Topic: NO_CD patches - a faux pas?  (Read 4161 times)

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Alidar Jarok

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Re: NO_CD patches - a faux pas?
« Reply #20 on: October 15, 2003, 08:39:41 pm »
I think the real trouble is it is illegal.  But I understand your reasoning.

Its a shame I can't help you even if I knew of one.


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Re: NO_CD patches - a faux pas?
« Reply #21 on: October 16, 2003, 11:40:33 am »
Well, i dont know if it's illegal to use nocd patches for your GAME, but as long as it's your COPY I don't think there is anyone in the WORLD who should object.  After all, it's not like we're dealing with a huge DOT COM or something.


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Re: NO_CD patches - a faux pas?
« Reply #22 on: October 16, 2003, 12:09:34 pm »
Take a look at

Certainly not condoning piracy - just answering the question.
The SFC1 and SFC3 NO-CD patches are there along with almost every other game in the world.

Dash Jones

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Re: NO_CD patches - a faux pas?
« Reply #23 on: October 16, 2003, 12:55:33 pm »

I think the real trouble is it is illegal.  But I understand your reasoning.

Its a shame I can't help you even if I knew of one.  

NO-Cd copies are legal.  Marking out words in your books is also legal.  Modifying anything on your computer is long as you don't share any copyrighted material with others/distribute it, or claim it is your own creation.  Distribution of No-CD patches is a little more on shaky ground, much like emulator-roms are.  Since you have to have the game to even use a No-CD patch, and from what I hear (don't know personally) many Pirated games do not need the CD to run's even more closely related tot he Rom scene, or in some cases more valid than getting a Rom.

In a side note, NO-CD patches actually help sell games, for many who would return games due to the erroneous designs of distributors that include CDprotection, hence preventing (many times over a majority of their customers) legit customers from playing the game who would then return the game...they can play it with the NO-CD item.

One of the smartest moves of SFC 2 was no need to use the CD.


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Re: NO_CD patches - a faux pas?
« Reply #24 on: October 16, 2003, 03:33:13 pm »
Is a no_cd patch requried for the latest patch from Taldren?

Since the patch is so new, I doubt it would be out yet.



Dash Jones

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Re: NO_CD patches - a faux pas?
« Reply #25 on: October 16, 2003, 09:03:03 pm »
Not that I know of.  Taldren has consistently released games that don't need the CD to play (well to an extent.  SFC 1 I think it was MP you could play without the CD was it?, SFC2/OP you didn't need the CD, and SFC3 you need the CD for a CD check, but after that, no cd is required in the drive to play).

Contrast that to the Neverwinters Nights item from Atari that played constantly, until Bioware pointed out how it actually was hurting sales and (though atari probably wouldn't claim this, or at least admit it) let Bioware patch it out so the CD wasn't required to play anymore...

Then Atari made a stupid move with thier CD protection on SoU, and now I understand they also did the same with ToEE...some idiots never learn that certain actions only hurt themselves.  (There was an article listed on Bioware someplace that explained Atari's foolish notions.  The fool who talked to PCgamer said that sales were low on UR2 because of piracy...the idiot...never thought that maybe it was a bland game and word got out about that, as well as other issues.  Plus, it didn't do THAT badly from what I understand, just not as good as they were hoping).

Yes, I like bioware...I despise Atari's current ideas.  They've been lucky recently with the acquisitions of licenses...but without those, they really aren't that hot on the business of gamemaking side themselves (Take "Enter the Matrix" for example).

Just a personal opinion.  Sorry, spouting off, shouldn't do that.  Letting my emotions concerning CD-Protection get the better of me.  Just hate to say, I'm anti-game piracy, but this CD-protection stuff that they say fights it, in my opinion...hurts only one group, the people that actually pay to buy the game...people like me.

And yes, I'm stupid...I'm going to be buying Hordes of the Underdark when it comes out.  You see, even though I dislike Atari right now...I loooove Bioware.  Foolish, foolish me.  

Glad to be a Taldrenite though.  They have always had good sense thus far with their games.  Never had trouble with ANY of their games because of CD Protection, even the one that did have it (If I understand correctly.  Not sure if it did or didn't, but I hear that it does, but I didn't have any problems at all with it in my CD drive).


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Re: NO_CD patches - a faux pas?
« Reply #26 on: October 17, 2003, 04:35:57 am »
Umm.. Interplay does have a No-CD fix for Single Player SFC (original) game... however, it is for XP only and you could only get it while they still had call in Customer Support for their games.. now that their call in has terminated, then you have to search for it...

