I have now passed 10 computer years. Soon the last certificate 25,000 (I had thought that 10,000 would be the last)
Your credit:
Name (and URL) IKV Nemesis
Results Received 24543
Total CPU Time
10.009 yearsAverage CPU Time per work unit 3 hr 34 min 21.0 sec
Average results received per day 25.10
Last result returned: Thu Sep 23 23:28:22 2004 UTC
Registered on: Sun Jan 20 04:23:27 2002 UTC
View Registration Class
SETI@home user for: 2.679 years
Your group info:
You belong to the group named: Taldren
You are not currently the founder of any teams.
Your rank: (based on current workunits received)
Your rank out of 5184415 total users is: 5967th place.
The number of users who have this rank: 1
You have completed more work units than 99.885% of our users.
I will also have to point out to Nasim that my average time/WU is now less than his. Maybe I can kick him into activity.