I have my SFC OP patch page set up with recommended files for DL or refferal link to recommended files to make Op the best experience possible...
I also created a Bonus Campaign Pack.. or my MCT Campaign Pack that incorporates all the scripts available on my web site... the scripts i am supporting currently is Nuclear Wessels "Evil Dave pack" (both regular and Beta .. Your choice.. my MCT files work for both), Firesoul's EAW to OP mission pack, Sulu Bonus Missions (Skirmish mode only), P81 and Athrahasis' Dynaverse 2 model Pack, Co-Op Ace Script by khoromag, Base Assault by Khoromag, EzINI by khoromag (game set up utility)...
I also recommend the EE mission pack available in the Dynaverse 2 Forum for playing on the serious Dynaverse Servers as well as Tracey G's mission pack for Dynaverse 2....
Those are easy to add into the MCT files.. just follow the pattern in the MCT files....
My web page is located at
http://www.nightsoftware.com/effhq/sfcop2.htmlhope that this information helps
P.S. Chris Jones has made a Senery Mod for OP (Backgrounds) so just run a Forum search in the general forums for Scenery and it should show up.. set the search for older than 6 weeks....