the mesh. I have the SFC3 model instructions and such, but since I never got 3, I build evrything for 2/OP. You're more than welcome to chk it out. Also, some of my others have been converted, but not sure where they are now.