I happen to have Permission to give out the No CD fix from interplay CS.. however in return for me sending it out, I have to send interplay a copy of the top portion of the Diagnostic DirectX log file.. (run Diagdx.exe and after running all tests, then click save to log file.. file is called DxDiag.txt)

you can blank out your system name and registered name out of the report, but interplay is looking for XP build numbers to verify that this is being used for XP machines..

Now for the No-CD crack to work, you have to be patched to 1.03 game version.

Also, to enjoy Online and Single Player games... you will need to first copy your Starfleet.exe game file for use with multiplayer (GSA) unless others are using the No-CD fix, then you can use the Fixed version....

Interplay has told me not to post this file online anywhere and to notify others not to redistribute it. I can not send this file out without first recieving a DXDIAG report showing XP and XP Build numbers for verification.. and I send those directly to Interplay Customer Relations department, which is considering releasing this fix to file planet and other gaming mirrors.. however ETA on this has not been set...

For recommended patching instructions... you can go to my web site at

I also recommend installing the fixed missions and bonus mission pack that I have uploaded which contain all the mission scripts that were fixed after the 1.03 patch plus the official bonus missions from the various expansion disks released so you can experience all the single player missions available...

My web site also has instructions for setting up SFC on XP included in the patching instructions...

Plus, I also have the last official shiplist.txt and the GSA Reg key for playing the latest edition of ships and to play online....

To get the No-CD fix, please follow the instructions on my web site and Email me.. I will then send the fix back by Email (Zipped file attachment) under the agreement that you follow the No-Redistribution or Mirroring agreement that i have with Interplay... so far, i have sent over 120 DX reports to Interplay, which has made them consider release of the No-CD fix publically.. but until then, I must follow their rules...

Thanks for your time.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Pestalence »


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Re: NO_CD patches - a faux pas?
« Reply #27 on: October 17, 2003, 05:01:49 am »

Umm.. Interplay does have a No-CD fix for Single Player games... however, it is for XP only and you could only get it while they still had call in Customer Support for their games.. now that their call in has terminated, then you have to search for it...

I happen to have Permission to give out the No CD fix from interplay CS.. however in return for me sending it out, I have to send interplay a copy of the top portion of the Diagnostic DirectX log file.. (run Diagdx.exe and after running all tests, then click save to log file.. file is called DxDiag.txt)

you can blank out your system name and registered name out of the report, but interplay is looking for XP build numbers to verify that this is being used for XP machines..

Now for the No-CD crack to work, you have to be patched to 1.03 game version.

Also, to enjoy Online and Single Player games... you will need to first copy your Starfleet.exe game file for use with multiplayer (GSA) unless others are using the No-CD fix, then you can use the Fixed version....

Interplay has told me not to post this file online anywhere and to notify others not to redistribute it. I can not send this file out without first recieving a DXDIAG report showing XP and XP Build numbers for verification.. and I send those directly to Interplay Customer Relations department, which is considering releasing this fix to file planer and other gaming mirrors.. however ETA on this has not been set...

For recommended patching instructions... you can go to my web site at

I also recommend installing the fixed missions and bonus mission pack that I have uploaded which contain all the mission scripts that were fixed after the 1.03 patch plus the official bonus missions from the various expansion disks released so you can experience all the single player missions available...

My web site also has instructions for setting up SFC on XP included in the patching instructions...

Plus, I also have the last official shiplist.txt and the GSA Reg key for playing the latest edition of ships and to play online....

To get the No-CD fix, please follow the instructions on my web site and Email me.. I will then send the fix back by Email (Zipped file attachment) under the agreement that you follow the No-Redistribution or Mirroring agreement that i have with Interplay... so far, i have sent over 120 DX reports to Interplay, which has made them consider release of the No-CD fix publically.. but until then, I must follow their rules...

Thanks for your time.



Of course what i said in this applies only to SFC (Original game) not to any other SFC games...

If you are talking about SFC 3, No-CD fixes are illegal per Activision who own the rights that you agreed to when you clicked agree on the End User Liscense Agreement (EULA) during game install, thus making you answerable to a lawsuit from Activision if you apply a No-CD fix to SFC 3...

If your CD-Rom drive is making noises, they you should consider changing your CD -Rom out with a new one...

