Topic: Thank you for the answer Mister Ferrell  (Read 23287 times)

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Re: Thank you for the answer Mister Ferrell
« Reply #120 on: February 13, 2003, 11:27:41 am »

I said I would be less of a nuisance on the Taldren forums, this does not preclude discussing it on other forums.  Is it rude to invite someone to speak up for themself?  I think not.

As for these forums I intendeded let it drop after I posted my invitation to Dave.  If there is any further discussion by me on that issue I plan to do it on the  forums, that was the whole purpose of that post.


 I ask you this. Is this not bringing up the subject on the forum? Is this not what you promised to not do?

No I never promised this.  Just to be less of a nuisance, I don't consider a polite invitation to discussion being a nuisance.


 Could you not have sent this to Dave in person?

Yes I could have but Dave has never bothered to reply to any other messages I have sent, none of which I considered rude, and not all on this issue.


 What is the point in publicly posting this if not to reraise the issue?

Twofold, first it makes to invitation know to everyone in hopes of encouraging the mentioned dialogue on other forums with participation by those in both camps who usually wouldn't frequent that forum, but may wish to express their views.

Second, to encourage the other members of the unbanning movement to drop the issue on these forums and move the discussion to other forums where it would not be considered a nuisance.

I hope I have answered all your questions.

Good Day Sir

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by KATChuutRitt »

SSCF Hooch

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Re: Thank you for the answer Mister Ferrell
« Reply #121 on: February 13, 2003, 11:48:45 am »

I am saying that saying that you will stop asking for the unbanning of a member and just let the issue drop if only Taldren just relpies to your mile long tantrum, and then waiting one day before going back on your word to "drop" the issue is rude!  So don't play the coy, "I am not the one being rude, you are" routine.  In so much as you have been posting on a topic you said you would drop after a response (in a thread to thank Dave no less) you have not been holding to your word.

Now then in response to Chuut.  This is your exact words, "Dave after your break I would like to invite you over to the forums for a discussion on the bannings."  I ask you this.  Is this not bringing up the subject on the forum?  Is this not what you promised to not do?  Could you not have sent this to Dave in person?  What is the point in publicly posting this if not to reraise the issue?  

I read very well, thank you.  However You and Hooch (and others) seemed to have missed this:

Dave said, "They were never un-banned.

They will not be coming back.

Any further threads of this sort will be deleted as a public nuisance.


Dave "

How much more clear cut do you need?  He gave you your answer.  Now please do us all a favor and honor your word.  No new threads, no hi-jacking of threads, drop the issue.  Please?


Coy? I am anything but that I think. Your terse remarks at Chutt and I are becoming the issue. We are being civil, you are taking issue with us.

Hi-jacking? I started this thread if you will look, so that is an odd point you make. Besides, your nasty responses to me keep the days interesting. I should be saying thank you as well. So thank you  


SSCF Hooch

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Re: Thank you for the answer Mister Ferrell
« Reply #122 on: February 13, 2003, 12:25:29 pm »


As far as mission diversity goes, there should be two more missions coming out around the time of the patch,
by some Nerdlat fellow: Surprise Reversed and a monster mission.

We still hope to get more out of this poor fellow, but no timeline has been set.



No... thank you! The more the merrier.



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Re: Thank you for the answer Mister Ferrell
« Reply #123 on: February 13, 2003, 12:34:56 pm »

Completely OT, but I always find references to the Florida election interesting. Personally I see it as one of the US political systems high points. Why? Because even with the dispute, confusion and doubts surrounding the election to the highest office in the land, there was a peaceful transition of power in this country (i.e. in the end the system worked, how many other countries could have done the same under similar circumstances). I find it akin to the Nixon issue, as a shinning example of what is right with our system (i.e. Corrupt individuals are weeded out).  

Yeah, what he said.  

SSCF Hooch

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Re: Thank you for the answer Mister Ferrell
« Reply #124 on: February 13, 2003, 12:35:41 pm »


Erik, anyone at Taldren;  do you recognize the rift thats forming between SFC2 and SFC3?  Recent events, not related to this banning, created a schism between the SFC2 and 3 communities at the very least on the forums.   Stuff like this; with most all of the DV2 community rallying around a cause, only further proves to many players of SFC2's dynaverse that Taldren truely does not support that game anymore.  That the small business that we could always trust for support and level headedness  appears to be gone; left to join the larger faceless developement houses which deal with their community in a clumsy, hands off manner.  


What kind of reasonable support (or even unreasonable) aren't we giving EAW?



I do not see that you are not. The dyna is still up and that is pleasing. Many of us that love this classic game never want to see it die away. It was the best of it kind for the time when you all released it and us TOS folks like the ships and the era better than TNG. It has an addictive qualiy to it, the SFC games are the only online games I play if that says anything.

I have been upset by recent events here but they are most denfinatly not game related.

Thanks for over two years of good gaming.



