Right, sorry, but I'm going to have to say this.
WHAT ARE YOU SAYING, YOU DAFT FOOL??? Just because taldren sticks to their guns on an issue doesn't mean that they've gone a microsoft big-evil corperate and have utterly abandoned a game. I means that they don't want those three individuals posting. That's ALL. I'm sure dave would tell you that Taldren was and still is very proud of SFCII.
You ignorant, pompous, self-absorbed, arrogant, pathetic, single-minded, bloody-headed LOSER. Get this through your head! Taldren doesn't hate its players. Taldren is NOT incompetant. Taldren can do what they please on these forums, and they are ABSOLUTELY RIGHT to do it. This DOES NOT MAKE THEM STUPID, RUDE, INSENSITIVE, OR ALIENATED FROM THE GAMER. It makes them resolute, maybe even adamant. Not bad qualities, I would say.
Quit freaking out at Taldren. They make my absolute favorite video game series, and I think others here would say the same. They make damned fine games, and we're sick and tired of a few whiners coming on here and telling them that they can't write.
I mean come ON! I've been on this forum all of a month, and almost 2/3 of all posts I've seen have been anti-taldren! I know that I've engaged in it a bit myself, but I always, always added 'just kidding, taldren is great' to my post. Grow up! We purchased the game. Taldren is under absolutely NO legal constraint to patch it. They could claim its meant to be this way. They're working for OUR benefit alone. Patching will not bring them money! So SHUT UP about how much taldren has sold out, because the only thing they've sold out is their own bank accounts, to help US.
Really, I am sorry to yell like that, but COME ON people. GROW UP.