Topic: The last of my Feds from last year...the Keppler!  (Read 3006 times)

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Rod O'neal

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Re: The last of my Feds from last year...the Keppler!
« Reply #20 on: October 18, 2003, 12:13:07 pm »

Nice interpretation of the R10 cover, Atra.  

I don't suppose you've seen the cover of J2?  Now THAT's what a CVS should look like (well, technically it's a CVB, the Houston -the CVB carried a different fighter than the CVS).  I'd post a pic, but they don't have a shot of the cover at ADB's site (most of the other modules have a pic) and I don't own a scanner.  

I am enjoying your "rebirth" quite a lot, thanks for bringing us your art.    


btw, nice Keppler.

Hey Atra,
See! Another "Houston" fan. Have I been hallucinating, or something? I swear that I sent you the cover shot of R2, with the "mega"-A10 fighter in the foreground?      


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Re: The last of my Feds from last year...the Keppler!
« Reply #21 on: October 18, 2003, 09:27:33 pm »
Yeah you did, I'm meaning to do the Houston soon. You can never have enough Heavy Cruiser-Carriers.


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Re: The last of my Feds from last year...the Keppler!
« Reply #22 on: October 18, 2003, 10:21:44 pm »
Great stuff, as always, Atra.

At this rate, Well have these whole forums converted to TOS by Christmas.  



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Re: The last of my Feds from last year...the Keppler!
« Reply #23 on: October 20, 2003, 09:41:52 am »
A little more information on the "missing" d2 models:

The d2 mod was an Apoc Entertainment project that was mostly (to my knowledge) p81 and Atra's work although I do know there were others involved; Cleeve was one, I'm not certain of the rest. Most of the Starfleet and Klingon ships are still available (I haven't seen the two HUGE Klingon battleships anywhere for a while though); it's the Romulan ships that seem to be the M.I.A.s. There were a lot of FASA Rommies in this lot and most of them were available as individual d/l's at one time: Z1-Nova, V30-Winged Defender, V7-Whitewind, V11-Stormbird, V6-Gallant Wing, T10-Bright One and T2-Death Talon. They had also put together a Romulanized version of the Klingon L24 and an immense Romulan battleship that was proposed as a TMP version of the Warbird.

It's too bad that a lot of this stuff has dissappeared as the newer members of this forum may not have seen them. I'd imagine there may be permission issues to resolve before they could be made available should someone take on the task. If anyone knows where some of these are hosted please let me know.


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Re: The last of my Feds from last year...the Keppler!
« Reply #24 on: October 21, 2003, 12:17:48 am »
If it's that scarce I should host it at my site soon.