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Re: Thank you for the answer Mister Ferrell
« Reply #125 on: February 13, 2003, 01:36:06 pm »
Well thanks GE raven but some of US honnered our word (hench why the thread has not been bunped)
I know why dont you start calling us morle cowards again  yes thats a sure fired way to end a thread:rolleyes:
How come some one whos been around for as long as you have be so stupid?
You dont want theses type of threads on the boards YET you keep posting in them maybe you should stop



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Re: Thank you for the answer Mister Ferrell
« Reply #126 on: February 13, 2003, 01:59:34 pm »

What part of "no" don't you understand???  

Satyr, toasty o I thougth as modaraters you would be above this what are you cherleaders? some one from taldren posts some thing and its a race to see wicth one of you is going to bash anyone who dont agree with taldren
If you dont want a post to see the light of day STOP POSTING IN IT stop acting like your joined at the hip triping
over your coat tails tring to get the the keyboard to reply to a post
If I may be so bold as to offer a little advice? Try to act like the rest of the taldren modaraters (ie put down the pom poms and do the job you were asked to do)



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Re: Thank you for the answer Mister Ferrell
« Reply #127 on: February 13, 2003, 02:09:18 pm »
Hooch chutt I got what I came for dave gave the reply thats enough for me  


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Re: Thank you for the answer Mister Ferrell
« Reply #128 on: February 13, 2003, 02:43:24 pm »
Roger Longtooth

As I stated before my invitation was intended as my last post on it unless I see another "bump" from those asking it be dropped with an insulting remark attatched.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by KATChuutRitt »


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Re: Thank you for the answer Mister Ferrell
« Reply #129 on: February 13, 2003, 03:08:00 pm »
Hooch wroteth:

Mister O,

Please refrain from making nasty comments at me. I would rather you just not. I am not being mean or any such thing so please...

Huh? Did I throw something at you?   Oh! you mean *about* you.  Actually, I thought it very restrained and not at all nasty.

I know I made the observation that you're refusing to accept the answer you got instead of the one you expected for a question you asked.  The answer is NO, Hooch. They will not be unbanned. So let it be already and move on just as you said you would.

Calling me rude, and now Satyr too, isn't helping any. Because we disagree with you doesn't make us rude...just contrary.

On a personal note: I think I told you this once before(in the old forums)--you are lucky that I am *only* a moderator. If I were an Admin you'd be gone. Period. No question. Imho, you have done a lot to continue to exaccerbate ill-will within this community (and other communties I hear--but that is not my concern) and you soundly support those who  spew ugliness under the banner of "free speech".  I fail to see how that is a positive for this community.

Btw, just for the record. I have been very restrained in my responses to you. I have tried to keep it humorous. Though it is obvous you missed the humor. Fair enough. I won't use humor in the future.

I think we'd like to leave it there for now. Don't you?


EDIT: I apologize for going over the top.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2003, 07:59:40 pm by Toasty0 »

SSCF Hooch

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« Reply #130 on: February 13, 2003, 05:18:31 pm »
Really? I foster ill will, now that is odd. I suppose this reply to me does not?

You would toss me?

 Why, what have I said about Taldren,  it's games, or it's staff that are not positive.
For the record, those who got hammered with the "death penalty" might  have gotten what was coming to them. Taldren is completely within their rights to ban anybody for anything.

You want my true motivations about all of this...fine, here it is. You asked, so now I am telling you and the whole of these forums, my true, evil, discord bringing, and hate filled desire to see these men allowed back into these forums.

I was NOT asking in the name of free speech, nope you got it all wrong Jerry.

 I was, as a Christain, was asking for mercy for them.

Now, am I a good Christain? No very, but I try.

It was for the example that Jesus always showed toward those who deserved judgement and yet showed them mercy and forgiveness, that is why I was asking. I was hoping that like your humor to me, which I missed, many would see the point I was really making was about how we as Christains should respond to personal and vile attacks without starting a whole thread on the merits of Christain faith. I am sorry you missed that, just as you are sorry i missed your humor.

Well thats it, I did because of my faith pure and simple, not the best faith or the most informed faith. My faith is very simple but very fierce. I belive in mercy, I belive in forgviness, I belive that I am a man who has only the cross and the hope it gives me that there is mercy and hope in it. We as Christains are commanded to do NO LESS than what Jesus did, to point of asking God almighty to forgive the very ones that were killing him on a Roman cross.

"How many times shall I forgive a man, he asked, Seven times as the law commands? Jesus answered, I say to you, you shall forgive a man seventy times seven"

"Father forgive our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass aginst us"

"A woman pleaded with a judge for justice and he refused her, she kept going to the judge eveyday to him asking for justice, finally he said "I will give this woman that what she seeks"

That was and has been my example and my hope in all of this.
Do people of conviction offend you?

Do people who are willing to pay the price of conviction scare you as well?

Do I belive in free speech...yes, but not personal attacks on people who make games for us to enjoy, do I belive in making the games better...yes, but only by civil discourse and the sharing of ideas.

I have never endorsed their comments, never.

I stand only on what I belive the Holy Spirit has lead me to do here about this issue. read it right... I am saying that I belive that I was called by the Holy Spirit to lead this issue and this effort and I am willing to pay the price for it.

Well here I am, blast away, I suspect you could ban me or get somebody who could do it for you.

