The Neutral Zone Downloads page
Please do not contact the Battleclinic site Admin regarding
help for this MOD. Send an email to Captain KoraH for
any questions or problems with this mod.
Thanks, SghnDubh
MOD STATUS: Patch Required
Last updated: October 18, 2003
It is highly recommended that you do a complete re-install of the game
as part of the TNZ installation process. Previous versions of the Mod may not
be compatible, and this process will ensure that your game works right the first
time you play.
Please follow these instructions CAREFULLY as neither I nor
will be held responsible if you screw up.
1. Un-Install SFC3 from your computer. Do not just delete the SFC3 folder, use the
SFC3 un-installation icon in your Windows Start Menu.
2. Delete any leftover files after un-installation. Find the SFC3 folder on your
computer and delete it. If you do not do this your game may become corrupted.
3. Install SFC3 from your CD. When it asks you to install DirectX say NO.
4. Download and install the Taldren SFC3 1.01B patch.
5. If you want to be able to play SFC3 without the TNZ Mod, make a COPY of your
../SFC3/Assets folder and re-name THE COPY to "Assets_orig". The TNZ mod
only modifies game files contained in the Assets folder. By having an un-modified
backup copy of the Assets folder, you can switch Assets folders to play without the
Mod. You only need to do this step if you want to play the game without the Mod later.
6. Download The Neutral Zone Mod 3.0 (link below) and install it. You can also install the
TNZ Sights and Sounds mod as well, which changes the stock music, sounds and some
textures in the game.
7. Download AND INSTALL the The Neutral Zone patch (if there currently is a TNZ
patch you need to install, the "mod status" shown above will say "PATCH REQUIRED"
If there is no patch required the status will show "NO PATCH REQUIRED").
8. Install the latest version of DirectX from the Microsoft Website. Click Here to get it.
9. Find and delete the following files: Allscripts.cache and CampaignScripts.cache
located in your ../SFC3/Assets/Scripts folder. The game will create new ones each time
you start the game. Don't worry about it, you only need to delete them once, although
some people report fewer game crashes when deleting these files before each game
session.You might not have these files poresent in your game, if not then don't worry,
just skip this step.
Your'e ready to go!
Click Here to download The Neutral Zone Mod 3.0
The Neutral Zone mod is a 202MB file (called TNZ3.exe) that changes your Starfleet Command III
game into an alternate version of the game called The Neutral Zone. You only
need to download this once. This file last updated October 16, 2003.
Click Here to download The Neutral Zone Mod Patch 3.1
The Neutral Zone mod is a 317KB file (called TNZ31patch.exe) that updates your TNZ mod 3.0 to version
3.1. You need this patch if you want to play on the TNZ3 online campaign server. This file last updated
October 18, 2003.
Click Here to download the new "TNZ Sights and Sounds Mod" This is a
27mb file that replaces stock SFC3 sounds, music and textures. The sounds replaced are Klingon
disruptor, Klingon Torpedo, Klingon Cloak and Decloak, Polaron Torpedo, Pulse Phaser, Federation
Photon Torpedo and Quantum Torpedo, Romulan Plasma Torpedo, Romulan Disruptor and HET
Breakdown. The music for the Federation, Klingons and Romulans is also replaced, as well as the
planet atmosphere texture and the Romulan Plasma Torpedo texture. This mod will work on any
version of SFC3. Last updated October 16, 2003.
The various models in the TNZ Mod were drafted from my own extensive collection of SFC models. I have been
lucky enough to have acquired almost 8,000 SFC models in various forms for various versions of the game
over the years. Some of them are even my own scratch built models. Unfortunately, over the past 3 years
I have come across some great models that didn't have any documentation attached. In every model folder
is a file called "Shipname.readme". This file contains the known backround information on the model. In some
cases, the model came to me with no readme file attached, and in such cases I noted this in the readme file
for the model as well as adding my email address for anyone who knows the origins of the model to email me
and let me know so proper credit can be given.
The sound changes were done entirely by me, but the knowledge of how to incorporate them into the game
was all thanks to Towelie. Interestingly, Towelie used to run the first Neutral Zone Dynaverse server
back in the hayday of Orion Pirates.
All the non-stock missions used in TNZ are thanks 100% to ThePelican. This great guy has taken the time to
learn SFC3 mission scripting, and offered his services selflessly to the community. He also created the excellent
Dominion Wars mod and runs the Domwars D3 server as well.
I would like to thank the following people for their help:
SghnDubh - For so many things I can't list them all. The TNZ website is 100%
thanks to him.
Cueball200UK - For instrumental help with the website, registration process,
and a lot more.
The Pelican - For the new missions, they are great, aren't they!
Spectre - The planet atmosphere was his idea, I only refined it.
Jennifer - For allowing me to make this mod instead of getting a real job.
Dave Ferrell - His support for the community is astounding.
Nerdlat - Nice fellow making SFC3 missions. Slowly.
Towelie -For the key to sound editing in SFC3. What a great guy!
The Dynaverse Admins Yahoo group - Thanks everyone!
To every modeler who's fine work is displayed in this mod - A tribute to your skill,
may your models gain even more fame in TNZ.
And to all the people who have played on the TNZ server since it's inception
in January 2003 - Thanks!
-Captain KoraH
TNZ mod v3.0 Mod update v3.1 Sights and Sounds that this helps