There are mirrors that are offering SFC 3 No-CD Fix for the unpatched game and for Beta Build 1.01 v500, however, those mirrors are under investigation by Activision and Activision is planning on getting their lawyers to subpoena those companies computer logs to trace IP addresses through ISP's. so bear in mind that if you use a CD Crack (No-CD fix), that your system IP could be tracked and Activision may take Legal Litigation against you for violation of the EULA you agreed to when you installed SFC 3...

I will not give locations to these No-CD Cracks and I also report IP addresses to Activision how hit my SFC 3 patch page on my web site who use search engines looking for No-CD Cracks, hacks, etc...

My web pages are set up with CGI and java scripting that tracks IP address, Date, Time, and referring web page and pings from search engines with back trace operating to capture IP addresses (for those who copy my web page address off the search engine and go to my site in a different explorer window)...

I don't support those who try to obtain a working game illegally by circumventing CD key and CD-CRC checking...

i do understand that you may not fall into these catagories, however currently it is illegal unless Activision CS directs you to such a CD crack, you can obtain information from Activision directly by phone if they are willing to send you a No CD crack or give you a wab address that currently hosts a No-CD Crack....

Just giving you some advice that will keep you out of trouble...

Thanks for your time.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Pestalence »


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Re: NO_CD patches - a faux pas?
« Reply #28 on: October 17, 2003, 07:24:40 am »

If you are talking about SFC 3, No-CD fixes are illegal per Activision who own the rights that you agreed to when you clicked agree on the End User Liscense Agreement (EULA) during game install, thus making you answerable to a lawsuit from Activision if you apply a No-CD fix to SFC 3...

I'd love to see a clause like this tested in court, especially one of Microsoft's (can't review the .NET framework for one example, can't make an anti-Microsoft site with Frontpage for another). I suspect the software companies would lose. After all, if anything in an EULA is legal, they could put in a clause that states your house now belongs to them. Problem is it needs someone with lots and lots of money because the software company would drag it out forever in the hope that you could no longer afford court costs.

Dash Jones

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Re: NO_CD patches - a faux pas?
« Reply #29 on: October 17, 2003, 11:18:55 am »


If you are talking about SFC 3, No-CD fixes are illegal per Activision who own the rights that you agreed to when you clicked agree on the End User Liscense Agreement (EULA) during game install, thus making you answerable to a lawsuit from Activision if you apply a No-CD fix to SFC 3...

I'd love to see a clause like this tested in court, especially one of Microsoft's (can't review the .NET framework for one example, can't make an anti-Microsoft site with Frontpage for another). I suspect the software companies would lose. After all, if anything in an EULA is legal, they could put in a clause that states your house now belongs to them. Problem is it needs someone with lots and lots of money because the software company would drag it out forever in the hope that you could no longer afford court costs.  

The problem isn't necessarily the inclusion of the EULA, but the illegal comments made within the EULA.  For instance, when the EULA has things against making a back up copy counter to what National Laws state (there are other nations with laws)...guess who's going to be in trouble if someone tries to persue it...and it's not going to be the buyers...

It's been tested once...the software company lost.  

However, the CD protection on any of the SFC 3's isn't all that harsh at all.  Activision is going to have a hard time trying to get IP logs there's a case under investigation involving that currently (Activision CAN have them from their OWN servers, however, forcing others to give over server information...) dealing more with police.  If the police are being questioned on the authority to do it, what do you imagine a company not having ANY connections to homeland security in the US is going to have problems with?

Personally though, I don't think Activision is trying to pursue any course of action like what it sounds like above (There's nothing like bad press to kill a company, and it would be bad press the second it was heard of that Activision was going after it's me, Activision isn't going to be chasing anyone for violation of a EULA, it's too shaky of a ground in that arena...It would be more the illegal distribution of copyrighted material) as Activision doesn't have total dolts for leadership.

They CAN request that the NO-CD exe files and patches not be distributed however, and legally take action against that I believe.  I think Interplay did something similar if I recall for certain games of theirs.  Plus, Activision has others they report to that might make their voices suddenly become active if they tried a dumb move like prosecuting legit customers under the guise of prosecuting pirates.

It's not the EULA, it's illegal activity they are concerned about.  As long as you aren't doing anything illegal (and modifying your computer files is not illegal) you have nothing to worry about.  Despite some things the MS has tried to bring about (and had it backfire drastically on them with people noticing things that THEY were in violation of).