Topic: Star Base Assault Klingon Style,Help!  (Read 1137 times)

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Star Base Assault Klingon Style,Help!
« on: October 14, 2003, 11:50:31 am »
Dear Taldren and August Ladies and Gentlemen of this Forum,Has anyone ben able to win any StarBase Assaults in Conquest Mode since using the Beta Patch on S.F.C.III? I'm playing as a Klingon and I've got a fully loaded "Neg'var" Drednaught. But,even though I can take out the Romulan ships and a Defense Platform,my shields never last long enough because there is too much firepower directed against me from the StarBase and the remaining Defense Platforms. And,while I'm on the subject,In the hex where the StarBase is that I'm assualting,there is also a Klingon Heavy Cruiser and a Federation Sovereign Class Drednaught. But,inspite of this,When I begin my assault against the Romulan StarBase,I'm the only one doing the "Assualting". Why aren't I able to use these two ships to help me destory the Romulan StarBase? When I go into a Romulan hex with two ships,The two or more ships,depending on the hex,"WolfPack" me "With Gusto"! If I go into a hex where there are Allied Ships and an Enemy Starbase or Planet,I should be able to get some assistance. Even if it's from the A.I. This doesn't happen and it should. Anyway,If any of my "Fellow Klingons",out there,have any ideas on how to win a "StarBase Assault Mission,that I haven't thought of yet,Please lend me some Help! It would be greatly appreciated my me. Thank You,all,very much,for your time. Joseph L. Rand(  


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Star Base Assault Klingon Style,Help!
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2003, 11:50:31 am »
Dear Taldren and August Ladies and Gentlemen of this Forum,Has anyone ben able to win any StarBase Assaults in Conquest Mode since using the Beta Patch on S.F.C.III? I'm playing as a Klingon and I've got a fully loaded "Neg'var" Drednaught. But,even though I can take out the Romulan ships and a Defense Platform,my shields never last long enough because there is too much firepower directed against me from the StarBase and the remaining Defense Platforms. And,while I'm on the subject,In the hex where the StarBase is that I'm assualting,there is also a Klingon Heavy Cruiser and a Federation Sovereign Class Drednaught. But,inspite of this,When I begin my assault against the Romulan StarBase,I'm the only one doing the "Assualting". Why aren't I able to use these two ships to help me destory the Romulan StarBase? When I go into a Romulan hex with two ships,The two or more ships,depending on the hex,"WolfPack" me "With Gusto"! If I go into a hex where there are Allied Ships and an Enemy Starbase or Planet,I should be able to get some assistance. Even if it's from the A.I. This doesn't happen and it should. Anyway,If any of my "Fellow Klingons",out there,have any ideas on how to win a "StarBase Assault Mission,that I haven't thought of yet,Please lend me some Help! It would be greatly appreciated my me. Thank You,all,very much,for your time. Joseph L. Rand(