Hehe .. Sure I'll list it all, but it's not just me sir. We are ALL seeing ALL avatars bigger since this afternoon.
Windows XP Home Edition
768 ddr ram
2 gig Athlon AMD XP
Internet Explorer (latest) ... updates and Netscape 7.1 (btw, try opening
www.taldren.com in Netscape ... (DOESN'T WORK) doh!
MSI G-Force4 (NVidia drivers) TI-4200 128 MB ddr video card ...
MSI KT3 Ultra2 motherboard VIA KT-333 chipset
512/1.5 meg cable connect with Charter Pipeline.
The system is clean; ran Norton and AVG this morning. Defragged this afternoon, cuz I knew you would ask. I updated Windows yesterday.
Ask around ... I'm not the only one seeing the graphics below our names on the left larger. They look about 30% larger. Just enough to make them blurry. The siggies seem fine, it's just the pix or avatars.
Put this in your browser:
http://www.atsklingon.com/assets/images/an_keflag.gifIt used to be exactly that size on your forums.
Thanks for the help.