Now please be sure to mock my faith and call me a horrible example of Christainity, all of you that think I am being a moron or a jerk, or a public pain in the rump.

Since you left me your name to make it real, I will do so for you as well.

If you want to really call me names and threaten me I will PM my phone number to you.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by SSCF Hooch »

David Ferrell

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Re: Thank you for the answer Mister Ferrell
« Reply #131 on: February 13, 2003, 05:45:23 pm »
Can we all just relax?

I never thought about banning anyone for asking to have someone
reinstated.  I don't remember anyone being insulting or contentious until

BTW Moderators exsist solely to delete the kind of pornographic garbage that
hit the forums late in 02, if it should ever appear again.




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Let there be peace....
« Reply #132 on: February 13, 2003, 06:01:58 pm »
I'm sorry for jumping in like this, but I too am a believer in the Holy Spirit. Hooch's argument holds strength of heart, and I truly respect that. However, ToastyO's...well, how shall I call it...sophistic remarks also hold a manner of truth not to be ignored.

Ultimately, hard feelings over meager comments and simple words (like Mr. Ferell's banning of Kai Lee for example) only creates conflict to the degree of which I am seeing here right now. Harsh words needn't be exchanged personally, gentlemen. Yes, I'm attempting to be the voice of reason here. Indiscriminate bannings of "undesireables" fits well with the dictorial and imperialistic ways of the empries of old, not in today's society.

As hard as it is to do, the best way to deal with the criticisms of others is simply to let them be, and MOVE ON. You've got to be open-minded and stoic when dealing with such things, especially in real life but also on such things as these chat boards.

As Hooch says should be done, FORGIVE, and let be. Open hostility will achieve nothing in the end.

That is all. Quote me as you all wish. I've nothing to be ashamed of, I've said what I felt I needed to say....  

SSCF Hooch

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Re: Thank you for the answer Mister Ferrell
« Reply #133 on: February 13, 2003, 06:02:46 pm »

Can we all just relax?

I never thought about banning anyone for asking to have someone
reinstated.  I don't remember anyone being insulting or contentious until

BTW Moderators exsist solely to delete the kind of pornographic garbage that
hit the forums late in 02, if it should ever appear again.



Done as per your request. I am tired of fighting too.



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Re: Thank you for the answer Mister Ferrell
« Reply #134 on: February 13, 2003, 06:49:40 pm »
Are we on about porn or bad porn? I was exposed to mild amounts of porn from an early age and it did me no arm   In all seriousness moderators need to exist on message boards which allow pictures and dont have a swear filter. Just in case someone starts going over the top!


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Re: Thank you for the answer Mister Ferrell
« Reply #135 on: February 13, 2003, 07:08:30 pm »
All a little silly really.....

As for the Moderators.... you should remember exactly why you are in this forum as a moderator and not overstep your status when responding to people - it can be hard not to sound a little arrogant when your name is in bliue it seems....

David, I see that you have an SFC3.Net link to their forums on the bottom of this forum.  Can you please do the same for SFC2.Net?  I will PM you the details if you wish.

As for those who disagree and support Taldren on this matter... you would be making life nicer around here if you simply left the thread alione.  That way you would see far less of it instead of creating an atmosphere and a need to respond to negative comments.... like this one heh.

Far more serious things going on in this world at present than to worry about something as trivial as this.

I look forward to hearing from you Dave.  

David Ferrell

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Re: Thank you for the answer Mister Ferrell
« Reply #136 on: February 13, 2003, 07:21:40 pm »

All a little silly really.....

As for the Moderators.... you should remember exactly why you are in this forum as a moderator and not overstep your status when responding to people - it can be hard not to sound a little arrogant when your name is in bliue it seems....

David, I see that you have an SFC3.Net link to their forums on the bottom of this forum.  Can you please do the same for SFC2.Net?  I will PM you the details if you wish.

As for those who disagree and support Taldren on this matter... you would be making life nicer around here if you simply left the thread alione.  That way you would see far less of it instead of creating an atmosphere and a need to respond to negative comments.... like this one heh.

Far more serious things going on in this world at present than to worry about something as trivial as this.

I look forward to hearing from you Dave.  

Please do send me the info.

I removed the link at one point because it was broken and causing headaches (namely mine).




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Re: Thank you for the answer Mister Ferrell
« Reply #137 on: February 13, 2003, 07:38:09 pm »

Are we on about porn or bad porn?

Just thank your lucky stars it wasn't Hardcore Gorn.  


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Re: Thank you for the answer Mister Ferrell
« Reply #138 on: February 13, 2003, 08:10:32 pm »
Same here. I had linked from my site as well when the link became broken. I was under the impresion that the site had been shutdown due to a lack of funds and only recently discovered otherwise.

Please feel free to email me at

« Last Edit: February 13, 2003, 08:11:41 pm by Toasty0 »


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Re: Thank you for the answer Mister Ferrell
« Reply #139 on: February 13, 2003, 08:29:39 pm »


Are we on about porn or bad porn?

Just thank your lucky stars it wasn't Hardcore Gorn.  

One of my favorite threads:  J'inn at home