Topic: SETI Thread Part III  (Read 213743 times)

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Re: SETI Thread Part III
« Reply #20 on: October 16, 2003, 08:32:15 am »

I'm outta here until Atrahasis - the Islamic terrorist supporter is banned and VoidWar is reinstated.  I'm tired of this terrorist supporter continually getting the "bye" while others are banned.

Void's ban was temporary, and regardless of my personal opinion of Atra, he hasn't done anything under the rules to get banned for.  IMO, that means the rules need to be tweaked a bit.  


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Re: SETI Thread Part III
« Reply #21 on: October 16, 2003, 08:43:21 am »
He has a right to his opinon... just show him how it is not a good one.  

We don't want him gone.  

We need to show his arguement as the fool's arguement it is.



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Re: SETI Thread Part III
« Reply #22 on: October 16, 2003, 03:44:08 pm »
My point is that Atrahasis pretty much can say anything in these forums with impunity.  Any one else is banned for the exact same thing.  I see the double standard and its appalling.  I guess if we all support radical Islamist terrorism, we can say pretty much anything in these forums.


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Re: SETI Thread Part III
« Reply #23 on: October 17, 2003, 09:58:18 pm »

My point is that Atrahasis pretty much can say anything in these forums with impunity.  Any one else is banned for the exact same thing.  I see the double standard and its appalling.  I guess if we all support radical Islamist terrorism, we can say pretty much anything in these forums.

Off topic but I will reply to that...

The answer is:

Damned if I do damned if I don't.  He has no impunity. He hasn't crossed the line far enough.

By the way, just in case you were thinking about it.... Please don't post a list of his transgressions. Send me a PM with the links if you really believe that in the way he stated his opinions he has crossed the line.

Now back to our regularly scheduled show.....


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Re: SETI Thread Part III
« Reply #24 on: October 17, 2003, 10:33:18 pm »

I'm outta here until Atrahasis - the Islamic terrorist supporter is banned and VoidWar is reinstated.  I'm tired of this terrorist supporter continually getting the "bye" while others are banned.


Is this your 523rd or 524th "Im outta here cause(fill in Blank) ?


IKV Nemesis D7L

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Sethan makes a landmark on his sneak attack on the top 10. Congratulations.
« Reply #25 on: October 18, 2003, 01:44:49 pm »
11) Sethan     7500  


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Good job Nem


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Heh - I'm looking to make it into the Taldren top 10 some time this week.

SPQR Renegade001

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11) Sethan     7500  

7500 WU and 8198 posts. Hmmm.... I think I know how to get a few more WUs out of Sethan's machine  


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11) Sethan     7500  

7500 WU and 8198 posts. Hmmm.... I think I know how to get a few more WUs out of Sethan's machine  

Chuckle.  Most of those WU are from the last 6 months.


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Re: SETI Thread Part III
« Reply #30 on: October 20, 2003, 11:18:20 am »
Well A few notes...  Lost several thousand units due to a slip up with the Queue.

Oh well...

Broke the 100 Year barrier for processing time for Seti WUs!!!

I too think I am going to try to get my Post total more inline with my WU total...

Wonder how long it would take to post 160,000 messages...

Maybe if I hire Sirgod and Sethan fulltime.




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Does anybody know if Brian Kinney changed his Seti nickname to KD4?

Brian disappeared from the group, and KD4 showed up at the same time, with about the right number of WUs.

"Nothing will ever be attempted, if all possible objections must first be overcome." -- Samuel Johnson  


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Re: SETI Thread Part III
« Reply #32 on: October 20, 2003, 11:25:15 am »

Wonder how long it would take to post 160,000 messages...

Maybe if I hire Sirgod and Sethan fulltime.  

I'm available...  


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Re: SETI Thread Part III
« Reply #33 on: October 20, 2003, 11:38:46 am »
Well If I did hire ya I doubt anyone would notice that you were posting for me (except for an increase in volume of those posts).  We have oft been "on the same side of the coin".  Maybe that is why Atra dislikes us so...    

Now as for SIrgod... I would have to clean up that "Okey accent" a bit...



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Re: SETI Thread Part III
« Reply #34 on: October 20, 2003, 11:45:58 am »

Well If I did hire ya I doubt anyone would notice that you were posting for me (except for an increase in volume of those posts).  We have oft been "on the same side of the coin".  Maybe that is why Atra dislikes us so...      

*Gasp*  Do you really think Atra doesn't like us?  I'm so hurt.

I was going more for something like 'deeply detests'.

Ah well.  I'll have to try harder.


  • Guest

Does anybody know if Brian Kinney changed his Seti nickname to KD4?

Brian disappeared from the group, and KD4 showed up at the same time, with about the right number of WUs.

"Nothing will ever be attempted, if all possible objections must first be overcome." -- Samuel Johnson  

yes i did change my name.. it looks like Sethan will take me out of the top ten towmorrow .. wish i could get more than 2 machines working on this  


  • Guest

yes i did change my name..

OK, thanks.  And noted as suck.


it looks like Sethan will take me out of the top ten towmorrow .. wish i could get more than 2 machines working on this  

Sethan will pass Noah Wallace in about 6 days, and Zeppa 2 days after that.  To make it happen in that order, Zeppa will pass Noah in a couple of days.

Down in the 20's, The Postman is cranking out a respectable 18-19 WU per day.  He'll make the top 20 in a couple of months.

"If all it takes for you to give up your freedom are some pretty words or alarming rhetoric, then you are simply not going to remain free" -- Thomas Sowell


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it looks like Sethan will take me out of the top ten towmorrow .. wish i could get more than 2 machines working on this  

That long do you think?    I have to admit, I cheat.  I have about 20 low end machines working, and some better ones.

The Postman

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Down in the 20's, The Postman is cranking out a respectable 18-19 WU per day.  He'll make the top 20 in a couple of months.

If seti runs that long  


  • Guest

Heh - I'm looking to make it into the Taldren top 10 some time this week.  

10) Sethan  7803  5.132 years 5 hr 45 min 42.4 sec Wed Oct 22 02:08:04 2003 United States

...and you have!  Congratulations!